Biden falls breaks ankle playing with Dog

Hey, got your knickers in a wad? ha,ha, ha...What goes around comes around. The Libtards gave Trump a hard time, I guess now it's Sleepy Joe's turn. Payback is a bitch. Four years of harrasement until we run Sleepy Joe and Heels up Harris out of politics.

Ummm you're the one with the panties in a bunch about Trump losing. And thank you for leaving no doubt to your mental capacity lol.
LMAO@these confederate flag carrying Trump supporters losing. They lost the one thing that gets them up in the morning to brush their tooth (not a job). That's what happens when you worship a man....when they are gone you have to think for yourself. So far that is an epic failure.

I might add it will be nice to finally be able to turn on my TV and not have to watch our president be impeached or investigated. We don't have the money. Now we can have normal lives.
Because you boys never went away right.
Hillary never contested any results even though there was proof Russia interfered....also don't mistake Trump hiring a crime family to his cabinet and trying to blackmail our allies as us not going away. Think of it as us being Americans that love America and aren't going to let this diaper wearing imbecile racist POS take down our country.
Hillary never contested any results even though there was proof Russia interfered....also don't mistake Trump hiring a crime family to his cabinet and trying to blackmail our allies as us not going away. Think of it as us being Americans that love America and aren't going to let this diaper wearing imbecile racist POS take down our country.
Hmmmm...somewhere I remember a two year study and 40 plus million of taxpayer money spent on Russian collusion claims that went nowhere. Now CD, are you smarter than the government study?
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Heels up Harris to be President ( possibly) faster than we think. Lol..maybe her first law that she will try to get past is legalizing prostitution! LOL...ha,ha,ha.
is that a bad thing? asking for a friend.
I gave you a factual answer to why the ACA failed. Don't believe me. If you want my opinion for a solution you need to go back to the actuaries, incorporate the correct assumptions into their calculations, make sure the insurance companies that enter the exchange can make money and make sure the insurance is inexpensive enough for the masses. Basically, tear down the ACA and rebuild it .
I heard "repeal and replace" for six years. Your party failed you. They never repealed because they never came up with a replacement.

Face the truth, they hated ACA because Obama passed it. That is the only reason. Heck, the Heritage Foundation - a conservative think tank - came up with the ACA. Pubs were pissed that it happened under Obama.
Hmmmm...somewhere I remember a two year study and 40 plus million of taxpayer money spent on Russian collusion claims that went nowhere. Now CD, are you smarter than the government study?
NO, becuase the study didn't go nowhere. Stop getting your information from fox news alanon or whatever nut job right wing extremist you listen to.

It was decided you can't bring charges against the president. Not that the president did no wrong and there was no russian conspiracy. Our intelligence group confirmed there was then and there was this year as well. Playing with words like collusion when everyone knows there is no such law for collusion doesn't really fool anyone. Yet you people will keep doing it to make you sound like you did nothing wrong. You did and the report confirmed abuse of power, conspiracy and many other things. Money well spent.

Unlike the Benghazi hearings that resulted in nothing!

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