Biden Day 32


Gold Member
Jan 7, 2012
Has the Marxism taken hold yet? Or have we become a completely socialist country?
sliding faster down the slope.
Let's see if anything truly happens to Coumo. If he remains in office and does not face punishment, we have officially become third world.

I'll admit it ignorant to what you're speaking of. What has he done that you're referring to? And he's a damn politician so he doesnt get the benefit of the doubt in my book.
I'll admit it ignorant to what you're speaking of. What has he done that you're referring to? And he's a damn politician so he doesnt get the benefit of the doubt in my book.

Coumo appears to be uniting dems and reps in agreement that he should be impeached.
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Coumo appears to be uniting dems and reps in agreement that he should be impeached.

If true he should be kicked in the ass immediately! The article doesn't say anything about the call being recorded so its he say she say at this point.I hope there is a recording so whoever is lying can be held accountable.

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