Do masks work?


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2005
Imo no mask is going to save you from the inevitable. If you’re at a packed concert and people around you have covid, you’re getting covid with or with out a mask.

that being said, why do we cough or sneeze into our hands?

seriously how pissed would you be if someone on a plane or sitting next to you in a stadium was continuously just sneezing or coughing into the air unobstructed?

common sense tells me masks do help. Common sense also tells me covid isn’t going anywhere and that being a hermit just delays the inevitable.

imo, the immunocompromised need to avoid crowded areas and maybe wear a mask when they’re around people in public places.

if you’re not immunocompromised, do what you do, cough into your hand or sneeze into your sleeve and wash your hands regularly.

in fact wash your hands regularly in general. I can’t believe that it took a pandemic to get people to be cognizant of this. That’s just something you’re suppose to do. Take showers too. It won’t help with viruses but it’s just common courtesy.
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Imo no mask is going to save you from the inevitable. If you’re at a packed concert and people around you have covid, you’re getting covid with or with out a mask.

that being said, why do we cough or sneeze into our hands?

seriously how pissed would you be if someone on a plane or sitting next to you in a stadium was continuously just sneezing or coughing into the air unobstructed?

common sense tells me masks do help. Common sense also tells me covid isn’t going anywhere and that being a hermit just delays the inevitable.

imo, the immunocompromised need to avoid crowded areas and maybe wear a mask when they’re around people in public places.

if you’re not immunocompromised, do what you do, cough into your hand or sneeze into your sleeve and wash your hands regularly.

in fact wash your hands regularly in general. I can’t believe that it took a pandemic to get people to be cognizant of this. That’s just something you’re suppose to do. Take showers too. It won’t help with viruses but it’s just common courtesy.
They must provide some benefit or they wouldn't be worn by doctors.
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Imo no mask is going to save you from the inevitable. If you’re at a packed concert and people around you have covid, you’re getting covid with or with out a mask.

that being said, why do we cough or sneeze into our hands?

seriously how pissed would you be if someone on a plane or sitting next to you in a stadium was continuously just sneezing or coughing into the air unobstructed?

common sense tells me masks do help. Common sense also tells me covid isn’t going anywhere and that being a hermit just delays the inevitable.

imo, the immunocompromised need to avoid crowded areas and maybe wear a mask when they’re around people in public places.

if you’re not immunocompromised, do what you do, cough into your hand or sneeze into your sleeve and wash your hands regularly.

in fact wash your hands regularly in general. I can’t believe that it took a pandemic to get people to be cognizant of this. That’s just something you’re suppose to do. Take showers too. It won’t help with viruses but it’s just common courtesy.
If a building fell on you, a mask would not save you
Masks greatly reduce the spread of illness, virus. As long as it is N95 or equivalent. Cutting up a T shirt for a mask doesnt cut it.
They're worthless against this or any virus. If they're so effective, Fauci would have told us from the beginning. Instead he said, well, see below...When will you give up on this mask argument?
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Imo no mask is going to save you from the inevitable. If you’re at a packed concert and people around you have covid, you’re getting covid with or with out a mask.

that being said, why do we cough or sneeze into our hands?

seriously how pissed would you be if someone on a plane or sitting next to you in a stadium was continuously just sneezing or coughing into the air unobstructed?

common sense tells me masks do help. Common sense also tells me covid isn’t going anywhere and that being a hermit just delays the inevitable.

imo, the immunocompromised need to avoid crowded areas and maybe wear a mask when they’re around people in public places.

if you’re not immunocompromised, do what you do, cough into your hand or sneeze into your sleeve and wash your hands regularly.

