Any Canes Fan Who Is A Divorced Father Deserves A Bro Hug.

agree...personal happiness however trumps the change it brings on
The struggle is real...

There are so many amazing fathers out there who have been totally screwed by their POS, vindictive, ex-wives who make up all kinds of bullshit about them to get full custody of the minor child/children.

I've seen so many first class fathers, great fathers, great workers, great friends, great men, totally f**ked by the B.S. family law court system because the Ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, ex-wife, ex-whatever, made up a bunch of bullshit about the father and wound up with either full or majority custory of the minor child/children. And the fathers are rightfully a mess- crying. Wondering WTF just happneed here. Everything and everyone is gone.

Let me tell you something. F that. I'm starting to strongly consider changing areas of practice of law to defend these good men who have done nothing but maybe, MAYBE, hit hard bump in life, and in return, get totally f**ked in return. I'm totally sick of it. I've had it- I really have, and I've heard too many stories over the years, and It pisses me off right now just typing about it. I saw my father go through it 38 years ago, and I'm seeing it more nowadays. Somebody needs to turn the tables on these women.

Feminists talk about a war on women - men didn't start a war on women - we were the RECIPIENTS of bullshit by women and forced to fight back, and you damn right we will. LFG.
I agree going through a divorce as we speak. Married 25 years, Florida law would allow her to rail road me into paying her permanent alimony. Fortunately this is somewhat a mutual parting of the ways and we have agreed to a division and alimony I can live with.

side note while my Son does live with mom more he hasn’t and won’t miss a Canes game with me. My daughter who is married still watches games with me. We are just making it a tradition. Gotta make the most of a messed up situation
Love your posts brother and you know that, but are you still drinking at the cigar place? I mean this got deep.

Bigly deep. I'm home now, and stand by that post 100.

A guy came in, recently divorced, lsot custody of his son, and was just a wreck. Started to cry, but a few us were there to help him calm down, and settle down, you know, just relax and have a smoke and talk about it a little and talk about Canes sports. This man is a good man. Good job, good neighbor, good friend, good whatever you want to say. But he has a BRUTAL ex who is totally out to get him and gain full custody of their son, and he was just in bad shape. He's a good Canes fan and we talked Canes football and tried to calm him down a little. We had 3-4 lawyers in there and his family law lawyer showed up and eventually the atmosphere calmed down, but no good man should ever have to go through that.

I don't care whether a man is either black or white, brown or green, or Republican or Democrat, or Conservative or Liberal, or rich or poor, or North or South. NO MAN deserves to be railroaded away from his child, and I'll tell you my man, that is a real tough gig and I feel for any man going through it.
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I agree going through a divorce as we speak. Married 25 years, Florida law would allow her to rail road me into paying her permanent alimony. Fortunately this is somewhat a mutual parting of the ways and we have agreed to a division and alimony I can live with.

side note while my Son does live with mom more he hasn’t and won’t miss a Canes game with me. My daughter who is married still watches games with me. We are just making it a tradition. Gotta make the most of a messed up situation

That's good to read my man. I wish I came across more stories like yours. I wish you and your family continued peace and prosperity. Cheers.
AJ, I think you would be very successful at a family law practice focusing only on defending men
It’s no different in Texas . The wife is generally given preferential treatment in custody issues
The financial issues are pretty much set forth in the statutes . Texas is community property , Florida is Quasi community property
Texas however does not permit traditional Alimony, just limited spousal support
I went through a divorce in Florida 30 years ago , I was lucky in that I didn’t have much assets, but I did have to pay 5 years of alimony for 5 years of marriage!
I think your enthusiasm and passion for the issues would make you a terrific family law practitioner
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There are so many amazing fathers out there who have been totally screwed by their POS, vindictive, ex-wives who make up all kinds of bullshit about them to get full custody of the minor child/children.

I've seen so many first class fathers, great fathers, great workers, great friends, great men, totally f**ked by the B.S. family law court system because the Ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, ex-wife, ex-whatever, made up a bunch of bullshit about the father and wound up with either full or majority custory of the minor child/children. And the fathers are rightfully a mess- crying. Wondering WTF just happneed here. Everything and everyone is gone.

