Dems will try to impeach Trump so

Trump is done man. You cant come back after what happened at the Capitol...on top of everything that happened a police officer lost his life. Thats some heinous sh!t. That's just my opinion.
The problem with your theory is, Trump has the majority of the Republican party voters. He will win every republican primary. Once he wins the primary, then he gets 70 million votes because to many people out party over country.

Who has posted that they regret voting for Trump? Show me?
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The problem with your theory is, Trump has the majority of the Republican party voters. He will win every republican primary. Once he wins the primary, then he gets 70 million votes because to many people out party over country.

Who has posted that they regret voting for Trump? Show me?

He will never be allowed back on the ticket. He's set the GOP back 10 years at least.
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The problem with your theory is, Trump has the majority of the Republican party voters. He will win every republican primary. Once he wins the primary, then he gets 70 million votes because to many people out party over country.

Who has posted that they regret voting for Trump? Show me?

This is before the events of this past week. He would struggle to get 60m voters if the election were held tomorrow.
I heard the same bullshitt back in 16...
You mfers still fear this guy...hahhaa

2016 - 4 years before he attempted a coup by inciting a mob to storm the US Capitol and murder the speaker of the house and Vice President. His base is evaporating as we speak.
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2016 - 4 years before he attempted a coup by inciting a mob to storm the US Capitol and murder the speaker of the house and Vice President. His base is evaporating as we speak.

Now he attempted to murder the speaker
and the VP..
Haha, haha , Tell me r u s fiction writer because if not I’m sure you’ll be very talented in doing so..
he can’t run in 2024 , already shitting their pants thinking about Trump in 2024..

Pay back is a mother fuccker you pos..

He’ll come back stronger with 75 million backing him...
He’s done you can visit him on display at a golf course near near you, or hopefully at a prison near you.
The nation is a tinderbox. 80 million people who have actually seen credible evidence of multistate election fraud are not just going to forget it. You can't try to infringe on individual liberty and control free speech without repercussions.
Republicans can tolerate some increase in taxes and social welfare programs. What they won't tolerate is political prosecutions, suppression of free speech and corruption on a massive scale. The Democrats would be wise to learn from Jan 6
The Democrats are walking a tightrope now .If they push tyranny further the nation will explode. But in their arrogance and hatred, which has been on full display the last 4 years its likely they will be hoisted on their own Petard.
If they go after Trump they will regret it. If they shut down Communication between Conservatives they will regret it. What they have done is created a radicalization of the Republican Party. Senators who failed to recognize election fraud will not be reelected. Massive organization of militias is underway. If necessary ,States will refuse to allow Federal usurpation of liberty and reject Soviet Style edicts coming from the commissars in the Democrat Party.
"What doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
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The nation is a tinderbox. 80 million people who have actually seen credible evidence of multistate election fraud are not just going to forget it. You can't try to infringe on individual liberty and control free speech without repercussions.
Republicans can tolerate some increase in taxes and social welfare programs. What they won't tolerate is political prosecutions, suppression of free speech and corruption on a massive scale. The Democrats would be wise to learn from Jan 6
The Democrats are walking a tightrope now .If they push tyranny further the nation will explode. But in their arrogance and hatred, which has been on full display the last 4 years its likely they will be hoisted on their own Petard.
If they go after Trump they will regret it. If they shut down Communication between Conservatives they will regret it. What they have done is created a radicalization of the Republican Party. Senators who failed to recognize election fraud will not be reelected. Massive organization of militias is underway. If necessary ,States will refuse to allow Federal usurpation of liberty and reject Soviet Style edicts coming from the commissars in the Democrat Party.
"What doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Well They’re will BE LAW IN ORDER AN THIS LAND. TRUMP IN THE MOB IS GOING TO BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULL INSTANT OF THE LAW. In any member of the far right believing a Trump Mob Family lie that their was voters fraud , and commit crimes because of that foolishness. Will face THE NEW LAW IN ORDER POTUS.
The nation is a tinderbox. 80 million people who have actually seen credible evidence of multistate election fraud are not just going to forget it. You can't try to infringe on individual liberty and control free speech without repercussions.
Republicans can tolerate some increase in taxes and social welfare programs. What they won't tolerate is political prosecutions, suppression of free speech and corruption on a massive scale. The Democrats would be wise to learn from Jan 6
The Democrats are walking a tightrope now .If they push tyranny further the nation will explode. But in their arrogance and hatred, which has been on full display the last 4 years its likely they will be hoisted on their own Petard.
If they go after Trump they will regret it. If they shut down Communication between Conservatives they will regret it. What they have done is created a radicalization of the Republican Party. Senators who failed to recognize election fraud will not be reelected. Massive organization of militias is underway. If necessary ,States will refuse to allow Federal usurpation of liberty and reject Soviet Style edicts coming from the commissars in the Democrat Party.
"What doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

80 million of the most scrutinized votes in history; no fraud just a weak man that couldn’t handle losing and a bunch of gullible ppl that believes his lies. He did not once allege fraud in court. Graham exposed the bullshyt even though he had licked his boots.

