Baby Formula


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2005
Why is it the the shelves are bare of baby formula in the U.S. at some locations but the illegals coming across the Southern border have been photographed getting boxes of baby formula for these illegals by our border Police and probably ICE?
All this sh t is by design. The FDA shuts down the largest formula manufacturer without any plans to mitigate the damage?
No one—not even Biden—is this incompetent. At every turn he chooses the most destructive option.
I fully admire and support the Ukrainian people. But I am sick of Zelensky telling American's how we have to sacrifice more to keep him in power. Doesn't look like he has missed many meals lately. And he is very concerned about who is touring in the Ukraine summer concert series. While his people are dying he is asking Lady Gaga to play Kiev.

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Our U.S. citizens should not have to sacrifice anything, especially mothers with infants. We pay our taxes to afford the basics for our citizens. F--k everyone else.
Why is it the the shelves are bare of baby formula in the U.S. at some locations but the illegals coming across the Southern border have been photographed getting boxes of baby formula for these illegals by our border Police and probably ICE?
Build Back Stupid in full effect.