Apology to Cash

Respectfully, project veritas has been discredited, widely so, multiple times. I enjoy mags like Blavity and the Root but you wouldn't see me citing to them. This is less reliable than Vice. I take your point tho.
Ellu, watch the undercover video. They pretty much admit to chasing ratings. Horses mouth stuff.

The news has become about ratings and revenue. They pick a target audience and then feed them what they want.
Ellu, watch the undercover video. They pretty much admit to chasing ratings. Horses mouth stuff.

The news has become about ratings and revenue. They pick a target audience and then feed them what they want.
Out of respect I will but I also know in the past Okeefe has done some pretty deceptive stuff.

We can agree on the tail wagging the dog, sadly these days the audience only searches for confirmation bias, no wants the truth and antiintellectualism is celebrated.
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For some reason I can see your posts here. You didn't catch me acting a fraud, you haven't caught me doing a damn thing.

I don't care for your method of discussion. If you want to have one offline or better yet, in person, where normal human interaction and tone would likely not be met with the performative negativity of a keyboard and anonymity, then I welcome it next season.

I'm genuine as to who I am and there is NOTHING different about how I comport myself in person as on the board. So continue to make your personal attacks but no reason to invent a lie.

Again, wish you well. Feel free to mute me back I have zero intention of communicating on this board with you. if you want to set up an in person communication, people tend to be more respectful in person than they are online or even the phone.
Snowflake response. We can discuss in person when you admit to pushing your conspiracy about Sicknick’s death where you played jury and judge instead of running away. I quoted your posts, the “lie,” in several threads where you stated this conspiracy. The fraudulent part was s when you claimed to own up when you’re wrong, which you didn’t.

Sorry, I tend not to associate in person with low integrity people like yourself. Simply admit that you were wrong, and we can move on, instead of claiming an ad hominem and running away!
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Show me where it was proven the origin of this virus was in a lab. To be frank, I could care less how this virus started. More importantly, why did Trump mismanage most aspects of this virus?
You could care less, but still blamed Trump due to TDS. Lololol!
Ethnic disparagement? It's not disparagement if it's truth. I have been to China and Asia and they eat things we would NEVER eat in a million years. Fake news is fake news nothing to do with Trump. There was no consensus because there was no investigative reporting EXCEPT the outlet that reported on the lab workers who fell ill and there were some reporting of scientists who spoke out but in fear for their lives.
There was a scientist who escaped China post infection (early December, 2019) and they spoke and provided info on what was happening. Soon after was killed in Africa. Our intel people know what happened in China. A lot of what has been teased by our govt has been damage control.

Here’s the other side of the coin. China is responsible for the research but who financed the researched?
Snowflake response. We can discuss in person when you admit to pushing your conspiracy about Sicknick’s death where you played jury and judge instead of running away. I quoted your posts, the “lie,” in several threads where you stated this conspiracy. The fraudulent part was s when you claimed to own up when you’re wrong, which you didn’t.

Sorry, I tend not to associate in person with low integrity people like yourself. Simply admit that you were wrong, and we can move on, instead of claiming an ad hominem and running away!
Your posts for some reason were appearing, I noticed you calling me a fraud, so I unmuted you to go back to see what you've been accusing me of with this "fraud" I supposedly committed and the "lies" I told.

Here are the links to the posts that you are ostensibly referencing; they are the three I can find where I discussed the attack.

First Post
Second Post
Third post

For those that have something better to do with their time than to read old posts I'll copy the contents below with context of what I typed in mid February.

link to first post
This post was in response to the following language which was quoted "Yep but there was an autopsy because they want to bust someone for bashing his head with a fire extinguisher which looks like that never happened. If it did I am all for the death sentence for that person but it appears to be FAKE news."