in fact wash your hands regularly in general. I can’t believe that it took a pandemic to get people to be cognizant of this. That’s just something you’re suppose to do. Take showers too. It won’t help with viruses but it’s just common courtesy.
Masks only work for people who believe in Science not dumbasses who worship a corrupt POS named Trump.
Masks greatly reduce the spread of illness, virus. As long as it is N95 or equivalent. Cutting up a T shirt for a mask doesnt cut it.
Then why do we sneeze or caugh into our hand/shirt? Just sayin.
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They must provide some benefit or they wouldn't be worn by doctors.
You could say the same for cooks wearing gloves. A dirty glove is no better than a dirty hand and yet it’s still mandated that all cooks wear gloves. Despite it being a government mandate, it makes zero sense.
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There is no valid evidence that masks work . There are biased observational studies suggesting they do. Sweden never mandated masks and their infection rates are no different than other European countries. So wearing one to prevent infection doesn't work as the virus easily passes through a mask.
Perhaps someone who is symptomatic from Covid might reduce the radius at where they infect people but that has not been proven. Masks also make respiratory droplets smaller so they stay in the air longer. But the radius at which they are dispersed may be smaller than unmasked individuals.
What I find odd is the CDC relies on observational studies on masks but discounts them for Ivermectin and HCQ. That suggests political control more than science is the driving force here.
You could say the same for cooks wearing gloves. A dirty glove is no better than a dirty hand and yet it’s still mandated that all cooks wear gloves. Despite it being a government mandate, it makes zero sense.
Gloves or no gloves, food preparers must first wash their hands thoroughly. Preparers must put on gloves when touching foods that are "ready-to-eat", foods that won't be cooked. If a food is going to be cooked, gloves are not required. Surgeons wear both masks and gloves when operating. Why is that if they provide no safeguards?
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Right wing nutjobs, do us all a favor...

1) Don't wear a mask
2) Don't get a shot

And stop whining about the rest of us who aren't stupid.
Gloves or no gloves, food preparers must first wash their hands thoroughly. Preparers must put on gloves when touching foods that are "ready-to-eat", foods that won't be cooked. If a food is going to be cooked, gloves are not required. Surgeons wear both masks and gloves when operating. Why is that if they provide no safeguards?
Doesn’t change my point. Everyone has to wash their hands. you’re just as sanitary as you would be wearing a new glove, yet you still have to wear gloves. Like double masking, just stupid.

if you’re showing any signs of being sick, you shouldn’t be operating on some one or working in a kitchen.

the one thing I will admit is that if you wear a mask to a game for four quarters with out taking it off, it’ll be soaked and germ infested by the end of the game from all the yelling and coughing. Don’t wear a mask and where do you think those germs are going? Outward.

i see both sides to the argument which is why I started this thread. In the end, I think it’s up to the person to consult with their dr to see if their immunity is at a level safe enough to go to games. If the dr says no then the masks are a moot point because you just don’t go.

Like I said, if you’re immuno compromised no mask is going to save you from covid in a crowded environment like a football game or an air plane. That being said, I think their could be something said for the elderly immunocompromised that doesn’t get out much that does wear a mask in a small socially distanced setting like a business meeting for example.
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So what do you think about the obstruction of saliva spreading in crowded places like football games or air planes? Helps or does nothing? Again why do people cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough? It must do something right?

as if you couldn’t tell, I’m really just playing the devils advocate with both theories because I’m interested in the multiple conclusions to the hypothesis of this on going societal science project.

There is no definitive conclusion to the science at this point because science is always evolving. I think it’s interesting. I think you’re study is interesting but it still doesn’t really answer my question. Do masks do anything?

We know they don’t stop covid in the grand scheme but do they help in certain situations or are they just completely worthless? Is coughing/sneezing into your hands just a false sense of security? Is washing your hands a false sense of security? I mean your germs are going some where and they’re contagious. Do masks not HELP contain germs/saliva?
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So what do you think about the obstruction of saliva spreading in crowded places like football games or air planes? Helps or does nothing? Again why do people cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough? It must do something right?

as if you couldn’t tell, I’m really just playing the devils advocate with both theories because I’m interested in the multiple conclusions to the hypothesis of this on going societal science project.

There is no definitive conclusion to the science at this point because science is always evolving. I think it’s interesting. I think you’re study is interesting but it still doesn’t really answer my question. Do masks do anything?

