AZ Audit


Jul 13, 2001
west central florida
AZ State Senator Rogers shared a recap following message to her Facebook page:
Tour of AZ Audit with visiting PA delegation state senators Doug Mastriano, Col US Army (ret) and Cris Dush, MSgt USAF (ret) along with PA state rep Rob Kauffman (chair of PA House Judiciary Cte).

AZ legislators:
State senators Wendy Rogers R-Flagstaff, Sonny Borrelli R-Havasu
State reps Leo Biasiucci R-Havasu, Joe Chaplik R-Scottsdale, Jacqueline Parker R-Mesa

Cyber Ninjas is precisely what kind of firm to be able to lead this audit?

– They are an application security company, which has allowed a quick understanding on how election system applications work in detail.
– Their modus operandi is to perform Threat Modeling.
– That is: They figure out ways a system can be attacked.
– How to identify a threat and protect against it.
– They find what the artifacts are in order to prove activity did or didn’t happen.
-This was used in designing the audit scope.

Steps to the AZ Audit

1. Phase 1 – Canvassing – Currently indefinitely delayed by the AZ Senate.
– Did you vote?
– Does it match?
– There have been innumerable reports of mismatch anomalies.
– Was the voter registration history changed?

2. Phase 2 – Physical ballots
– Actual ballot counting: Everyone can relate to the concept of counting paper ballots.

Maricopa volunteer counters must have voted in the Nov 2020 election. No determination whether the counter volunteer is a Republican or a Democrat.
If a count is off by more than 1 person per 50 ballots counted, then the ballots are recounted
– It takes approximately 8 seconds to count a ballot. There is no way to coordinate or sully this very precise process. “There is no speed without accuracy.”
— – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– Paper examination table uses digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras.
– 0% chance of damaging ballots
– Determines which oval was marked and if marked by a human.
– Analyzes fibers of ballot material and barely-detectable yellow-dot watermarks.
– Every last ballot should be able to be accounted for.

Bottom Line: Opposition pushback may be an indication of the more questionable areas to investigate.

3. Phase 3 – Electronic Voting Systems
– Digital capture of all voting systems provided is completed.
– CyFIR followed industry best practices with write-block devices that prevented any hard drive from being changed.
– Analysis of the data captured is ongoing.

4. Phase 4 – Results
– Numbers from various phases will be compared against the certified results.

Cyber Ninjas CEO overall observations:
1. Americans must be able to trust how one’s vote is cast.
2. A judge’s scope of expertise does not tend to include higher math or computer systems.
3. However, EVERY American understands how to count and for the counting to be done at the local community level.
4. We should go to paper only.
5. We should be counting at the precinct level.
6. We should declare voting day a national holiday, so everyone can vote and participate in the counting.
7. Even Canada’s federal election is paper only.

What now could Pennsylvania (PA) do, if it wanted to pursue a comprehensive AZ-level audit?

In theory, the PA State Senate’s “State Government Committee” can issue a subpoena on behalf of the PA State Senate to start an in-depth audit of a PA county.
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Dear Friend --

I walked the floor for three hours at the Arizona Audit, and I have some things to say.

First, let me say that the media wouldn't know the truth if they were hit over the head with it. The scope of their misreporting has been borderline legally actionable.

Second, Katie Hobbs is an inveterate liar whose incompetence and fraud are being revealed through this audit.

Third, anyone who still trusts the Dominion voting machines at this point, either wants fraud or is too lazy to hand count the ballots.

I am Senator Wendy Rogers, the Arizona State Senator who was a pivotal vote for the audit. I have been to the audit and I wanted to share the REAL scoop with you.
Here are some of my takeaways from the tour of the audit yesterday:

There has been an increase in capacity now:

From 17 to 32 paper inspection tables using microscopic cameras;
From 20 to 44 counting tables (yellow, green, blue);
From 4 to 12 aggregation tables.

The pace is picking up daily, with more audit forensics done each day. This process will be done soon!

