Florida Continues Its Precipitous Decline In Cases

What's the death toll now?
The next week or two will be a little rough probably 150 day average for next 10 or so days. May even have a couple days that go over 300. With the rapid decline in cases it would appear FL may be close to a herd immunity like number. By September the daily figure will be back to low double digits.
245..Yesterday is was 72..Yes Thanks Governor Thanks..
We should be thanking him, NY at its peak had 952 in a single day, by my count that is 707 fewer deaths. Couple that with the fact our economy remains far more open than most other states and this is even more staggeringly good news. Double win for Desantis. I feel bad for you because come September FL and Texas will be roaring back with low case counts and low double digit death counts and then you are really going to have to dig deep to find bad news. On the plus side for you Northern CA is starting to surge so maybe you can rail on about how terrible Newsome is.
How many deaths could have been avoided if Desantis had not opened when Trump told him to do so?
But Governor Ronnie was not going to disobey his boss...So whatever Trump wanted Ronnie to do he was more than happy to oblige...And this subservient behavior by Ronnie will continue until November 3rd when Trump is removed and we can MAKE THE WHITE HOUSE GREAT AGAIN.
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But Governor Ronnie was not going to disobey his boss...So whatever Trump wanted Ronnie to do he was more than happy to oblige...And this subservient behavior by Ronnie will continue until November 3rd when Trump is removed and we can MAKE THE WHITE HOUSE GREAT AGAIN.
Got it! #MTWHGA
But Governor Ronnie was not going to disobey his boss...So whatever Trump wanted Ronnie to do he was more than happy to oblige...And this subservient behavior by Ronnie will continue until November 3rd when Trump is removed and we can MAKE THE WHITE HOUSE GREAT AGAIN.
He reopened because a million people lost their jobs and much of Floridas economy is service based. A million plus people out of work will lead to deaths of despair like suicide, drug use, obesity and from poverty and lack of means for healthcare. These categories typically effect much younger people for lengthy periods of time before death and creates a tremendous burden on them and their families and more so society at large. They must get back to work and he made a decision that responsible adults must make between the worse of two evils. Allow several thousand very sick and mostly very old (avg Covid death 78) or allow the same number perhaps more to live lives of misery before succumbing to these deaths of despair. The latter category also allows greater freedoms to society and places a lighter burden to the costs of this plague on them as well. Time will look back kindly on the very wise choice to stay the course despite unrelenting harrassment by media.
Still my favorite chart out there. Surprisingly I don't see Florida on the page. But I do see Louisiana, Michigan, Illinois, Mississippi, Arizona, and Indiana which are not even close to NYC (distance of epicenter spread) or the population density of FL being way up there.

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Still my favorite chart out there. Surprisingly I don't see Florida on the page. But I do see Louisiana, Michigan, Illinois, Mississippi, Arizona, and Indiana which are not even close to NYC (distance of epicenter spread) or the population density of FL being way up there.

Patience!! Florida will be there soon. Remember, this pandemic was exacerbated by Trump's mishandling of the virus like not encouraging face mask wear.
How many deaths could have been avoided if Desantis had not opened when Trump told him to do so?

tough to tell, we were locked down for months up here in Pa, destroyed our economy, and still had 7k deaths with half the population of Florida. And when I say our economy is destroyed another hit last week with 7500 restaurants saying they are on their last month due to the governors 25% capacity restriction. Probably 2x-5x as many small businesses that were completely shut down for 2 months will close too on top of those that already have.

So the choice is 2-3x the amount of annual flu deaths or drive the economy into the Great Depression and more deaths due to drugs, alcohol, suicide, untreated cancer and other diseases.....which the CDC is again saying will be much greater than that from Covid.
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tough to tell, we were locked down for months up here in Pa, destroyed our economy, and still had 7k deaths with half the population of Florida. And when I say our economy is destroyed another hit last week with 7500 restaurants saying they are on their last month due to the governors 25% capacity restriction. Probably 2x-5x as many small businesses that were completely shut down for 2 months will close too on top of those that already have.

