Facts: Acquitted Forever! Game Over!

Do you notice how angry the left is all of the time? Do you notice that they have zero respect for the opinions of others and they regard persons whose opinions are different as inferior? Yet they want us to vote for their leaders so they can take over our lives. It seems to me that those who advance a proposition carry the burden of producing facts to support that proposition. If you can't, just admit you can't and be on your way.
Yep. Sheep! They hate Trump so much after he unbelievably beat their “lock” of a candidate, that they want to believe anything and everything negative, even changing laws that Obama started that Trump is now enforcing, and overturn other laws and checks and balances In the constitution that would cause our great nation to crumble.
No, you made this fictitious claims of obvious racism towards Mexicans, and all you could provide is an article on MSNBC, not a video of such comment from the horses mouth
You're lying again because you're too lazy to do you're own research. I provided you with a link which included comments and videos from CBS News, Time Magazine , BBC News, Washington Post and others. Google "Trump Disparages Mexicans" and view for yourself you lazy POS!
You're lying again because you're too lazy to do you're own research. I provided you with a link which included comments and videos from CBS News, Time Magazine , BBC News, Washington Post and others. Google "Trump Disparages Mexicans" and view for yourself you lazy POS!
Link the video.
"Link the video". What the hell are you talking about? I told you what to Google and there were numerous examples. Is it really that difficult to admit you were wrong?
Nothingburger, he said many of the illegals are criminal rapists, drug dealers, murder, and not good people. He said some are good. Nothing disparaging and there is truth to it.
Nothingburger, he said many of the illegals are criminal rapists, drug dealers, murder, and not good people. He said some are good. Nothing disparaging and there is truth to it.
Donald Trump- "When will the US stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others"? July 10. 2014. It began a long time ago and only increased.
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May be a stupid comment, but not disparaging. And it was about the country, not Mexicans. Wow, you’ve been brainwashed.
He has gotten the Mexicans to put troops down on the Central American border with Mexico... something the Democrats could never get done. Would the left say that the cartels who run drug and murder rings in Northern Mexico are good people. Roughly 35 thousand murders by these bastards last year.
Do you notice how angry the left is all of the time? Do you notice that they have zero respect for the opinions of others and they regard persons whose opinions are different as inferior? Yet they want us to vote for their leaders so they can take over our lives. It seems to me that those who advance a proposition carry the burden of producing facts to support that proposition. If you can't, just admit you can't and be on your way.
The repubs were most angry from 2008-2016. Not saying they no longer are. They cant show it because they are under the thumb of the red headed bone spur in chief. Anyone or any group that is forced to work long hours, burn the midnight oil will be dissatisfied. Its just that whenever they think they have made strides working with the carrot top in chief, he throws them another curve. They thought they were going to rest easy after acquitting him.
The repubs were most angry from 2008-2016. Not saying they no longer are. They cant show it because they are under the thumb of the red headed bone spur in chief. Anyone or any group that is forced to work long hours, burn the midnight oil will be dissatisfied. Its just that whenever they think they have made strides working with the carrot top in chief, he throws them another curve. They thought they were going to rest easy after acquitting him.
The mindless ones are triggered lmao. What they do not understand is the Democratic Party has been destroyed from within by foreign influences and racism. Most democratic representatives hate white and black Christian Americans.
The repubs were most angry from 2008-2016. Not saying they no longer are. They cant show it because they are under the thumb of the red headed bone spur in chief. Anyone or any group that is forced to work long hours, burn the midnight oil will be dissatisfied. Its just that whenever they think they have made strides working with the carrot top in chief, he throws them another curve. They thought they were going to rest easy after acquitting him.
To the contrary, Republicans are enthused: it’s the Democrats who are in despair.
Yep. You guys like to fold everything into one card.
I think it's time that we admitted that we are all racists, homophobes and troglodytes and accede to a Democratic takeover. Thereafter we can all benefit from re-education camps they will, classically, in the spirit of previous left wing takeovers in other countries, set up.
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You see, I deal in facts. You’ve been misled by your own Fakenews and do not want to admit it. Please provide evidence or you’re a waste of time. Show me a video, not a misrepresentation, where Trump said “hated” Mexicans.
The only thing he ever said is how he hated that Mexico was ripping the US off in Nafta ......he also stated that he felt that Nafta was one of the worst deals ever structured thus why we now have the USMCA...........that is fact ......never said he hated Mexicans........MS...DNC = MSNBC
The only thing he ever said is how he hated that Mexico was ripping the US off in Nafta ......he also stated that he felt that Nafta was one of the worst deals ever structured thus why we now have the USMCA...........that is fact ......never said he hated Mexicans........MS...DNC = MSNBC
Yep, and the media twists it and takes pieces out of context, then they replay it and he’s an alleged racist.

