You guys see Oklahoma ignorant race chant!!!


Jan 28, 2007
My goodness why would young African Americans want to go over to those places like Ou Lsu bama and schools like that which are known for their racist beliefs
I think that the OP is referring to the incident involving a fraternity signing a song which was allegedly racist in nature. Unfortunately, there is going to be racism at some level irrespective of whether it is in the South, Midwest, Southwest, Northeast, or West... It is there. As it pertains to Oklahoma, Oklahoma is still a major football program with major financial resources and in a big boy conference. So, this may be a bit of a blemish on Oklahoma's reputation as an institution, but this isolated incident probably won't have any mass effect on recruiting and the overall perception of the school. I don't think the higher ups at Oklahoma will tolerate something like that in 2015.
Stoops smartly participated in the student protest against the frat.

OU President has also smartly and swiftly kicked these guys off campus. Had 24 hours to get out of the house. Frat disbanded, etc.

The idiots who did this and whose faces appeared in the video are FU**ED on so many levels.
Bro it was disgusting. Sad. I educate my son every chance i get. Him having friends of all races i dont want him to ever be blind-sided.

Its sad to say but racism is still alive.

Here in Miami as well. But for sure its more concentrated in the "Deep South" but bro its every where.

Whether you like or not its racist here on this board.

With that said its ton of good people too and most times its what I like to focus on.

My 2 cents: the new racism is Classism. Don't let people fool you. Racism affects African Americans and a few other races but man Classism is the New Bully.
Plenty of racism up north too. It's not just south of the mason dixon line. Just ask the folks up in Bostion.

Not just a southern thing.

Originally posted by eddiemac66:
Plenty of racism up north too. It's not just south of the mason dixon line. Just ask the folks up in Bostion.

Not just a southern thing.

True eMac. Very true.
The video is pretty ridiculous. To say they are ignorant is giving them too much credit.

Us blacks have become money struck. I live in jacksonville were the confederate flag fly high no one speaks against it in their high class position to keep their jobs. We as blacks in goverment places are afraid of backlash. Not a whip but fired from post.
Racism and ignorance are everywhere.

In a way, I'm usually happy when I see videos shining light on behavior like this. Rather not have hate grow and thrive in dark places shielded from public view and criticism.
Us blacks have become money struck. I live in jacksonville were the confederate flag fly high no one speaks against it in their high class position to keep their jobs. We as blacks in goverment places are afraid of backlash. Not a whip but fired from post.
Originally posted by KLCane:
The video is pretty ridiculous. To say they are ignorant is giving them too much credit.
Wow, no kidding. Just watched the videos during my lunch break at the office and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. One thing to be dumb drunken fraternity guys- quite another to do something like that ON VIDEO and let people air it for the world to see. Incredible.
Kgfamu... Forgive my ignorance but can you define " classism "... Not kidding here...
Originally posted by tommycane:

Kgfamu... Forgive my ignorance but can you define " classism "... Not kidding here...
prejudice against or in favor of people belonging to a particular social class.

Have you ever seen how some white americans treat other white americans with lesser social status.

Or Cubans treat Puerto Ricans/Dominicans. or Cubans/Puerto Ricans/ Dominicans treat Mexicans & vice versa

Back in the day: how black Americans treated Haitians (this has since changed. i think we have become more unified over time)

But Classism is real my bro. Its the root of why people hate Obama Care.

If you put life at its simplest form. So simple that its just me and you on this planet, a planet that has food and shelter in abundance. If you come across me hurt in need of aid, i believe at lifes simplest form you will stop and help. But guess what tommycane its not that simple, you throw in racism, classism, a little selfishness and you get the reactions you see today.

Dont want to turn it to a political thread just trying to make my point.

Just my opinion.
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Originally posted by Quise19:
My goodness why would young African Americans want to go over to those places like Ou Lsu bama and schools like that which are known for their racist beliefs
there are racists here too.(read their post when a player doesn't do what they want)..can't avoid it...just have to do what is best for you as a player...
The SAE national HQs in Evanston, IL shut down the OK chapter, suspended all members and upon review, may expel the geniuses who thought this act was funny and relevant.

As an SAE alum, I am thoroughly embarrassed and disgusted to learn this type of behavior was carried out by members of my fraternity. I went to college in the South many years ago and I never heard anything in my chapter that was even close to what these young men in OK sang etc.

I guess that even in old age, I remain too naive to think we as a nation have moved past this kind of venom.

The one positive I see from this dreadful episode is the swift level of punishment will give members of other campus organizations around the country, whether fraternal or not, great pause to first think and reflect on the "what ifs" before opening their mouths.

I am deeply sorry for what happened in OK. Those clowns are the exception to who we are. Unfortunately, they have smeared us all.