Theoretically, mail-in ballots should all be of the same type, composition, and fiber with little to no variance. So if variances ARE seen, there should be an explanation; if there is no explanation, then that is a gap.

These are issues we can address with additional future legislation.

703 precincts were condensed down to 175 precincts. Every precinct has different ballots. Thus, if your ballot was "printed on demand", then the paper in those situations could legitimately vary... but the paper should not vary for mail-in ballots.

We now DO finally have the deleted databases folder that was missing for some time.

1. Despite news accounts, it really WAS deleted. The media got this wrong, shockingly.
2. It was CyFIR who discovered this, and they are none other than the firm who discovered the June 2015 U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management (OPM) breach, where SF86 forms used for Top Secret security clearances were compromised. The bad guys had been infiltrated into OPM for three years.
3. Here is the reason that the databases are important:

Let's say a ballot box's pink slip says there are 200 ballots contained in the box. Really, only 99 physical ballots are actually IN the box (yes this is happening a LOT).

There should be TWO cross-references to verify this. The Dominion machine would have a batch number corresponding to that grouping of ballots AND Dominion should have the scanned imagery to similarly correlate to those ballots. Where are the remaining 101 ballots? Are they imaged in Dominion? Is their batch number tallied in Dominion? That's why we need the databases.

Noteworthy that both Dominion and Secretary Hobbs have declined the invitation to observe the audit, however everything is still being video recorded.

Now, will the AZ Audit be enough?

Yes, because it will inform legislation necessary to plug the gaps to restore the public's confidence. That is the reason the Arizona Senate is doing this, so we know the loopholes and can close them.

There was a helpful debrief from the Cyber Ninjas CEO. Here are the highlights:

1. This has never been done before.
2. It's really important for our democracy to be transparent.
3. Unfortunately, technology has gotten in the way rather than helping.
4. Where will we be if voters think their votes don't matter anymore?
5. We have a solid AZ Audit team that is ready and capable to get it done.
6. This is a calling. We will overcome any and every obstacle.
7. He can't wait till it's over so that the participants can talk all they want about what they've seen!
8. Physical data collection will be completed by the end of June. The report will follow sometime later.

I was also able to speak with a floor volunteer who is a retired USAF pilot. Here's what he had to say:

1. Chain of custody procedures are as precise and flawless as Strategic Air Command's. Signing off of authenticators' "secrets" was not as stringent as the AZ Audit! Going to the bathroom for 10 minutes requires a sign-off.
2. Laughable that the AZ Secretary of State said her machines were compromised when she initially said they were unhackable.

Here are the procedures on the floor:
1. All volunteer counters must be from Maricopa county and have voted in the November 2020 election (they must have skin in the game).
2. Tally sheets and ballots can physically move only if 3 things are present:
3. Three components to the AZ Audit layout: Counting - Aggregation - Forensics.
4. Every worker treats the process on the floor as if he were in a court of law.

As you can see, and I could verify with my own two eyes, this audit is being carried out with the greatest of care and by true professionals who know what they are doing and care about our democratic processes.

The transparency here has been remarkable. Every citizen can visit the video feed and witness what's going on.

The best practices being developed here can be used for future audits, such as those being considered in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and other states.
We knew there was something wrong with the 2020 election at the beginning of this process. Already we are troubled by several issues and discrepancies that need to be sorted out.

I'm so glad we did this audit! But it only happened because I won my seat in a swing district!

I'm thrilled to see movements for audits in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and other places. They can use the procedures we developed for the Arizona audit!

The machines are a problem. The procedures were faulty. We clearly have work ahead of us to guarantee election integrity in Arizona.
I am bringing you updates because we know the worthless media will not. I want you to know the truth- the media only wants to shill for the leftist Democrats.
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Wow, very revealing and comprehensive Doerunn.
Very objective also. No bias there! All objectivity went out the window with the last line-"the media only wants to shill for the leftist Democrats".
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