1. Police always blamed them
2. Republicans (IRS)
3. Our Military
4. Economy was lackluster at best
5. African Americans did nothing in 8 years
6. Iran Nuc Deal funded Terrorism
7. Terrorist cutting off heads for our weekend viewings
8. Didn't get any hostages in 8 years Trump has in 3 years
9. Against Christianity and God.
10. Trump has outworked him in 3 years
11. JV Terrorist were toast within a year of Trump telling military to kill dont police
I could go on but that bum makes me sick to even think about him.
Oh one more. I got stuck on turnpike twice from his sorry ass playing golf at the Floridian and they have to shut down a wide area for a worthless golfer and president.
ok let’s do this. Let’s break down each of your #s... I have links or comments to back up everything you brought up.
1. Obama did not always blame the police. He did it once with Harvard professor arrest and saw the backlash he got and never touched that subject again directly.
President Barack Obama backed down on Friday from a statement that police had "acted stupidly" in arresting a black scholar in a racially charged case that was rapidly becoming a distraction for Obama.
2. Republican groups and irs targeting. The republican led House of Representatives Investigated this and found no wrong doing. Further more a treasury investigation completed while trump was in office found that the irs targeted both right and left leaning groups.
3. Our military. Well President Obama was not the sole reason why military spending went down. There was no budget deal reached by Congress (which is responsible for appropriating money) and the president. So what happened, something called austerity kicked in. When no deal is reached on the budget the law automatically kicks in that lowers funding throughout the entire government 10% (I believe that’s the #, but don’t quote me on that). The reason no budget deal was agreed on is that republicans refused to increase spending overall (tea party). When Trump got in office they blew the doors off the budget.
As the Pentagon attempts to refocus the U.S. military strategy toward Asia, the department is facing major budget constraints. Experts disagree on how to balance the fiscal challenge with the country…
4. economy lackluster at best. Not true. Actually the last 3 years under Obama produced more jobs than the first three years under trump. From the day he took office until the day he left no president had the stock market gain more points. And do you remember 2008. And still....
President Obama signed the Recovery Act eleven years ago today that helped to kick-start an economic recovery that has lasted for over a decade and create the longest period of job growth in U.S. history.
5. African Americans did nothing for 8 years??? We just sat at home or something? I’m not understanding that. We can revisit this.
6. The Iran nuclear deal. The money we gave Iran after the deal was THEIR MONEY! We took it “hostage”. We just gave them their money back. We didn’t gift them anything. Wasn’t money to go away or anything. But trump also said after he gets out of the deal he would sign a new one. Still waiting on that btw. Just like every other trade deal except for nafta and the preliminary deal struck with the Chinese in feb he has not done ANY treaty or deal or anything. Mr. I negotiate the best deals hasn’t done any. (He’s a terrible businessman btw).
A viral meme distorts the facts about the Iran nuclear agreement. The deal, approved by six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.
7. Terrorist cutting off heads. Yes that happened. Wasn’t necessarily his fault like 9/11 wasn’t Bush‘s fault. But yes that happened under his watch. Idk what he could’ve done to prevent it but buck stops here.
8. Didn’t get any hostages back. I didn’t keep this stat. Maybe Trump got more back. I don’t know. You’re prob right. But the United States government does not negotiate with terrorist. That’s stated policy. I don’t think we need a link for that.
9. He believes in god. I don’t judge anyone’s religion. And there’s suppose to be separation of church and state. I guess Donald is more religious to your liking
10.Trump has outworked obama. Have you seen the president schedule. It often has NOTHING on it. He has “executive time” from like 7am-1130 so he can watch tv. And golfing. Lol. He’s golfed more in 3 years than barrack did in 8.
Criticized for golfing twice on a Memorial Day weekend during which the US coronavirus death toll approached 100,000, President Donald Trump responded Sunday and Monday by drawing attention, again, to former President Barack Obama's golfing.
The president’s first meeting on most weekdays is at 11 a.m.
11. He shouldn’t of called them a JV team. He was wrong. They were much more formidable than that. It prob led to the initial struggles of defeating isis
So there it is. Take time to read it. It’s all there with verifiable facts behind it. You can hate Obama personally. But to say he was a terrible president isn’t factual. Not for the reasons you stated.