Another Trump campaign official arrested just now.....

Can someone explain to me how the fk you get arrested by the post office on a Yacht? OMG what a criminal enterprise. The post office? What's next? A meter maid gonna arrest one of Trumps guys on a lear jet? Jeez! Nixon wasn't even this big of a criminal! Why are all these republican presidents criminals? Trump told us he was the law and order president. He is more like the smash and grab president. Does anyone he knows not have ties to crime?
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That explains how low information you are or you are purposely conflating. The House can impeach anyone at anytime. He was declared innocent. Woop Dee doo. Indicted on a false conspiracy theory manufactured by the dnc.
The latest Senate report says otherwise. Trump's corruption extended back to the 2016 election where he colluded with the Russians to win. Yes, I said that 8 letter word, colluded. Although the legal word for his crime is conspiracy he still violated our laws.
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Can someone explain to me how the fk you get arrested by the post office on a Yacht? OMG what a criminal enterprise. The post office? What's next? A meter maid gonna arrest one of Trumps guys on a lear jet? Jeez! Nixon wasn't even this big of a criminal! Why are all these republican presidents criminals? Trump told us he was the law and order president. He is more like the smash and grab president. Does anyone he knows not have ties to crime?

To answer your question most if not all of Trump's associates are criminals. I'm certain if you checked the background of his supporters on this site many have criminal backgrounds or tendencies to break the law. They live in a lawless state of mind.

I can think of a few posters who brag about how they manipulate (cheat) their tax returns to not pay their share of taxes owed. For me that's a crime. There are others who go out on Saturdays and cheer on their Canes who are mostly Black but support a system of racism against those players. For example, they support racist posts about the 1st Black president and 1st lady. They incorrectly label the BLM movement as Facist or anti-American. These athletes they cheer for all hear and see these words.
No, it says a lot about you libtards pitching a fit because they can’t control Trump with money. Clinton was impeached. You libtards ever bring that up? Nope. It’s whatever fits your narrative, which is why you’re a lying, copycat twat.

You failed to mention why so many Trump associates are convicted or indicted criminals. Here they are.

1) Steve Bannon
2) Michael Flynn
3) George Papadopoulos
4) Paul Manafort
5) Rick Gates
6) Michael Cohen
7) Roger Stone
8) Trump's Russian friends

Please show us a list of Obama associates indicted or convicted during his 8 year term. Remember, these convictions for Trump's associates happened during only 3 years of his presidency. What a freaken mess.
It must suck always being wrong. They will read about the only coup attempt made by your boy and your new party. Democrat party is not the working man party anymore FYI.
The next election in November will shut down your lie about who's the real working man's party. When you lose will you then STFU?
To answer your question most if not all of Trump's associates are criminals. I'm certain if you checked the background of his supporters on this site many have criminal backgrounds or tendencies to break the law. They live in a lawless state of mind.

I can think of a few posters who brag about how they manipulate (cheat) their tax returns to not pay their share of taxes owed. For me that's a crime. There are others who go out on Saturdays and cheer on their Canes who are mostly Black but support a system of racism against those players. For example, they support racist posts about the 1st Black president and 1st lady. They incorrectly label the BLM movement as Facist or anti-American. These athletes they cheer for all hear and see these words.

It's amazing watching criminals defend criminals. This is why I always say I have zero respect for these people. Who would condone criminal activities? Yes.....CRIMINALS! In their minds white collar crimes don't count as crimes and this two tier justice system supports their bullshit. It's better to go after inner city crimes. Let them do life in prison for selling crack. While they rip off this country to the tune of about up to 364 Billion dollars a year (corporate fraud) to do relatively little time in prison.

Watching these dudes disrespect these football players real concerns and cheer them on to commit and make plays for their favorite team is damn shameful to be completely honest. Although it comes as no surprise. They are void of morals. They do support a president that retweets a man screaming white power after all.
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The next election in November will shut down your lie about who's the real working man's party. When you lose will you then STFU?
Like I said before. Most republicans are not little biatches like you and your left wing cult. We sat thru 8 years of your bum Obama Lama we can handle 4 years of total destruction of the country to make sure your party is gone forever one way or another that would happen.
Like I said before. Most republicans are not little biatches like you and your left wing cult. We sat thru 8 years of your bum Obama Lama we can handle 4 years of total destruction of the country to make sure your party is gone forever one way or another that would happen.
So you admit Trump is out to destroy our democracy? Putin will be very grateful for Trump's work.
1. Police always blamed them
2. Republicans (IRS)
3. Our Military
4. Economy was lackluster at best
5. African Americans did nothing in 8 years
6. Iran Nuc Deal funded Terrorism
7. Terrorist cutting off heads for our weekend viewings
8. Didn't get any hostages in 8 years Trump has in 3 years
9. Against Christianity and God.
10. Trump has outworked him in 3 years
11. JV Terrorist were toast within a year of Trump telling military to kill dont police