If we all vote there is more people that care about this country in both sides than there are racist that want to destroy it because the are inadequate to compete!
The nation is a tinderbox. 80 million people who have actually seen credible evidence of multistate election fraud are not just going to forget it. You can't try to infringe on individual liberty and control free speech without repercussions.
Republicans can tolerate some increase in taxes and social welfare programs. What they won't tolerate is political prosecutions, suppression of free speech and corruption on a massive scale. The Democrats would be wise to learn from Jan 6
The Democrats are walking a tightrope now .If they push tyranny further the nation will explode. But in their arrogance and hatred, which has been on full display the last 4 years its likely they will be hoisted on their own Petard.
If they go after Trump they will regret it. If they shut down Communication between Conservatives they will regret it. What they have done is created a radicalization of the Republican Party. Senators who failed to recognize election fraud will not be reelected. Massive organization of militias is underway. If necessary ,States will refuse to allow Federal usurpation of liberty and reject Soviet Style edicts coming from the commissars in the Democrat Party.
"What doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
MOVE TO RUSSIA WITH TRUMP FOOL. leave my flag at the AIRPORT win you board your flight.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥃🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Well They’re will BE LAW IN ORDER AN THIS LAND. TRUMP IN THE MOB IS GOING TO BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULL INSTANT OF THE LAW. In any member of the far right believing a Trump Mob Family lie that their was voters fraud , and commit crimes because of that foolishness. Will face THE NEW LAW IN ORDER POTUS.

More bullshitt from the left.. russia russia russsia.. now Trump going to jail. Hahhaa
Delusional Dems... hahaha

See ya in 24 mfers
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More bullshitt from the left.. russia russia russsia.. now Trump going to jail. Hahhaa
Delusional Dems... hahaha

See ya in 24 mfers
Trump won’t ever be in office again, I got the Flag NoW. I call the shots..🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
he can’t run in 2024 , already shitting their pants thinking about Trump in 2024..

Pay back is a mother fuccker you pos..

He’ll come back stronger with 75 million backing him...
You loco, looney and cult views are ridiculous and the majority of the country could care less about you nut jobs.

Buh bye trumper 🤮
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More bullshitt from the left.. russia russia russsia.. now Trump going to jail. Hahhaa
Delusional Dems... hahaha

See ya in 24 mfers
NOT BS JUST LAW IN ORDER, buddy and if you step out of line , we will throw your little dumb retrumplican as in prison right beside Orange face
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NOT BS JUST LAW IN ORDER, buddy and if you step out of line , we will throw your little dumb retrumplican as in prison right beside Orange face
He’s done you can visit him on display at a golf course near near you, or hopefully at a prison near you.

Ooopoo ur a scary guy .. idiot , tell whos on top when u 69 u or leroy... pendejo ..!!
He is a threat to this country and you F’tards just don’t get it and you are suckers to his self admiration

Yea a threat , He ended wars not start them

Peace deals through out middle east with Israel took out terrorist & Isis yea huge threat..

Trump is done man. You cant come back after what happened at the Capitol...on top of everything that happened a police officer lost his life. Thats some heinous sh!t. That's just my opinion.
Yea, his rhetoric and subsequent events at the capitol cost him 2024, but other BLM and antifa rioters ran over and killed cops/ex-cops all summer. Hero David Dorn, RIP!
Yea, his rhetoric and subsequent events at the capitol cost him 2024, but other BLM and antifa rioters ran over and killed cops/ex-cops all summer. Hero David Dorn, RIP!
He couldn’t win 2020 with against women on the ticket. You think he was going to win 2024. NEVER WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.he used you guys like some two dollar hobos.
The nation is a tinderbox. 80 million people who have actually seen credible evidence of multistate election fraud are not just going to forget it. You can't try to infringe on individual liberty and control free speech without repercussions.
Republicans can tolerate some increase in taxes and social welfare programs. What they won't tolerate is political prosecutions, suppression of free speech and corruption on a massive scale. The Democrats would be wise to learn from Jan 6
The Democrats are walking a tightrope now .If they push tyranny further the nation will explode. But in their arrogance and hatred, which has been on full display the last 4 years its likely they will be hoisted on their own Petard.
If they go after Trump they will regret it. If they shut down Communication between Conservatives they will regret it. What they have done is created a radicalization of the Republican Party. Senators who failed to recognize election fraud will not be reelected. Massive organization of militias is underway. If necessary ,States will refuse to allow Federal usurpation of liberty and reject Soviet Style edicts coming from the commissars in the Democrat Party.
"What doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Honest question have you read the Mueller report? Not the collusion part but the Russian interference part? What about the GOP investigation on interference? They both discuss the leveraging of social media and both have “credible evidence of multistate election fraud”. I invite you to read about the voter repression that the North Carolina GOP majority Supreme Court said was laser like precision.

Take a look at actions in GA and TX on access in minority communities to early vote, precinct closures and drop off locations. Review GOP peer reviews on voter purge policies in Michigan, Ohio and FL.

These aren’t rumors based on presumptive “fraud” that GOP lead inspectors (Georgia, AZ for instance) say did not exist. These are instances where the GOP states the scales were being toyed with.

Or not.

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