In the current world of instantaneously available information and limited secrets, the old world political power and dealings of Miami will be meaningfully reduced/changed. Every place has its politics, but typically the right group of folks get to the right answer. Miami is just late to the game. It takes time and people need to have a bit of patience, but we will get a new high quality AD and they will make better decisions on the coaches and required resources. 20 years of crap will not reverse in 20 days. UM was called out, Blake was fired, a new AD will be hired, Manny will likely be out at some point, there will be good interest in the HC job and the new AD will also evaluate basketball and baseball during the year. All of that is good and needed. And with Blake leaving, one of the big issues was already solved so that was the important first domino. The rest will come in the next few weeks to months.