Kinda like Charlottesville, most sheep don’t realize it all started with people protesting the removal of a confederate statue. Then the racists show up causing problems, and Trump, referring to those protesting the removal of the statue, says there were good people on both sides of the issue, not the racists, and the Fakenews media claims trump was defending the racists who ran over the crowd. These sheep eat it up because the lie fits their narrative that Trump is a racist. Sad.
Impeached due to radical fuktard Democrats. nobody gives a fuk about the whole thing except TDS suffering libtard cucks like you who need safe spaces. Keep grasping at straws, flailing in the wind, and acting like scorned little shit bitches. Cucks gonna cuck!

Grasping at straws? The history books say otherwise. The POS is impeached. Deal with it!!
Grasping at straws? The history books say otherwise. The POS is impeached. Deal with it!!
Given your reference to history as well as the impeachment actually occurred in the past you should have said "was" rather than "is impeached". In any case, we all want to thank the wacko Democrats for exposing Biden and their own rabid fanaticism to the public. I still think that pyrrhic victory best describes the Democratic impeachment. But, to put it on a level that Democrats, such as yourself, may understand let's go to a nursery tale.
BTW let's see if you decide to re-impeach President Trump. I would predict that you will start an inquiry and should you so desire ram through Articles of Impeachment... nothing is stopping you except some sort of awareness that they fxxked up. Democratic actions now will provide key evidence as to how crazy and stupid they are.
Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby
retold by

S.E. Schlosser

Well now, that rascal Brer Fox hated Brer Rabbit on account of he was always cutting capers and bossing everyone around. So Brer Fox decided to capture and kill Brer Rabbit if it was the last thing he ever did! He thought and he thought until he came up with a plan. He would make a tar baby! Brer Fox went and got some tar and he mixed it with some turpentine and he sculpted it into the figure of a cute little baby. Then he stuck a hat on the Tar Baby and sat her in the middle of the road.

Brer Fox hid himself in the bushes near the road and he waited and waited for Brer Rabbit to come along. At long last, he heard someone whistling and chuckling to himself, and he knew that Brer Rabbit was coming up over the hill. As he reached the top, Brer Rabbit spotted the cute little Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was surprised. He stopped and stared at this strange creature. He had never seen anything like it before!

"Good Morning," said Brer Rabbit, doffing his hat. "Nice weather we're having."

The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox laid low and grinned an evil grin.

Brer Rabbit tried again. "And how are you feeling this fine day?"

The Tar Baby, she said nothing. Brer Fox grinned an evil grin and lay low in the bushes.

Brer Rabbit frowned. This strange creature was not very polite. It was beginning to make him mad.

"Ahem!" said Brer Rabbit loudly, wondering if the Tar Baby were deaf. "I said 'HOW ARE YOU THIS MORNING?"

The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox curled up into a ball to hide his laugher. His plan was working perfectly!

"Are you deaf or just rude?" demanded Brer Rabbit, losing his temper. "I can't stand folks that are stuck up! You take off that hat and say 'Howdy-do' or I'm going to give you such a lickin'!"

The Tar Baby just sat in the middle of the road looking as cute as a button and saying nothing at all. Brer Fox rolled over and over under the bushes, fit to bust because he didn't dare laugh out loud.

"I'll learn ya!" Brer Rabbit yelled. He took a swing at the cute little Tar Baby and his paw got stuck in the tar.

"Lemme go or I'll hit you again," shouted Brer Rabbit. The Tar Baby, she said nothing.

"Fine! Be that way," said Brer Rabbit, swinging at the Tar Baby with his free paw. Now both his paws were stuck in the tar, and Brer Fox danced with glee behind the bushes.

