Decorated 77-Year Old Black Retired Police Captain Slain During St. Louis Riots...

Crickets from tax evading racist Al Sharpton, the fake news far left neo-fascist Mainstream Media, and Sleepy Joe Biden...

BLM....... unless it doesn’t fit the far left libtard narrative.

Tragic story. Sharpton, Jesse Jsckson, and their ilk want to keep fueling the racism narrative solely because it keeps them relevant.
What a brutal story. No surprise CNN not interested. They are the lowest of the low- rooting for Covid and rioters to destroy our country. Subhuman maggot cockroaches like Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer are a waste of oxygen.
Spot on, and you can add their resident pseudo-intellectual Anderson Cooper to the list.
There was a video of this killing on Facebook, but it was taken down. It didn't fit left wing narrative.
Where are the resident lounge libs denouncing his execution? White people see this and just laugh at the BLM narrative. Complete joke.

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