The nation is a tinderbox. 80 million people who have actually seen credible evidence of multistate election fraud are not just going to forget it. You can't try to infringe on individual liberty and control free speech without repercussions.
Republicans can tolerate some increase in taxes and social welfare programs. What they won't tolerate is political prosecutions, suppression of free speech and corruption on a massive scale. The Democrats would be wise to learn from Jan 6
The Democrats are walking a tightrope now .If they push tyranny further the nation will explode. But in their arrogance and hatred, which has been on full display the last 4 years its likely they will be hoisted on their own Petard.
If they go after Trump they will regret it. If they shut down Communication between Conservatives they will regret it. What they have done is created a radicalization of the Republican Party. Senators who failed to recognize election fraud will not be reelected. Massive organization of militias is underway. If necessary ,States will refuse to allow Federal usurpation of liberty and reject Soviet Style edicts coming from the commissars in the Democrat Party.
"What doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"