Feinstein and Pelosi’s husbands on the board of Company

Do I have this quoted properly? Whaaah! Whaaah! Whaaaaa!!!!

I believe and I quote this was the response to our concerns in 2016!
Do I have this quoted properly? Whaaah! Whaaah! Whaaaaa!!!!

I believe and I quote this was the response to our concerns in 2016!
So you don’t acknowledge the machine in MI where votes were changed 6000 of them?? That’s proven fact it happened in a conservative county and they caught it. I’m guessing if it happened in Dem counties they would let it slide. The audit and recount will show so we shall see. Maybe you are right??
So you don’t acknowledge the machine in MI where votes were changed 6000 of them?? That’s proven fact it happened in a conservative county and they caught it. I’m guessing if it happened in Dem counties they would let it slide. The audit and recount will show so we shall see. Maybe you are right??
A. Please see previous quote. B. GTFOOH C. These high crimes and misdemeanors you will now need to defend yourself from should be your concern. Just watch and see how NY Southern District gives it up.
A. Please see previous quote. B. GTFOOH C. These high crimes and misdemeanors you will now need to defend yourself from should be your concern. Just watch and see how NY Southern District gives it up.
CD why do you feel the need to silence others opinion. Seems to be commonplace amongst you liberals. I find it hilarious you guys are marching around here threatening people like Nazi’s. Surely that’s just irony considering you called Trump one for the last 4 years. I always wondered when you guys would shed your horrible attempt at disguising your true intentions.
CD why do you feel the need to silence others opinion. Seems to be commonplace amongst you liberals. I find it hilarious you guys are marching around here threatening people like Nazi’s. Surely that’s just irony considering you called Trump one for the last 4 years. I always wondered when you guys would shed your horrible attempt at disguising your true intentions.
Nazis? Ya don't say?

It’s on both sides. Out spoken liberal farakon has continuously called for the annihilation of jews . The difference is you have every republican denouncing neo nazi’s where as you really don’t have any democrats denouncing farakon or white hating race baiter jessie jackson etc. hell the squad was against the peace deal in the middle east for gods sake. These are sitting congress women and not rogue dem civilians. This country will always be divided because it’s a two party system which is the point. The difference is that republicans are ok with a difference of opinions (no rioting going on right now despite cheating allegations nor will there be violence if trump isn’t elected) where libs like you take a monolithic fascist approach approach crying racism and the justification of rioting any time some one doesn’t agree with you. Hell the left are doing everything in their power to kill the electoral college and make it a one party system so that they can dictate the whole country. You have an out spoken mayor in new york city saying that jews can’t go to temple but it’s ok for 10’s of thousands of blm supporters to protest not to mention the tens of thousands of dems meeting in the streets as they celebrate the election. How about jews for trump literally getting rocks and eggs thrown at them by democrats for their peaceful approach to republican support? How about all the pro police rally’s and republican rally’s that had to be shut down do left wing organizations eliciting violence. I could go on and on. Name one dem rally or organization that was shut down by republican supporters using violence. Just think back to all the anti free speech colleges in liberal areas that refuse to allow a republican spokesperson have a lecture or q&a. Think of all the liberal cities that did everything in their power to not allow a trump rally out of fear of it being a hostile environment. Hell just look at the concept of “safe spaces”. That’s a fancy phrase for locations that only allow democrats. You don’t see any of these fascist approaches with the right. Why, because it goes against everything we believe which is the freedom of opinion, speech, religion, political affiliation.
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