I could go on but that bum makes me sick to even think about him.

Oh one more. I got stuck on turnpike twice from his sorry ass playing golf at the Floridian and they have to shut down a wide area for a worthless golfer and president.

ok let’s do this. Let’s break down each of your #s... I have links or comments to back up everything you brought up.

1. Obama did not always blame the police. He did it once with Harvard professor arrest and saw the backlash he got and never touched that subject again directly.

2. Republican groups and irs targeting. The republican led House of Representatives Investigated this and found no wrong doing. Further more a treasury investigation completed while trump was in office found that the irs targeted both right and left leaning groups.

3. Our military. Well President Obama was not the sole reason why military spending went down. There was no budget deal reached by Congress (which is responsible for appropriating money) and the president. So what happened, something called austerity kicked in. When no deal is reached on the budget the law automatically kicks in that lowers funding throughout the entire government 10% (I believe that’s the #, but don’t quote me on that). The reason no budget deal was agreed on is that republicans refused to increase spending overall (tea party). When Trump got in office they blew the doors off the budget.

4. economy lackluster at best. Not true. Actually the last 3 years under Obama produced more jobs than the first three years under trump. From the day he took office until the day he left no president had the stock market gain more points. And do you remember 2008. And still....

5. African Americans did nothing for 8 years??? We just sat at home or something? I’m not understanding that. We can revisit this.
6. The Iran nuclear deal. The money we gave Iran after the deal was THEIR MONEY! We took it “hostage”. We just gave them their money back. We didn’t gift them anything. Wasn’t money to go away or anything. But trump also said after he gets out of the deal he would sign a new one. Still waiting on that btw. Just like every other trade deal except for nafta and the preliminary deal struck with the Chinese in feb he has not done ANY treaty or deal or anything. Mr. I negotiate the best deals hasn’t done any. (He’s a terrible businessman btw).

7. Terrorist cutting off heads. Yes that happened. Wasn’t necessarily his fault like 9/11 wasn’t Bush‘s fault. But yes that happened under his watch. Idk what he could’ve done to prevent it but buck stops here.

8. Didn’t get any hostages back. I didn’t keep this stat. Maybe Trump got more back. I don’t know. You’re prob right. But the United States government does not negotiate with terrorist. That’s stated policy. I don’t think we need a link for that.

9. He believes in god. I don’t judge anyone’s religion. And there’s suppose to be separation of church and state. I guess Donald is more religious to your liking

10.Trump has outworked obama. Have you seen the president schedule. It often has NOTHING on it. He has “executive time” from like 7am-1130 so he can watch tv. And golfing. Lol. He’s golfed more in 3 years than barrack did in 8.

11. He shouldn’t of called them a JV team. He was wrong. They were much more formidable than that. It prob led to the initial struggles of defeating isis

So there it is. Take time to read it. It’s all there with verifiable facts behind it. You can hate Obama personally. But to say he was a terrible president isn’t factual. Not for the reasons you stated.

The hits just keep on coming. Time for Steve Bannon to try to cut a deal...go for a commuted sentence maybe. These people are a POS and don't belong around our government.
This very well could be the most active criminal administration since Richard Nixon..
That explains how low information you are or you are purposely conflating. The House can impeach anyone at anytime. He was declared innocent. Woop Dee doo. Indicted on a false conspiracy theory manufactured by the dnc.

it wasn’t manufactured. It actually happened. Lol. Republican senators agreed. Just didn’t think he should be impeached for it. Mitt Romney, Lamar Alexander agreed. But apparently laws don’t matter in this country anymore. You can ask a foreign govt for help in your election and then threatened and withold congressionally appropriated funds from that country if they don’t give you what you want.

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