Cali and NY lose seats Fla and Texas pick up seats and business' flees

But the people who run both industries continue to be based in California, and with a couple of exceptions, there's zero indication that they are going anywhere.
Well you don't leave a heavily taxed state overnight. Most recently Musk was considering a move. Earnings with tech will prevail. This is not a communist country where the government tells you where you work, this is Capitalism where independence of movement and bottom line profits prevail. If the concept doesn't work, there is always Cuba for the Socialists/ Communists on this board.
Well you don't leave a heavily taxed state overnight. Most recently Musk was considering a move. Earnings with tech will prevail. This is not a communist country where the government tells you where you work, this is Capitalism where independence of movement and bottom line profits prevail. If the concept doesn't work, there is always Cuba for the Socialists/ Communists on this board.
Tesla is moving to Texas, Oracle is leaving, Hewlett Packard is leaving. While all these knuckleheads keep focus on California the neglect NYC where JPMorgan Chase wants out and Morgan Stanley just to name a few. Morgan is looking at Ft Lauderdale as a possible site.
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Tesla is moving to Texas, Oracle is leaving, Hewlett Packard is leaving. While all these knuckleheads keep focus on California the neglect NYC where JPMorgan Chase wants out and Morgan Stanley just to name a few. Morgan is looking at Ft Lauderdale as a possible site.

These moves are a good indication that Texas will be a blue state very soon, since a vast majority of the employees and their families vote Dem - not to mention all the foreign tech workers who are getting naturalized during each 4 year political cycle.
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These moves are a good indication that Texas will be a blue state very soon, since a vast majority of the employees and their families vote Dem - not to mention all the foreign tech workers who are getting naturalized during each 4 year political cycle.

Chess not checkers lol. The Republican party is just plain stubborn. They better wise up and get new leadership that understands today's youth and cultivate a plan. Because most young people 35 and under connect with Democrats by far.
Chess not checkers lol. The Republican party is just plain stubborn. They better wise up and get new leadership that understands today's youth and cultivate a plan. Because most young people 35 and under connect with Democrats by far.

Yep. Just look what's happened in Colorado over the past decade. It was previously an R leaning swing state and is now solidly Dem. Arizona and Georgia are going through the exact same process right now, and Texas is next on the list. Once Texas goes Dem, the GOP will rue the day they elected a corrupt demagogue only to see him destroy the party's credibility across the country.
These moves are a good indication that Texas will be a blue state very soon, since a vast majority of the employees and their families vote Dem - not to mention all the foreign tech workers who are getting naturalized during each 4 year political cycle.
Different conversation...focus on California always being the base for tech. They will be for the very near future but the defections are coming.
Different conversation...focus on California always being the base for tech. They will be for the very near future but the defections are coming.

How many years do you think it'll be before someone takes over as the new silicon valley?
Answer the question please. How many years before somewhere else other than California is the new silicon valley?
Don't know. This thread isn't about silicon valley predictions. It's about population shifts that are really occurring. One could argue that we could expect NY to have some decrease because NYC is absurdly expensive, cold in winter but that used to be offset by high paying white collar jobs that NYC offers and the culture it offers. California is similar on the type of jobs but also benefitted by it's beauty, and weather. Now that State is seeing population decreases at a pace beyond the norm and opposite of decades trends. It is about government policies in both states that are front and center right now. Citizens and business are speaking by leaving. That is why both states are LOSING 1 House Representative in Congress which is based on population.
Don't know. This thread isn't about silicon valley predictions. It's about population shifts that are really occurring. One could argue that we could expect NY to have some decrease because NYC is absurdly expensive, cold in winter but that used to be offset by high paying white collar jobs that NYC offers and the culture it offers. California is similar on the type of jobs but also benefitted by it's beauty, and weather. Now that State is seeing population decreases at a pace beyond the norm and opposite of decades trends. It is about government policies in both states that are front and center right now. Citizens and business are speaking by leaving. That is why both states are LOSING 1 House Representative in Congress which is based on population.
I think what can be added to this conversation beyond the absurd taxes in N.Y. and California and the wealth tax amendment that was struck down but was a real possibility with legs, is the disgust that the rational business people exhibited regarding the Antifa and BLM riots over the summer. The visuals of the looted businesses on Park Ave and 5th Ave in N.Y were terrible. The boarded up high end retail shops in L.A. N.Y. and Chicago sends a message of a lack of law and order and a political weakness in stopping the looting and burning of their businesses.
Basically, the inmates were running the asylum!
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I think what can be added to this conversation beyond the absurd taxes in N.Y. and California and the wealth tax amendment that was struck down but was a real possibility with legs, is the disgust that the rational business people exhibited regarding the Antifa and BLM riots over the summer. The visuals of the looted businesses on Park Ave and 5th Ave in N.Y were terrible. The boarded up high end retail shops in L.A. N.Y. and Chicago sends a message of a lack of law and order and a political weakness in stopping the looting and burning of their businesses.
Basically, the inmates were running the asylum!
And bail reform. And Sanctuary cities.....................