Go Canes!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
It's still happens. Not just in certain areas of the country. Everywhere. Good for Stoops for standing up for what's right. It shouldn't be tolerated.
Sorry to say but SAE at UM was always getting itself in a bind over racial stuff when I was a student there..... Late 80s. At parties get together`s etc some stuff that would be splashed all over social media today

Coral Gables Riviera club club, Coral Reef Yatch club all within a stones throw of camus are as Southern as it gets

Anyone thinks the U does not have a Southern (continuously diminishing, but still there) element is kidding themselves...... obviously far less than other places in FL, once in West Palm & up/ much less GA, AL, MS etc.
They have until midnight tomorrow to pack their things and get out. Nice that the Prez kicked their asses out! But more needs to be done to try and put a dent in racist attitudes.
They kicked them out of the house, not the school. Can't do that because of free speech. Operating the frat, however, different story.
Posted from Rivals Mobile least the Prez took action instead of waiting to see how it plays to the media.
Originally posted by jjjrcane: least the Prez took action instead of waiting to see how it plays to the media.

Totally agree. The video was sickening. They actually had to rehearse that chant, which makes it even more reprehensible.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm an OU alum; I just graduated last May. I'll tell you what...these idiots in no way represent the student body. I can't emphasize that enough. We are all appalled that this happened.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Racism will always be around sad but true and it is worst now than eight years ago . And a lot of racism on whites is never reported . I was taught to pick friends by there character and accountability. You should never judge anybody for the color of there skin period!!!

People in this country have proven over and over again that they will go out of their way to help regardless of race or status.

Obamacare puts a gun to their head and forces them to give up their individuality under the guise of the common good. People dont like being forced to do anything. People dont like surrendering their individual rights.

My favorite critics of Obamacare is a same sex lesbian couple that complains that they are being forced to pay for prenatal care..... despite the fact that they are 60 year old lesbians.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by bobbie jo:
Racism will always be around sad but true and it is worst now than eight years ago . And a lot of racism on whites is never reported . I was taught to pick friends by there character and accountability. You should never judge anybody for the color of there skin period!!!
I know , white guys got it bad with blacks holding them down and all
Originally posted by AESiman:

People in this country have proven over and over again that they will go out of their way to help regardless of race or status.

Obamacare puts a gun to their head and forces them to give up their individuality under the guise of the common good. People dont like being forced to do anything. People dont like surrendering their individual rights.

My favorite critics of Obamacare is a same sex lesbian couple that complains that they are being forced to pay for prenatal care..... despite the fact that they are 60 year old lesbians.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
yep Obamacare made that frat do it....not the way they were raised by racist families...trying to hard dude and showing yourself.
People are way too sensitive these days! Need to lighten up and quit thinking everything that people say has anything to do with you!

Bro you give up your individual rights everyday without a gun to your head.

The sad thing about that is you are not smart enough to know that its happening to you. Oh but how dare Obama...

Bro the people that have a problem with Obama Care are the people that
1) hate Obama
2) can't think for themselves and rather have talking heads on Fox news think for them. aka ignorance. which is what it is when you speak on something somebody else tells you without you doing proper research.
3) last and probably more important don't care to help the people Obama Care serves.

I will almost bet my savings/stocks/home and say those that were involved in that Frat chant parents prolly hate Obama Care and watch fox news. soooooooooooo........

AESiman again didn't want to make it a political thread. So i Digress.

Disclaimer: for those who watch Fox news (because i know its like Religion to you all.) nothing is wrong with watching fox news. The problem is when you let it think for you.

This post was edited on 3/9 6:29 PM by Kgfamu
To answer the OP's original question:
Because there will always be the 10% of hateful, ignorant, self centered people in any group, including race. That 10% does not reflect or speak for the other 90% of their respective groups, yet unfortunately, they make the news, headlines and in many cases are used to define the other 90% of that particular group. Yes, that includes Whites, African-Americans, Muslims, Gays, Hispanics, Christians, Liberals, Republican's, etc. Always has been, always will be the 10%.
As my D.I. said on my last day at Paris Island: "The 10% are always going to try to fuk it up for everybody."
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Originally posted by Joetoth:
To answer the OP's original question:
Because there will always be the 10% of hateful, ignorant, self centered people in any group, including race. That 10% does not reflect or speak for the other 90% of their respective groups, yet unfortunately, they make the news, headlines and in many cases are used to define the other 90% of that particular group. Yes, that includes Whites, African-Americans, Muslims, Gays, Hispanics, Christians, Liberals, Republican's, etc. Always has been, always will be the 10%.
As my D.I. said on my last day at Paris Island: "The 10% are always going to try to fuk it up for everybody."
True Statement Joe.
10% huh? I think it's more 20-30 % based on recent events but who's counting.
No need to attribute the acts of a few self indulgent, idiot, cowards on an entire group or race of people. Come on now.

They are responsible for wha their dumb uneducated asses say. Nobody else.
They need to put on their names on blast.....not for physical retaliation, but at least from a "good luck landing a job" perspective.