Go back and read the responses when i first posted this thread and some of the responses were ridiculous. It's a win win for everyone in my opinion. More jobs created(independent film reviewers),bad cops expunged, frivolous lawsuits against good cops mitigated and irrefutable evidence. There's thousands of innocent men and women in jail due to dirty cops. This needs to addressed immediately.
Good topic of discussion. Gamecane1979, typically you and I do not agree on a lot. But I think (and hope) my response was that I 100% agreed with your assessment of the need for Law Enforcement Body Cams to be on from shift start to stop. I assume they can be pointed in an appropriate direction during bodily functions.
Can we agree that doing so would protect all parties from horrible outcomes, such as the worst:
* A citizen being wrongfully harmed in a police encounter.
* Law enforcement harassing or bullying a citizen that has not been a real jerk first. Special care should be expected from law enforcement to those with physical, mental, health related issues or old age.
*Law enforcement being falsely accused, e.g. suspect pulls weapon, officer fires and suspects family complains that he should only been shot in the leg or arm, no less, why did the officer fire first when a gun was pointed at his head. "Didn't he know little Jimmy (28 felonies) was a sweet kid and would never hurt anyone"?
And even:
*Just dumb ass cop's fleecing citizens for traffic ticket Quota'$ or falsely pulling over hot moms on fake traffic charges outside of a school to try to get a date? This is far more common than a lot of people would like to believe.
To conclude, I hope we can agree that there is no room in a civil society for Dirty Cops or False accusations about Good Cops? Curious as to what the board thinks of this statement?