Let me tell you something. F that. I'm starting to strongly consider changing areas of practice of law to defend these good men who have done nothing but maybe, MAYBE, hit hard bump in life, and in return, get totally f**ked in return. I'm totally sick of it. I've had it- I really have, and I've heard too many stories over the years, and It pisses me off right now just typing about it. I saw my father go through it 38 years ago, and I'm seeing it more nowadays. Somebody needs to turn the tables on these women.

Feminists talk about a war on women - men didn't start a war on women - we were the RECIPIENTS of bullshit by women and forced to fight back, and you damn right we will. LFG.
Facts. Been dealing with the family court system for 8 LONG years.
There are so many amazing fathers out there who have been totally screwed by their POS, vindictive, ex-wives who make up all kinds of bullshit about them to get full custody of the minor child/children.

I've seen so many first class fathers, great fathers, great workers, great friends, great men, totally f**ked by the B.S. family law court system because the Ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, ex-wife, ex-whatever, made up a bunch of bullshit about the father and wound up with either full or majority custory of the minor child/children. And the fathers are rightfully a mess- crying. Wondering WTF just happneed here. Everything and everyone is gone.

Let me tell you something. F that. I'm starting to strongly consider changing areas of practice of law to defend these good men who have done nothing but maybe, MAYBE, hit hard bump in life, and in return, get totally f**ked in return. I'm totally sick of it. I've had it- I really have, and I've heard too many stories over the years, and It pisses me off right now just typing about it. I saw my father go through it 38 years ago, and I'm seeing it more nowadays. Somebody needs to turn the tables on these women.

Feminists talk about a war on women - men didn't start a war on women - we were the RECIPIENTS of bullshit by women and forced to fight back, and you damn right we will. LFG.
Great post brother thank you . I was there 9 years ago , 18 years of marriage two kids , completely devoted husband , Daddy , son in law , brother in law ,etc . 18 years never once unfaithful not once ! Being a sales rep on the road , making great money wearing expensive suite Rolex watches Driving beamers I had my pick and yet I remained 100% committed and true to my wife and family . Well my wife decides to have a 2-3 year affairs with her business partner at the office so I couldn’t catch her ( she used technology to track me and make sure I wouldn’t show up unannounced ) . Took me a while to get confirmation and once I did ofcourse I immediately left ! It wasn’t but a month later that she starting telling everyone , the kids , her family etc , that it was me the one who was being unfaithful. I found myself having to defend myself to my kids , her family and so on . Then comes the divorce and division of assets , guys I put everything I had ( over 750k ) into our new home ( I had a five year plan to pay off the house ) she didn’t put a penny into the house . I bought another house , and investment home out by Metro zoo ) Well we sold the house and she gets half the proceeds , she sells everything inside ( we had pretty high end furniture & accessories plus a 25k home theatre , plus a 15k home gym ) and keeps the proceed . The investment home ? Like an idiot I voluntarily left it to my kids so they would have a nice place to live . And here the killer out of my portion of the proceeds our joint debts were paid. AJ didn’t matter that not a penny was spent or invested by her . What did my lawyers tell me ? It’s a no fault state ! I agree with you man this needs to stop !
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Great post brother thank you . I was there 9 years ago , 18 years of marriage two kids , completely devoured husband , Daddy , son in law , brother in law ,etc . 18 years never once unfaithful not once ! Being a sales rep on the road , making great money wearing expensive suite Rolex watches Driving beamers I had my pick and yet I remained 100% committed and true to my wife and family . Well my wife decides to have a 2-3 year affairs with her business partner at the office so I couldn’t catch her ( she used technology to track me and make sure I wouldn’t show up unannounced ) . Took me a while to get confirmation and once I did ofcourse I immediately left ! It wasn’t but a month later that she starting telling everyone , the kids , her family etc , that it was me the one who was being unfaithful. I found myself having to defend myself to my kids , her family and so on . Then comes the divorce and division of assets , guys I put everything I had ( over 750k ) into our new home ( I had a five year plan to pay off the house ) she didn’t put a penny into the house . I bought another house , and investment home out by Metro zoo ) Well we sold the house and she gets half the proceeds , she sells everything inside ( we had pretty high end furniture & accessories plus a 25k home theatre , plus a 15k home gym ) and keeps the proceed . The investment home ? Like an idiot I voluntarily left it to my kids so they would have a nice place to live . And here the killer out of my portion of the proceeds our joint debts were paid. AJ didn’t matter that not a penny was spent or invested by her . What did my lawyers tell me ? It’s a no fault state ! I agree with you man this needs to stop !