We know they don’t stop covid in the grand scheme but do they help in certain situations or are they just completely worthless? Is coughing/sneezing into your hands just a false sense of security? Is washing your hands a false sense of security? I mean your germs are going some where and they’re contagious. Do masks not HELP contain germs/saliva?
They don't work.
They don't work.
Come on man, no disrepect but that’s a cems kinda response minus the lol smfh. You telling me that you’d be ok with somebody sitting behind you in an air plane and caughing/sneezing into the air with out even attempting to cover their mouth? Admit it, you’d be pissed. Why?
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So what do you think about the obstruction of saliva spreading in crowded places like football games or air planes? Helps or does nothing? Again why do people cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough? It must do something right?

as if you couldn’t tell, I’m really just playing the devils advocate with both theories because I’m interested in the multiple conclusions to the hypothesis of this on going societal science project.

There is no definitive conclusion to the science at this point because science is always evolving. I think it’s interesting. I think you’re study is interesting but it still doesn’t really answer my question. Do masks do anything?

We know they don’t stop covid in the grand scheme but do they help in certain situations or are they just completely worthless? Is coughing/sneezing into your hands just a false sense of security? Is washing your hands a false sense of security? I mean your germs are going some where and they’re contagious. Do masks not HELP contain germs/saliva?
Have we seen any super spreader events from all the mask less fans in the areas with full football stadiums across the country? For some reason the rates are actually going down in many places that have been mostly mask less. I'd like to see a study on the effectiveness between wearing a mask versus simply covering you mouth and nose with only your hand and see which one works better. Not talking about an N95 mask, but instead, what most people have been wearing to protect humanity. My grandpa's generation always carried a handkerchief, maybe those will make a comeback.
Have we seen any super spreader events from all the mask less fans in the areas with full football stadiums across the country? For some reason the rates are actually going down in many places that have been mostly mask less. I'd like to see a study on the effectiveness between wearing a mask versus simply covering you mouth and nose with only your hand and see which one works better. Not talking about an N95 mask, but instead, what most people have been wearing to protect humanity. My grandpa's generation always carried a handkerchief, maybe those will make a comeback.
Lol, my grandpa too. So gross. Never understood the handkerchief. You blow your nose on a napkin, then stick it in your pocket and perhaps use it again later on. Better than your hand though right? Think about the thought process vs the alternative. They didn’t have disposable tissues by clenex in the 60’s.

what’s really gross is the concept of sneezing into your shirt sleeve. It’s practically the same thing only you’re stuck wearing your saliva because you didn’t want to get your hand germ infested and you didn’t have a sixties handkerchief handy. What else are you suppose to do though? The concept of sneezing into a mask and then changing your mask is a whole other point too. Nobody does that. Like a germ infested ex going vent. Least it’s some what contained though right? Other wise all that shit is going some where that’s not in your mask. It’s in other peoples faces or door knobs, hand rails, menus, chip readers, gas hoses, etc.,

to you’re first point, I doubt these events are super spreader events for several reasons.

1) biden is in office now so it’s a different media driven agenda. People are still getting covid, you’re just not hearing about it as much anymore. The cnn covid score board dropped the day biden was elected. Now the media narrative is to cover it up and praise biden for the recovery.

2) most at these events are either vaccinated or had covid already and very few are immunocompromised.

3) all the sudden the flu is making a come back as well as the common virus. Imagine that.

i don’t know man. There’s definitely something to be said for government false sense of security. Like with the cold war when kids in class rooms were told to get under the desks when the Russia's were going to send nuclear rockets. Hand sanitizer. Alcohol clearly kills germs but it’s not a substitute for washing your hands and in some cases just spreads gross stuff around.

not going to lie, this whole thread is kind of a troll. I just want to have a good debate with both sides POV’s. The dem’s had their chance to speak their POV but are clearly too blinded by their propaganda networks talking points to put forth decent arguments so I’m having to do it for them and I do think it’s worth discussing. It’s a shame we can’t just have legit debates anymore.

I think the masks are the padding in the helmets to football. Not going to stop a concussion when sean tayler comes darting towards you at full speed but it could be the difference in a few occasions depending on the scenario.

there’s a grey area here imo.
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Come on man, no disrepect but that’s a cems kinda response minus the lol smfh. You telling me that you’d be ok with somebody sitting behind you in an air plane and caughing/sneezing into the air with out even attempting to cover their mouth? Admit it, you’d be pissed. Why?
Very good shtick 6882!
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