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If its dialed back it will be short term. The only reason CD toned down his insults over the last several weeks was because of the gay-bashing directed at him when several weeks ago someone stumbled upon his Facebook page and disclosed some of his personal info. This is why Gary started this thread. While I agree that what people do with their lives is their own business, when you go over the top with insults like he has in the past you expose yourself to what happened several weeks ago.....which is have people dig into your personal life and unveil certain stuff. Living in glass houses sometimes has consequences. Hopefully we can all tone it down for a while but I am not holding my breath.
Damn did not know that
Lmao@stumbled across his Facebook. There is nothing on my Facebook page about gay people or implies I am gay.

I know exactly who is responsible for it. It is another in a long line of examples of people who to me are a 12 year old boys mentaly who thought it would be cool to get a cyber gang of bullies together and start that childish nonsense. What's next? Fart cushions?

That stuff doesn't work with me because i honesty don't care about what people I don't respect think of me. I give everyone access to my Facebook here. I don't think it is a big deal. When you need to be accepted so bad you have to start childish rumors go ahead. That won't prevent anything. You can't bully me.
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Lmao@stumbled across his Facebook. There is nothing on my Facebook page about gay people or imply I am gay.

I know exactly who is responsible for it. It is another in a long line examples of people who to me are a 12 year old boy who thought it would be cool to get a cyber gang of bullies together and start that childish nonsense.

That stuff doesn't work with me because i honesty don't care about what people I don't respect think of me. I give everyone access to my Facebook here. I don't think it is a big deal. When you need to be accepted so bad you have to start childish rumors go ahead. That won't prevent anything. You can't bully me.
If you insult people long enough they will dig stuff up on you. Bullying can be a two way street.

Speaking of acceptance and what you say are childish rumors, are you now saying we mis-interpreted that little conversation you and I had several weeks ago which were witnessed by others? People that dont care about what others think on here wouldnt respond the way you did above.
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Good for You are starting to make sense to me...not your politics though. You have a few guys (posters) on the ropes...Nice.
They stay They think we are like them and walk in lock step. They don't understand how people can have their own minds without having to feel like part of a bully cyber gang. It's sad to be honest. These are people that can't think for themselves independently and need affirmation from one another. It's just sick watching it.

Well why don't you stay the heck out of the lounge?
Never have I been the kind of guy you can bully...especially on line
Well why don't you stay the heck out of the lounge?
Because I decide where I go....nobody else here. That sounds like "why don't you stay off our block" lol....It isn't your block and I can be here if I want to be here. I don't care if you like it.
Never have I been the kind of guy you can bully...especially on line

Because I decide where I go....nobody else here. That sounds like "why don't you stay off our block" lol....It isn't your block and I can be here if I want to be here. I don't care if you like it.
Does Urban Meyer run a spread offense?
Once again just remember when we aren’t here anymore & you’re still having the same problems don’t act like it was us that was the problem.

What do you mean us?

What are you?

What do you think you are?

Maybe that’s the root of the problem?

Sorry. People should be able to debate and disagree about things without personal attacks

Nobody here is 5 years old
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Gary's politics match up with CD's politics. Its Gary's forum so he chooses to enforce rules and ban those who disagree with CD and his views. You will not get any resolution to this discussion.


I don’t even know what Amy individuals politics are. And couldn’t care less

We just have to get rid of all the bullying one way or the other
Cems your alright . It is to bad CD can pick and choose to turn bad post into Gary Gary has the right to do what ever he wants to it is his sight. We have the right to not to be on this sight we do not have to pay membership if we do not want to. Gary is also correct that it gets out of control. I think the biggest difference is CD acts like he is so innocent and we are the only ones that post something bad . I got all his post saved of al his rants on how bad conservatives are . I have even entertained that if Gary banned me and not CD i would fight that decision but then I realized out of respect for Gary that would make me bad as CD because he never intended this sight to come to something like that.. CD is such a Hypocrite and unreal how one person can ruined it for all. Im not afraid to call someone like CD out he is the worst kind of person that can cry wolf when he is the biggest one ranting about how sorry,stupid the list goes on we conservatives are. No body even takes him serous when he bullies us conservatives lol. Just look at his post on this thread he acts like he is the innocent one and only the conservative people are the bad ones lol.Well any way I just hope Gary holds CD accountable as he is all of us. Me I will do what Gary is asking and will move on . I will only post with folks who like to debate politics with fun .


So you have oppposite political views

Why is that a big deal

Debate and have fun

Why does it have to be. Personal
Gary then I respectfully say you are blind to what CD does . He is one of the biggest instigators on what is going on. We are all bad no doubt and go to far and you are spot on with what you are saying about cleaning the sight up that you never intended the lounge for personal attacks. But CD is not the innocent golden child you make him out to be. It is unreal what he has called President Trump and his supporters and the personal attacks he has made with all full language. He is not a innocent bystander Gary.

Ok, so he hates Trump lol

So do a lot of other people

The sun comes up

We have to shut down The Lounge because CD hates trump?
Gary, we have been here just as long if not longer.

You deleting my earlier comments in this thread says it all and why he has never been banned. Whiny CD starts calling everyone cucks nonstop after the election, attacking people, and now we mock him calling him a cuck, and now, all of the sudden, it’s offensive, we are bullies, and an attack on King Cuck. Interesting juxtaposition!

Once again, what is WE

This site has been here since the start of the internet

There are only problems when people start getting into a gang mentality and looking at themselves as we

You are all individuals in control of your own actions

We created this forum for everyone to have fun

If I ha e to come over here and say you guys are ruining a good thing and if you collectively can’t get it under control .......

I understand people are passionate about their politics and other things

There is still no reason to disrespect others and personally attack

This is a Canes football site
The funny thing is people here complaining about me have been on ignore for some time now....LMAO. How am I calling you anything when you are actually on ignore. There are about 12 of you there. So, you whine I am a coward for having you on ignore. You whine, I report you to Gary when I have you on ignore. You whine I call you names when I have you on ignore. Oh boy....see where this is going? You are on ignore and I will add about 2 more based on what I see here. Gary may not ban you but I will put you on my personal ban and you can continue to impress each other with your brilliance and 12 year old nonsense.

I will discuss politics with anyone who will have the discussion....but that doesn't mean I have to agree with you. Get over it already! I'm not going to agree with you and if you can't handle that, it isn't provoking you in my mind. It is I don't agree and you shouldn't be here anyway if you can't deal with that.

And this js why he has never been banned

And by the way, he is correct

He has not reported anybody either
Look, if you came to the lounge and just looked at the last couple of weeks of threads, you would see one kid getting pummeled with both words and pics. It’d look like bullying and I guarantee everyone would do exactly what Gary did, which was attempt to stop it. Of course, a deeper look into the history behind all the angst would show that the kid whining brought most, if not all, the pummeling upon himself.

So what Gary is asking is for us all to throttle it back. Disagree like adults and above all rid the board of the obvious rules violations. If we can’t, action will be taking so let’s do what we need to do.


We can’t play referee all day every day
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