"I'm gonna kick the stuffin' out of you," Brer Rabbit said and pounced on the Tar Baby with both feet. They sank deep into the Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was so furious he head-butted the cute little creature until he was completely covered with tar and unable to move.

Brer Fox leapt out of the bushes and strolled over to Brer Rabbit. "Well, well, what have we here?" he asked, grinning an evil grin.

Brer Rabbit gulped. He was stuck fast. He did some fast thinking while Brer Fox rolled about on the road, laughing himself sick over Brer Rabbit's dilemma.

"I've got you this time, Brer Rabbit," said Brer Fox, jumping up and shaking off the dust. "You've sassed me for the very last time. Now I wonder what I should do with you?"

Brer Rabbit's eyes got very large. "Oh please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"Maybe I should roast you over a fire and eat you," mused Brer Fox. "No, that's too much trouble. Maybe I'll hang you instead."

"Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please, Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"If I'm going to hang you, I'll need some string," said Brer Fox. "And I don't have any string handy. But the stream's not far away, so maybe I'll drown you instead."

"Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please, Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"The briar patch, eh?" said Brer Fox. "What a wonderful idea! You'll be torn into little pieces!"

Grabbing up the tar-covered rabbit, Brer Fox swung him around and around and then flung him head over heels into the briar patch. Brer Rabbit let out such a scream as he fell that all of Brer Fox's fur stood straight up. Brer Rabbit fell into the briar bushes with a crash and a mighty thump. Then there was silence.

Brer Fox cocked one ear toward the briar patch, listening for whimpers of pain. But he heard nothing. Brer Fox cocked the other ear toward the briar patch, listening for Brer Rabbit's death rattle. He heard nothing.

Then Brer Fox heard someone calling his name. He turned around and looked up the hill. Brer Rabbit was sitting on a log combing the tar out of his fur with a wood chip and looking smug.

"I was bred and born in the briar patch, Brer Fox," he called. "Born and bred in the briar patch."

And Brer Rabbit skipped away as merry as a cricket while Brer Fox ground his teeth in rage and went home.
Yep, and the media twists it and takes pieces out of context, then they replay it and he’s an alleged racist.

Kinda like Charlottesville, most sheep don’t realize it all started with people protesting the removal of a confederate statue. Then the racists show up causing problems, and Trump, referring to those protesting the removal of the statue, says there were good people on both sides of the issue, not the racists, and the Fakenews media claims trump was defending the racists who ran over the crowd. These sheep eat it up because the lie fits their narrative that Trump is a racist. Sad.
What is even sadder is that this thought process is permeated thruout the DOJ........that is scary .......the problem is the Left can no longer debate because Facts get in the way and that is why they drive there arguments w/ Narratives........
Like Education the Media is getting exposed for a SOCIALIST agenda that simply does not work nor will it ever........The Left is about POWER and LIES .........that is it.....
Grasping at straws? The history books say otherwise. The POS is impeached. Deal with it!!
What you don’t seem to understand cems with your impeachment dialogue is when the Republicans take the House the Senate and re- elect Trump there is a good chance because of his vindication that the impeachment will be expunged . Meaning that record will be wiped clean - there could be NO impeachment of record
What you don’t seem to understand cems with your impeachment dialogue is when the Republicans take the House the Senate and re- elect Trump there is a good chance because of his vindication that the impeachment will be expunged . Meaning that record will be wiped clean - there could be NO impeachment of record
You're as dumb as @bobbie jo.
Given your reference to history as well as the impeachment actually occurred in the past you should have said "was" rather than "is impeached". In any case, we all want to thank the wacko Democrats for exposing Biden and their own rabid fanaticism to the public. I still think that pyrrhic victory best describes the Democratic impeachment. But, to put it on a level that Democrats, such as yourself, may understand let's go to a nursery tale.
BTW let's see if you decide to re-impeach President Trump. I would predict that you will start an inquiry and should you so desire ram through Articles of Impeachment... nothing is stopping you except some sort of awareness that they fxxked up. Democratic actions now will provide key evidence as to how crazy and stupid they are.
Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby
retold by

S.E. Schlosser

Well now, that rascal Brer Fox hated Brer Rabbit on account of he was always cutting capers and bossing everyone around. So Brer Fox decided to capture and kill Brer Rabbit if it was the last thing he ever did! He thought and he thought until he came up with a plan. He would make a tar baby! Brer Fox went and got some tar and he mixed it with some turpentine and he sculpted it into the figure of a cute little baby. Then he stuck a hat on the Tar Baby and sat her in the middle of the road.