Damn bro, my heart goes out to you.....

Real talk

You definitely didn't deserve this degree of
Thank you for posting a "Single Dad" recognition. Split with my ex 11 years ago, who battled depression/anxiety-- raised our then 9 year old daughter who would become an elite National swimmer. My days were spent shuttling her to/from school, swim practice, dryland training and swim meets-- with the joy of watching her compete at the World Trials in 2017. She now swims for Alabama but is giving serious consideration to transferring to the U.

To all the single Dads who have dedicated their lives to raising their children and carving a new life for themselves - I commend you with all my heart.
Thank you for posting a "Single Dad" recognition. Split with my ex 11 years ago, who battled depression/anxiety-- raised our then 9 year old daughter who would become an elite National swimmer. My days were spent shuttling her to/from school, swim practice, dryland training and swim meets-- with the joy of watching her compete at the World Trials in 2017. She now swims for Alabama but is giving serious consideration to transferring to the U.

To all the single Dads who have dedicated their lives to raising their children and carving a new life for themselves - I commend you with all my heart.
You are a good dad
Doing what you are supposed to do
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Thank you for posting a "Single Dad" recognition. Split with my ex 11 years ago, who battled depression/anxiety-- raised our then 9 year old daughter who would become an elite National swimmer. My days were spent shuttling her to/from school, swim practice, dryland training and swim meets-- with the joy of watching her compete at the World Trials in 2017. She now swims for Alabama but is giving serious consideration to transferring to the U.

To all the single Dads who have dedicated their lives to raising their children and carving a new life for themselves - I commend you with all my heart.
Thanks for sharing brother and congrats on being a great Dad !
i'm a step father of 2 girls aged 12 and almost 6. the 6 year old thinks i'm real daddy cause i was there since she was 8 months and the real father wanted nothing to do with her. the 12 year old has a father that she talks to every couple weeks and she see's over the summer for about a month out in San Diego. he sends a whopping $100 per month for support. i've got no problem filling in.
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Bigly deep. I'm home now, and stand by that post 100.

A guy came in, recently divorced, lsot custody of his son, and was just a wreck. Started to cry, but a few us were there to help him calm down, and settle down, you know, just relax and have a smoke and talk about it a little and talk about Canes sports. This man is a good man. Good job, good neighbor, good friend, good whatever you want to say. But he has a BRUTAL ex who is totally out to get him and gain full custody of their son, and he was just in bad shape. He's a good Canes fan and we talked Canes football and tried to calm him down a little. We had 3-4 lawyers in there and his family law lawyer showed up and eventually the atmosphere calmed down, but no good man should ever have to go through that.

I don't care whether a man is either black or white, brown or green, or Republican or Democrat, or Conservative or Liberal, or rich or poor, or North or South. NO MAN deserves to be railroaded away from his child, and I'll tell you my man, that is a real tough gig and I feel for any man going through it.
That really sucks. I have seen examples of that. Guy I worked with caught his wife chaeatibg, thought he had her on the custody front and basically told him that if you keep this up, I will give myself some bruises and say that you hit me... And she was an attorney. Nothing he could do.
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I agree going through a divorce as we speak. Married 25 years, Florida law would allow her to rail road me into paying her permanent alimony. Fortunately this is somewhat a mutual parting of the ways and we have agreed to a division and alimony I can live with.

side note while my Son does live with mom more he hasn’t and won’t miss a Canes game with me. My daughter who is married still watches games with me. We are just making it a tradition. Gotta make the most of a messed up situation
Sorry brother ! It’s tough man !
Hanging on to a bad marriage as we speak because I can’t stand the thought of my 4 year old son growing up without his father... wife’s mother was divorced 4 times and family has money so I know I would get railroaded and the lies would be deep
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There are so many amazing fathers out there who have been totally screwed by their POS, vindictive, ex-wives who make up all kinds of bullshit about them to get full custody of the minor child/children.

I've seen so many first class fathers, great fathers, great workers, great friends, great men, totally f**ked by the B.S. family law court system because the Ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, ex-wife, ex-whatever, made up a bunch of bullshit about the father and wound up with either full or majority custory of the minor child/children. And the fathers are rightfully a mess- crying. Wondering WTF just happneed here. Everything and everyone is gone.