The exact language of my responsive post was "Bear spray is gaining traction. I'm all for the death sentence for whoever murdered Officer Sicknick, his cause of death for me isn't the issue, it's his death by insurrectionist." which I followed with a link that is still a live link to an article on yahoo published by Insider which stated:

"This isn't the first time bear spray has been brought up in connection to the riot. Christina Laury, an officer with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC, previously told WJLA that when she arrived on scene at the riot, other officers were doing everything they could to keep rioters from accessing the building, even as they were being sprayed with chemical irritants. ... Republican Sen. Mitt Romney later told reporters that Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman told him that he "had to breathe a lot of bear spray and tear gas and that he was nauseated" during the riot."
  • I was responding to a post indicating that the cause of death was not a bashed in head from a fire extinguisher.
  • I was offering the leading new theory of death, bear spray.
  • I stated "gaining traction",
  • I did not opine on the veracity of the theory.
  • I did not identify any particular individual.
  • I did not double down on the fire extinguisher theory
  • I relied on sources were reporting in February at the time.
Nothing in that link was fabricated by me and none of it was a fraud or conspiracy theory. It was literally echoing the post I quoted in the sentiment of looking for whoever murdered a cop to be executed. I was highlighting that the cause of death in his murder was not important so much as the murderer being held accountable once identified.

My second post was a sound legal theory, if you are in the commission of a felony with others that result in the death you can be charged with felony murder. That's not a "conspiracy theory" and it’s not factually untrue. It is law. They were in a commission of a burglary under the federal definition.

My last post was to center the thread about the topic of the thread, Sicknick. I stated clearly that I was on record that all murderers could die and that cop killers should die a particularly horrific death.

So given that all of this
was posted in February, when the consensus was that it was a murder and a homicide, what conspiracy and fraud did I undertake? "We can discuss in person when you admit to pushing your conspiracy about Sicknick’s death where you played jury and judge instead of running away." Where did I play judge and jury, who did I convict? What "conspiracy theory" did I advance. What person did I falsely accuse?
In April, two months later, The death was found to not be a homicide. Literally, my entire post was operating under the belief that he was murdered. I clarified back in February I think cop killers should die, horrific deaths. Maybe you do not. As the uncle of a cop, the nephew of a police captain, with so many friends and frat members cops and currently (very currently) dating a Broward Sherriff Officer (having dated a number of cops in the past), I truly have ZERO love for cop killers (obviously this isn’t related to dirty cops who I put right next to pedos for lowest of human scum).

Are you saying it's a fraud to feel that way? Or that I was lying when I said the generally reported view was that it was a homicide, likely related to bear spray?

Here is yet another article dated February 2021, link follows. The article discusses how the fire extinguisher theory was questioned by CNN. The article also attributes the death as likely due to a chemical irritant, the article further empahsizes that the man’s death was awful and that the riot itself was awful.

“Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick,” the bombshell is finally dropped:
According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.
In fact, there is apparently so little evidence Sicknick was physically injured in any serious or notable way during the incident, the following is being considered…
One possibility being considered by investigators is that Sicknick became ill after interacting with a chemical irritant like pepper spray or bear spray that was deployed in the crowd.
Obviously, that doesn’t mean the riot didn’t contribute in some way to his death, and that the rioters are not responsible in some way. But there’s a big difference between bludgeoning someone to death and not — and that difference is intent.
My point here is not to downplay the awfulness of this man’s death or the riot itself.” [emphasis added]

This isn't from some left-wing rag, this is from Breitbart(link) citing CNN. So you have the left and the right both indicating that it could be bear spray. This was the theory “gaining traction” in February. My point, as was each of theirs at the time was that WHOEVER and HOWEVER he was murdered didn't matter but that the murderers, all of them, should be brought to justice.

We now know that his primary cause of death was a stroke. The medical examiner, while finding that the riots contributed to his death, it was not the primary cause of death. This new information was in April once released I never refuted the information in the autopsy, hell I don’t think I commented on Sicknick after February, I wanted the evidence and I wanted his murderers held accountable. I do believe in the justice system, the medical examiner says that it was not a homicide. I think those that bear sprayed him should be convicted of felony assault on a police officer, they must not be brought on charges of homicide. The evidence is not conclusive and justice isn’t served by seeking retribution without proof.

Enough with the ad hominem, I wasn’t advancing a “conspiracy theory” nor was I lying or committing a fraud. You were muted because of the constant ad hominem attacks, I don’t really care for them. You knew you were muted and you launched into this series of accusations spinning that I somehow identified and blamed a specific person ("acting as judge and jury") when in reality I simply reposted the most commonly believed cause of death as of the date of the posting. This belief was common on the right and the left.