Brer Fox hid himself in the bushes near the road and he waited and waited for Brer Rabbit to come along. At long last, he heard someone whistling and chuckling to himself, and he knew that Brer Rabbit was coming up over the hill. As he reached the top, Brer Rabbit spotted the cute little Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was surprised. He stopped and stared at this strange creature. He had never seen anything like it before!

"Good Morning," said Brer Rabbit, doffing his hat. "Nice weather we're having."

The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox laid low and grinned an evil grin.

Brer Rabbit tried again. "And how are you feeling this fine day?"

The Tar Baby, she said nothing. Brer Fox grinned an evil grin and lay low in the bushes.

Brer Rabbit frowned. This strange creature was not very polite. It was beginning to make him mad.

"Ahem!" said Brer Rabbit loudly, wondering if the Tar Baby were deaf. "I said 'HOW ARE YOU THIS MORNING?"

The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox curled up into a ball to hide his laugher. His plan was working perfectly!

"Are you deaf or just rude?" demanded Brer Rabbit, losing his temper. "I can't stand folks that are stuck up! You take off that hat and say 'Howdy-do' or I'm going to give you such a lickin'!"

The Tar Baby just sat in the middle of the road looking as cute as a button and saying nothing at all. Brer Fox rolled over and over under the bushes, fit to bust because he didn't dare laugh out loud.

"I'll learn ya!" Brer Rabbit yelled. He took a swing at the cute little Tar Baby and his paw got stuck in the tar.

"Lemme go or I'll hit you again," shouted Brer Rabbit. The Tar Baby, she said nothing.

"Fine! Be that way," said Brer Rabbit, swinging at the Tar Baby with his free paw. Now both his paws were stuck in the tar, and Brer Fox danced with glee behind the bushes.

"I'm gonna kick the stuffin' out of you," Brer Rabbit said and pounced on the Tar Baby with both feet. They sank deep into the Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was so furious he head-butted the cute little creature until he was completely covered with tar and unable to move.

Brer Fox leapt out of the bushes and strolled over to Brer Rabbit. "Well, well, what have we here?" he asked, grinning an evil grin.

Brer Rabbit gulped. He was stuck fast. He did some fast thinking while Brer Fox rolled about on the road, laughing himself sick over Brer Rabbit's dilemma.

"I've got you this time, Brer Rabbit," said Brer Fox, jumping up and shaking off the dust. "You've sassed me for the very last time. Now I wonder what I should do with you?"

Brer Rabbit's eyes got very large. "Oh please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"Maybe I should roast you over a fire and eat you," mused Brer Fox. "No, that's too much trouble. Maybe I'll hang you instead."

"Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please, Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"If I'm going to hang you, I'll need some string," said Brer Fox. "And I don't have any string handy. But the stream's not far away, so maybe I'll drown you instead."

"Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please, Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"The briar patch, eh?" said Brer Fox. "What a wonderful idea! You'll be torn into little pieces!"

Grabbing up the tar-covered rabbit, Brer Fox swung him around and around and then flung him head over heels into the briar patch. Brer Rabbit let out such a scream as he fell that all of Brer Fox's fur stood straight up. Brer Rabbit fell into the briar bushes with a crash and a mighty thump. Then there was silence.

Brer Fox cocked one ear toward the briar patch, listening for whimpers of pain. But he heard nothing. Brer Fox cocked the other ear toward the briar patch, listening for Brer Rabbit's death rattle. He heard nothing.

Then Brer Fox heard someone calling his name. He turned around and looked up the hill. Brer Rabbit was sitting on a log combing the tar out of his fur with a wood chip and looking smug.

"I was bred and born in the briar patch, Brer Fox," he called. "Born and bred in the briar patch."

And Brer Rabbit skipped away as merry as a cricket while Brer Fox ground his teeth in rage and went home.
Cems get more involved with the Parkland community...played golf in the MSG memorial fundraiser this past Saturday...need your donations and time.