Let me tell you something. F that. I'm starting to strongly consider changing areas of practice of law to defend these good men who have done nothing but maybe, MAYBE, hit hard bump in life, and in return, get totally f**ked in return. I'm totally sick of it. I've had it- I really have, and I've heard too many stories over the years, and It pisses me off right now just typing about it. I saw my father go through it 38 years ago, and I'm seeing it more nowadays. Somebody needs to turn the tables on these women.

Feminists talk about a war on women - men didn't start a war on women - we were the RECIPIENTS of bullshit by women and forced to fight back, and you damn right we will. LFG.

I’m a product of such an environment. Mother vilified my father—accused him of multiple bullshit crimes/actions to us kids.
He left when I was 11 he had given my mom contact info because he felt he wasn’t wanted around the fam.
She never told me. Never really told me of what was going on. She filled my older siblings in partially but no info to me—I guess I was too young
Well I just turned 57 last week. And after 45 years I met with my father a few months ago.
He told me the entire story and confirmed what i had suspected of “mom”.
Mom was a whore. Well not technically because she didn’t get paid but...
All those nights I was left alone back in the 70s in Hialeah were because she was out partying and doing shit she wanted to do.
I literally have PTSD from my childhood. Everything I bring up in discussion with her is like I lived in some other dimension. She never did anything wrong.
But although the men are victims like you say—the children are more so in my opinion.
@cdwright40 perfect thread for you to rehash that Loretta Robinson stuff again, if you’re able to put your politics and racism aside.
There are so many amazing fathers out there who have been totally screwed by their POS, vindictive, ex-wives who make up all kinds of bullshit about them to get full custody of the minor child/children.

I've seen so many first class fathers, great fathers, great workers, great friends, great men, totally f**ked by the B.S. family law court system because the Ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, ex-wife, ex-whatever, made up a bunch of bullshit about the father and wound up with either full or majority custory of the minor child/children. And the fathers are rightfully a mess- crying. Wondering WTF just happneed here. Everything and everyone is gone.

Let me tell you something. F that. I'm starting to strongly consider changing areas of practice of law to defend these good men who have done nothing but maybe, MAYBE, hit hard bump in life, and in return, get totally f**ked in return. I'm totally sick of it. I've had it- I really have, and I've heard too many stories over the years, and It pisses me off right now just typing about it. I saw my father go through it 38 years ago, and I'm seeing it more nowadays. Somebody needs to turn the tables on these women.

Feminists talk about a war on women - men didn't start a war on women - we were the RECIPIENTS of bullshit by women and forced to fight back, and you damn right we will. LFG.

That's why every man should own a boat and cinder blocks. Stop feeding the lawyers and let the private investigators eat a bit more.
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There are so many amazing fathers out there who have been totally screwed by their POS, vindictive, ex-wives who make up all kinds of bullshit about them to get full custody of the minor child/children.

I've seen so many first class fathers, great fathers, great workers, great friends, great men, totally f**ked by the B.S. family law court system because the Ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, ex-wife, ex-whatever, made up a bunch of bullshit about the father and wound up with either full or majority custory of the minor child/children. And the fathers are rightfully a mess- crying. Wondering WTF just happneed here. Everything and everyone is gone.

Let me tell you something. F that. I'm starting to strongly consider changing areas of practice of law to defend these good men who have done nothing but maybe, MAYBE, hit hard bump in life, and in return, get totally f**ked in return. I'm totally sick of it. I've had it- I really have, and I've heard too many stories over the years, and It pisses me off right now just typing about it. I saw my father go through it 38 years ago, and I'm seeing it more nowadays. Somebody needs to turn the tables on these women.

Feminists talk about a war on women - men didn't start a war on women - we were the RECIPIENTS of bullshit by women and forced to fight back, and you damn right we will. LFG.
These are truly archaic laws. Family court is the WORST experience with no clear cut guidelines, Judges who take the woman's word for everything, where if you throw enough crap it really sticks. Study after study has shown that a child with a strong father figure in their life is far more likely to succeed in their life. Judges need to understand that just because mommy and daddy no longer want to be together that has nothing to do with the children. Last point if you want to see just how vicious a woman can be go to family court. Too many young people get married and the minute they hit a bump in the road run for a divorce. I'm married 35 years in June and I tell young people all the time marriage is hard. Not easy, hard.
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