Another idiot Biden cabinet member showing incompetence


Jan 31, 2005
Typical libbie, cause a crisis then whine about it. The arsonist wants to to us how to put out the fire. Murthy is often an underated member of Team Dementia. Too often Fauci gets all the credit for the really dumb medical stuff. The demi's want to run around telling children from PreK through College that they are going to be dead in twenty years from global warming. Then they tell these kids they are going to die from Covid unless they hide in grandma's basement, triple mask, don't socially interact with real people and blindly allow senile old white men to tell them what they should shoot in their body. What could possibly go wrong? Now this arrogant little clown(Murthy) is concerned about the mental health of America's youth?

And this is an NPR article and attempts to smooth over this Biden created catastrophe. The Covid realists were saying this would happen when demi dictator wanna be's were locking down everything. Unfortunately we are being proven correct as a generation is sacrified at the altar of the progressives government control junkies.

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