Barack Obama Named Recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

No however I know the phrases of the area and "Tri state" isn't something people in NYC use! It's just not
Again, who cares what you think. I speak facts. You can't even read...and we are supposed to listen to your wisdom of what people in NYC say? lmao
Lolololol, show me where I've lied, I've showed you where you have over and over and over.
No you didn't because people generally will tell you the cross street when giving you where they live if they are from NYC. The street and Avenue both. You didn' are not from there nor ever lived there so STFU
No you didn't because people generally will tell you the cross street when giving you where they live if they are from NYC. The street and Avenue both. You didn' are not from there nor ever lived there so STFU
Lmfao no they actually don't, they'll give you the street and if on a cross street they'll maybe mention. And honestly, call me whatever you want. However a liar, nope! Not happening. I've PROVEN your a liar over and over, what you got on me?? Nothing because I keep it real
No you didn't because people generally will tell you the cross street when giving you where they live if they are from NYC. The street and Avenue both. You didn' are not from there nor ever lived there so STFU
It's funny I'm sitting with a guy from The Village I ask him. "Have I been gone to long? Do we give cross streets in the city?" He responds "why so we can get robbed?" Lmfao CD your such a lying troll. Honestly you lie so much I need to verify facts!! You just lie and lie and lie!
It's funny I'm sitting with a guy from The Village I ask him. "Have I been gone to long? Do we give cross streets in the city?" He responds "why so we can get robbed?" Lmfao CD your such a lying troll. Honestly you lie so much I need to verify facts!! You just lie and lie and lie!
Yeah...that guy is a genius too I see. Some dude on the internet is going to go to NYC to rob someone at an address he hasn't lived at since 94...lmao. Great minds there I see.
Yeah...that guy is a genius too I see. Some dude on the internet is going to go to NYC to rob someone at an address he hasn't lived at since 94...lmao. Great minds there I see.
Skip over that last post where I found you staying your from NYC? Or you ignoring you lies again today?? And no he's referring to if your in the city and someone asks you where your from. Same context as you asked the question. But hey your the guys who's from 46 different states! You have more "Home States" than Obama! He only counts Hawaii and Illinois! And of coarse Malaysia, when he was a Muslim student, then of coarse he claims Kenya! Obama at least has four. Yours keep adding up

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