Can someone give me an update on the Sleepy presser

Some questions side stepped.
Some questions answered.
No self aggrandizment.
Standard level of political speak.
No major gaffes (I'm personally disappointed in that, I love the goofy bastards **** ups).
A real yawner, feels great to have a press conference not be a three ring circus.
Some questions side stepped.
Some questions answered.
No self aggrandizment.
Standard level of political speak.
No major gaffes (I'm personally disappointed in that, I love the goofy bastards **** ups).
A real yawner, feels great to have a press conference not be a three ring circus.
You left out cards on the table with the answers. Clear to see. Not a real press conference total BS
You left out cards on the table with the answers. Clear to see. Not a real press conference total BS
Oh yeah, note cards.

Not sure what a real press conference looks like, most have notes, even Trump (notoriously adverse to printed reading materials and self admits he hates them) had a few notes from time to time. Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bush and Reagan usually had notes at scheduled pressers...they were not as boring as Joe.

I need more gaffes from Joe. Jim Eagle was the best thing he gave us today.
Oh yeah, note cards.

Not sure what a real press conference looks like, most have notes, even Trump (notoriously adverse to printed reading materials and self admits he hates them) had a few notes from time to time. Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bush and Reagan usually had notes at scheduled pressers...they were not as boring as Joe.

I need more gaffes from Joe. Jim Eagle was the best thing he gave us today.
BS any good President should be able to answer questions on the topics we are all talking about. It ain't hard
BS any good President should be able to answer questions on the topics we are all talking about. It ain't hard
did you watch it? or are you judging by whats written? Dude was up there an hour, wasn't reading, occasionally referenced a note.

it wasn't a prompter affair, it wasn't even fun, I wanted some gaffes, instead it was cogent, sound and reasoned. I'll find a link for you, makes no sense to comment based on someones opinion when you can watch for yourself. Every comment I've ever made about 45, who I loathed, speeches came from me watching them personally. Literally every speech every presser because I didn't want the media or Joe Blows opinion but my own.

So as a service, here.

Do as you will sir.
did you watch it? or are you judging by whats written? Dude was up there an hour, wasn't reading, occasionally referenced a note.

it wasn't a prompter affair, it wasn't even fun, I wanted some gaffes, instead it was cogent, sound and reasoned. I'll find a link for you, makes no sense to comment based on someones opinion when you can watch for yourself. Every comment I've ever made about 45, who I loathed, speeches came from me watching them personally. Literally every speech every presser because I didn't want the media or Joe Blows opinion but my own.

So as a service, here.

Do as you will sir.
I did watch periodically. No gaffes? When I was Senator 120 years ago GAFFE. I am committed to transparency you can see what's going on when our plan is in place. When will that be? I don't know. Filibuster is Jim Crowe racist. GAFFE. I haven't unified the Congress but I have the nation. GAFFE. Slow, old, sluggish and that's being kind.
Anyone that says Sleepy is on top of his game is delusional....
He is a golfball lost in hight weeds... DISASTER ..!!!
I did watch periodically. No gaffes? When I was Senator 120 years ago GAFFE. I am committed to transparency you can see what's going on when our plan is in place. When will that be? I don't know. Filibuster is Jim Crowe racist. GAFFE. I haven't unified the Congress but I have the nation. GAFFE. Slow, old, sluggish and that's being kind.
Dude those aren't gaffes.

I want a complete cornpop entertaining type situation. Not some boring ass spin doctor politically sound tactic.

Joe Biden is gaftastic! I demand spectacular gaffes not those meek little misstatements, that's not epic, I can't meme those.

Problem is the bar is sooooo raised as Trump literally just said gobbledygook. Is going to take a minute to recalibrate the ears to normal so that "sluggish" is notable.

FYI, history of the use of the filibuster is Jim Crow racism but we know your blind to all things racist and I could show where the filibuster was specifically used as a weapon against civil rights and you'd ignore it so lets stick to a topic you enjoy, Biden bashing.
The Southern filibusters were serious, well-organized power plays designed to defeat any attempt to extend equal rights to black people. For decades, the House passed bills to outlaw discrimination and protect the right of black citizens to vote, only to watch the bills killed by filibusters in the Senate. In an era when white mobs frequently lynched black people with impunity, Southern senators used filibusters to defeat anti-lynching bills in 1922, 1935, 1938, 1948 and 1949.

While filibustering to deny rights to minority groups, Southern senators had the gall to tout the filibuster as a tool to protect minority rights—meaning the right of a minority of senators to prevent the majority from voting on civil rights bills.

“Without the filibuster,” said Sen. Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi, “the minority would be at the mercy of the majority.”

“The filibuster is the last defense of reason, the sole defense of minorities,” said Sen. Lyndon Johnson (yep who here didn't know that LBJ was a racist?) of Texas, while filibustering against a 1949 civil rights bill.

On March 30, as the Southerners started filibustering, CBS News reporter Roger Mudd began filing bulletins from the steps of the Capitol several times a day, standing next to a clock that ticked off the days and hours of the filibuster. The clock reached day 57—June 10—when Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia finished his 14-hour anti–civil rights speech, and then the Senate finally voted on a cloture motion. The motion required 67 votes—two-thirds of the Senate—and everyone knew it would be close.

Aprill 11, 1993 Civil Rights Intransigence Gave Filibusters a Bad Reputation

Primary Source (no date available but I searched for articles prior to 2008 to suppress claims of current bias.

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