Breaking News from Rivals main board - AOC talking to her cat

What do you need this information for exactly? Why exactly do you need to know who is benefiting? That's strange because they protest and tell you exactly what they are protesting.

It's strange because anyone that is against racist assholes who murder black people for stupid shit would benefit no?

If people want to give their money to this cause what's it to you? If you have information that anything illegal bis going on then report it.
People protesting have ZERO to do with the BLM as a movement? Who are they? Where are they incorporated? What are they doing with the funds? What are they doing to help cities like Chicago where black on black crime and murder is and has been in the thousands each year for YEARS?
People protesting have ZERO to do with the BLM as a movement? Who are they? Where are they incorporated? What are they doing with the funds? What are they doing to help cities like Chicago where black on black crime and murder is and has been in the thousands each year for YEARS?
Yeah, I am going to call bullshit because the fact of the matter is if you are protesting then you obviously have something to do with the movement in terms of supporting it no? There is no prerequisite to protesting. Nothing other than finding a cause you believe in. That's all that is needed. What does this have to do with black on black crime? Nothing! This is just to question things that really don't deserve to be questioned. Why else would you question their credibility. You have no reason to do so. People give to any cause they want. They don't need to explain it to you.
CD Fool - who are the racists idiots just killing Black people? Enquiring minds would like to know?
Please watch yourself. I am far from a fool and do your own research if you want to find this out. We aren't allowing assholes to kill blacks or any other minority unless the situation is life threatening. Otherwise we are starting to hold people accountable for these deaths. Don't like it? So what? That's how it is going to be going forward.

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