Facts: Acquitted Forever! Game Over!


Gold Member
May 2, 2005
The charade has ended. Time to get back to your safe spaces and let real leaders run our country!

Said every whiny lib ever...

The board Libs lost big time. Are they going through with their one year self bans after the failed Russia hoax and failed impeachment? I don’t think they have enough integrity
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Impeachment is like no other indictment. There is no double jeopardy. You can impeach and try the motha fuker again and again if necessary.
Cems..making our way East down Holmberg RD. to your area near 441..the cheap seats. Have your house in order...especially the numbers...
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Cems..making our way East down Holmberg RD. to your area near 441..the cheap seats. Have your house in order...especially the numbers...

Make sure you come into the north side of Pine Tree Estates. I got something waiting for you. Quess what his name is? He has 2 names.
Make sure you come into the north side of Pine Tree Estates. I got something waiting for you. Quess what his name is? He has 2 names.
Very nice of you to share your Jack Daniels with him. I always knew you were a good guy at heart.
Nope. He talked about their criminals.
You don't have any idea what you're talking about. He has disparaged Mexicans other than illegals many times including an award winning journalist and even taken jabs at Jeb Bush over his Mexican born wife. Also called his followers "passionate" after they severely beat a hispanic in his name. Ignorance is no excuse!
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Impeachment is like no other indictment. There is no double jeopardy. You can impeach and try the motha fuker again and again if necessary.
Yep, he keeps pulling the same kind of stunts like Ukraine or even a domestic issue he can be impeached again.
You don't have any idea what you're talking about. He has disparaged Mexicans other than illegals many times including an award winning journalist and even taken jabs at Jeb Bush over his Mexican born wife. Also called his followers "passionate" after they severely beat a hispanic in his name. Ignorance is no excuse!
Please provide a link to a video or tweet of such comments
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Yep, he keeps pulling the same kind of stunts like Ukraine or even a domestic issue he can be impeached again.
Hawaii, if you don’t realize that impeachment helped Trump, and another attempt would further embarrass democrats beyond repair, I have been given you too much credit.
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Hawaii, if you don’t realize that impeachment helped Trump, and another attempt would further embarrass democrats beyond repair, I have been given you too much credit.
Bingo! Winner. Tell Schiff and Nadler to keep it up. They are a great face for their party, which everyone enjoys looking at.
I had the privilege of talking to two German savior students of minorities Tuesday. Myself (a spico) my peers, a Haitian and a Arab.

All they (white saviors) stated was how insensitive the president is. The things that he says, oh my God. Spare me people. Yes he says crap that is not presidential, yes he acts like a child, and but grow a damn pair of balls already. We have a sensitive society, everything hurts your feelings. All white democrats do is throw accusations of racism and minorities fall in line and line up for the white saviors who throughout history have not done a damn thing but offer empty promises. Some of the things that he has said are true. We mumble it at our dinner tables.

Let's play a game. Analyze every major city in America. Most have been controlled my Democrats that promise the world and in most cases have the most crime, have drug, and poverty problems. Have politicians that become wealthy from kickbacks and yet their constituents continue to suffer.

Take a step back look at policy for once. Look at these clowns and how they have voted. Look at how they have used their office for personal and family gain. I myself was brought to this country because my socialist country was extremely difficult to earn a living.

Some of you are deaf, dumb, and blind.

Oh and fyi, not a Republican. They have issues also. But outside looking in, this guy is just doing what democrats like to dirty, insult, label etc etc. Policy wise, he is doing more than any of these ass clowns have done in decades. They hate him because he is already wealthy and THEY CANNOT CONTROL HIM......

I suggest some of you go watch "Skull and Bones"
Some truth to that movie.

That’s you’re problem, you’re using MSN as a “credible” source! Oh my!
"Oh my", my ass. Go to any site you want and research the topic. You were wrong and wanted verification and now you're ridiculing that. Fine, keep posting your ignorance for all to see. You have no credibility!
"Oh my", my ass. Go to any site you want and research the topic. You were wrong and wanted verification and now you're ridiculing that. Fine, keep posting your ignorance for all to see. You have no credibility!
Again, post a video...
The repubs want to erase history. The impeachment will be on record for years to come. even if in the future the repubs win back the house, they think they can do it. One thing is for sure . There will tons of voter fraud, voter suppression, gerrymandering initiated by the GOP. It will be so thick you could cut it with a knife.