76 yo old man pushed down by police

How do you know he didn't tape like a Burger King ketchup packet to the back of his head? Was a total set-up.
LOL yeah that "old guy" was around 6'5" and in good shape...think he got more than he bargained for by taking that fake stumble and fall....
30 percent of the country is not capable of rational thought.They are drones blinding by envy,anti white racism or have personal or sexual orientation issues that make them go against the status quo.Look at the gay mayors of Seattle and Chicago -how are they doing? Not so well. Perhaps they are a little too sympathetic of those that wan't to destroy the status quo.
The rest of us respect law and order ,constructive hard work, morality and love their country. Trump isnt perfect but is standing up to these racists and anarchists. When crime ratchets up in minority areas of Blue cities this year Trump will get increased numbers of black voters. Most of us see people as people and don't think in racial terms. Most of us just want to get along with others and lead productive happy lives.
So keep the hate up 30 percenters and lose another election.
LOL yeah that "old guy" was around 6'5" and in good shape...think he got more than he bargained for by taking that fake stumble and fall....
He is 75 and is getting treatment for cancer...Probably not in to good of shape...He is a devout Catholic who now spends his days taking on causes that his Ministry is involved......His doctors said he was very lucky when he fell and which could have resulted in life threatening injuries..As a result he has suffered a traumatic brain injury.....This accusation by Trump is game changer and even his strongest supporters are having problems rationalizing this one..
He is 75 and is getting treatment for cancer...Probably not in to good of shape...He is a devout Catholic who now spends his days taking on causes that his Ministry is involved......His doctors said he was very lucky when he fell and which could have resulted in life threatening injuries..As a result he has suffered a traumatic brain injury.....This accusation by Trump is game changer and even his strongest supporters are having problems rationalizing this one..
That being the case (assuming you're right), common sense says, he shouldn't have been there for several reasons...
22 people killed by antifa at these protests really show us the truth or are you lying
Killed by ANTIFA and Black life matters. Over 600 police Injured. See this is what is wrong with the movement. They destroy and killed but that is ok. As far as me lying nope it is a fact. What is really sad and they are not even counting this is the 67 shot and 27 dead in Chicago last week. Keep blaming all cops and white people if you want to but nothing changes till ALL LIVES MATTER
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Yep...22 killed by Anti-Facists and around 18 killed by White Supremacists..
Yep it is White Supremacists doing all the looting, killing and destroying property during the riots . All Black people are innocent even if they are part of it because of social injustice. They are allowed to break the laws because two wrongs make a right. I’ll stop could go all night but nothing changes till ALL LIFES MATTER and all people of all color hold themselves accountable.
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Yep it is White Supremacists doing all the looting, killing and destroying property during the riots . All Black people are innocent even if they are part of it because of social injustice. They are allowed to break the laws because two wrongs make a right. I’ll stop could go all night but nothing changes till ALL LIFES MATTER and all people of all color hold themselves accountable.
I'm guessing there were "good people" amongst the rioters and looters?
22 people killed by antifa at these protests really show us the truth or are you lying
I’d like to see a link for all of this, including the white supremacist related deaths. I get email released from DOJ every night and haven’t seen any numbers released.

I’ll also say this... the retired Captain David Dorn who was murdered in St Louis was murdered by BLM affiliated people not Antifa or White Supremacists.

how much have we heard about that? Barely anything and it should be front page news.
I’d like to see a link for all of this, including the white supremacist related deaths. I get email released from DOJ every night and haven’t seen any numbers released.

I’ll also say this... the retired Captain David Dorn who was murdered in St Louis was murdered by BLM affiliated people not Antifa or White Supremacists.

how much have we heard about that? Barely anything and it should be front page news.
The media is waiting for Sharpton to give his eulogy at his funeral to cover this, once his family is permitted to have a service.