IMO, Chauvin was guilty as charged. BUT,
Our criminal justice system does not work that way. There are no provisions for trial by public opinion, television, internet, social media or polls. The defendant is entitled to being proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a 100% objective jury. If the reports are true, it is reasonable to doubt the 100% objectivity of the juror.
The trial never shoud have been held in Minnesota. But no judge wants to give up their time that their name is said every day. The jury should have been sequestored. Political actors should have had the self discipline to know that nationally broadcast opinions of what the verdict should be and implied threats of violence to the home city of the jurors, could give the defense cause for appeal.
I expect an appellate court will authorize a new trial. At that point, a plea deal on reduced charges becomes more likely.
Very Sad! Justice could have been served if the judge had put justice ahead of his desire to be a media figure. If politicians could have "shut up" and let the legal system work. And if reports are true, some juror with their mind made up, had not put their desire for fame, book deals and TV interviews ahead of the legal process. And again if reports are true that juror likely lied under oath during jury selection.
Chauvin is a dirtbag. But the legal process was highjacked and has been a travesty. Too many people involved looking for cameras and clicks rather than justice.