I’ve now entertained your inquiry, you also have my email address and an invitation to discuss this stuff like men without the cloak of anonymity or keyboard bravado. Choose as you may but respectfully, if you don’t have anything better to do than to read posts by me that you don’t agree with don’t expect reciprocity where it appears your goal is to not advance the conversation so much as tangentially engage in person aspersions. We wouldn’t do that in person, I’ve no reason to do it here.
There was a scientist who escaped China post infection (early December, 2019) and they spoke and provided info on what was happening. Soon after was killed in Africa. Our intel people know what happened in China. A lot of what has been teased by our govt has been damage control.

Here’s the other side of the coin. China is responsible for the research but who financed the researched?
come on cash spit it out, you know you want to, just say it and get it over with it was Obama. Obama financed it and spread through Michelle's organic garden
In April, two months later, The death was found to not be a homicide. Literally, my entire post was operating under the belief that he was murdered. I clarified back in February I think cop killers should die, horrific deaths. Maybe you do not. As the uncle of a cop, the nephew of a police captain, with so many friends and frat members cops and currently (very currently) dating a Broward Sherriff Officer (having dated a number of cops in the past), I truly have ZERO love for cop killers (obviously this isn’t related to dirty cops who I put right next to pedos for lowest of human scum).

Are you saying it's a fraud to feel that way? Or that I was lying when I said the generally reported view was that it was a homicide, likely related to bear spray?

Here is yet another article dated February 2021, link follows. The article discusses how the fire extinguisher theory was questioned by CNN. The article also attributes the death as likely due to a chemical irritant, the article further empahsizes that the man’s death was awful and that the riot itself was awful.

“Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick,” the bombshell is finally dropped:
According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.
In fact, there is apparently so little evidence Sicknick was physically injured in any serious or notable way during the incident, the following is being considered…
One possibility being considered by investigators is that Sicknick became ill after interacting with a chemical irritant like pepper spray or bear spray that was deployed in the crowd.
Obviously, that doesn’t mean the riot didn’t contribute in some way to his death, and that the rioters are not responsible in some way. But there’s a big difference between bludgeoning someone to death and not — and that difference is intent.
My point here is not to downplay the awfulness of this man’s death or the riot itself.” [emphasis added]

This isn't from some left-wing rag, this is from Breitbart(link) citing CNN. So you have the left and the right both indicating that it could be bear spray. This was the theory “gaining traction” in February. My point, as was each of theirs at the time was that WHOEVER and HOWEVER he was murdered didn't matter but that the murderers, all of them, should be brought to justice.

We now know that his primary cause of death was a stroke. The medical examiner, while finding that the riots contributed to his death, it was not the primary cause of death. This new information was in April once released I never refuted the information in the autopsy, hell I don’t think I commented on Sicknick after February, I wanted the evidence and I wanted his murderers held accountable. I do believe in the justice system, the medical examiner says that it was not a homicide. I think those that bear sprayed him should be convicted of felony assault on a police officer, they must not be brought on charges of homicide. The evidence is not conclusive and justice isn’t served by seeking retribution without proof.

Enough with the ad hominem, I wasn’t advancing a “conspiracy theory” nor was I lying or committing a fraud. You were muted because of the constant ad hominem attacks, I don’t really care for them. You knew you were muted and you launched into this series of accusations spinning that I somehow identified and blamed a specific person ("acting as judge and jury") when in reality I simply reposted the most commonly believed cause of death as of the date of the posting. This belief was common on the right and the left.

I’ve now entertained your inquiry, you also have my email address and an invitation to discuss this stuff like men without the cloak of anonymity or keyboard bravado. Choose as you may but respectfully, if you don’t have anything better to do than to read posts by me that you don’t agree with don’t expect reciprocity where it appears your goal is to not advance the conversation so much as tangentially engage in person aspersions. We wouldn’t do that in person, I’ve no reason to do it here.
Lots of nothing posted here. Please show us where you owned up to pushing the conspiracy, playing judge and jury.
Just waiting for all those leftwing nuts who said I was crazy for what I posted in December of 2019 about the COVID virus coming out of a lab.

Finally the Intel community is coming off of the info. Hmmm a bio weapons research facility funded by... us???

I’m sure I’ll get lots of apologies for being correct but hey it’ll be fun to watch the lefties squirm.
I never doubted U.....only if we had your competence at higher levels.
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