Don't Get Me Wrong.


Jan 17, 2007
I am not against the Dems letting RECENTLY dead people vote! But some of the people who voted in NV and PA are DEAD 20 YEARS! How can you let a dead person vote who was not even alive to see a cell phone or the internet??????? Not fair.
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Either 100s of local and state officials across a half-dozen states, numerous judges in those same states, and countless voters are all acting in concert to perpetuate a massive conspiracy that subjects most of them to potential felony charges; or Trump is losing.
It's funny how u ppl just make up shit. Show one ounce of evidence to back up your assertion or stfu.
They can't. THey will just complain that they weren't allowed to collect/document the evidence. It exists, but we can't show it to you is basically the I've got a girlfriend from Canada defense.
Trump has continued to make shyt up for 4 years, then his cronies run with it and try to make it legit, to no avail 99.99% of the time.

This whole mail in vote fraud conspiracy was plotted by Trump well before the election. He cast dispersions on the entire process by saying it was fraudulent, with no basis as usual, knowing the dems were going to vote by in large by mail due to COVID. That way when the day of, in person voting, largely republican, took place the numbers would look great for him, then all of the "fraudulent votes" would start coming in, changing the course of the election, and he could then convince his base and Party that wide spread fraud was in play.

He just didn't anticipate the Republicans in the Senate races, on those same ballots, doing so well. How do you explain that??? They did great, he didn't......same ballot.....can't make this shyt up...LOL

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