So the choice is 2-3x the amount of annual flu deaths or drive the economy into the Great Depression and more deaths due to drugs, alcohol, suicide, untreated cancer and other diseases.....which the CDC is again saying will be much greater than that from Covid.

Now you believe the CDC?
Patience!! Florida will be there soon. Remember, this pandemic was exacerbated by Trump's mishandling of the virus like not encouraging face mask wear.

Ahh wait two more weeks. People who are always wrong love to keep waiting and giving excuses for why it hasn't happened yet.

To get into the top 10 of deaths per capita (currently 606/m) Florida would need 5,375 more deaths and all other states would have to immediately stop all deaths. FL is averaging about 140 deaths per day from coronavirus right now. At that pace it would take 1.5 months to catch up to the top 10.

If you're so confident, I will bet you $1k to a charity of winner's choosing FL doesn't end up in the Top 10 in deaths per million compared to all other states by December 31, 2020.
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Patience!! Florida will be there soon. Remember, this pandemic was exacerbated by Trump's mishandling of the virus like not encouraging face mask wear.
Incorrect. Florida is now in its 6th day of decline.
Ahh wait two more weeks. People who are always wrong love to keep waiting and giving excuses for why it hasn't happened yet.

To get into the top 10 of deaths per capita (currently 606/m) Florida would need 5,375 more deaths and all other states would have to immediately stop all deaths. FL is averaging about 140 deaths per day from coronavirus right now. At that pace it would take 1.5 months to catch up to the top 10.

If you're so confident, I will bet you $1k to a charity of winner's choosing FL doesn't end up in the Top 10 in deaths per million compared to all other states by December 31, 2020.
Are you serious with your downplaying of deaths? Any number of deaths due to Trump's and Desantis' incompetence is too much. Get real!!
Are you serious with your downplaying of deaths? Any number of deaths due to Trump's and Desantis' incompetence is too much. Get real!!

you haven’t seen incompetence. Incompetence are the 5 or 6 Democrat governors who forced long term care facilities into taking covid positive patients going against guidance from federal HHS.
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Your peeps don't believe in the CDC. Why?

some do some don’t. I’m skeptical of some of their claims but ultimately I look at the supporting evidence.

I do believe the lockdown will be far deadlier than the virus in the end. I believe it was April or May that the Amer Cancer Society reported something like 40k less cancer diagnoses that month. I don’t think that’s an aberration and that won’t be the only public health crisis caused by this.

I think people question the numbers because of State reporting issues. When states have negative deaths or cases where a homicide victim is listed as a COVID deaths people have a right to be skeptical. When no one reports on the two facets of the death toll, those who die with covid vs those who die from covid, people have a right to be skeptical.

When local health officials explain how they list deaths as covid because they had symptoms but weren’t tested people have a right to be skeptical.

Ultimately the media decided to politicize this which is sad because it split everyone into camps and made everyone skeptical of the other.
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Did i ever tell you about the time that I thought I found you in the golden cane lounge and gave somebody some shit (TOTALY JOKING thank god, I was actually kind of excited to meet the infamous [when you’re so famous you’re in-famous] name the movie reference ), and it turned out to be some poor guy that never even heard of canesport. Pretty embarrassing moment for me. I couldn’t even buy the guy a beer to apologize because it’s clearly all inclusive. I still say it’s your fault.
some do some don’t. I’m skeptical of some of their claims but ultimately I look at the supporting evidence.

I do believe the lockdown will be far deadlier than the virus in the end. I believe it was April or May that the Amer Cancer Society reported something like 40k less cancer diagnoses that month. I don’t think that’s an aberration and that won’t be the only public health crisis caused by this.

I think people question the numbers because of State reporting issues. When states have negative deaths or cases where a homicide victim is listed as a COVID deaths people have a right to be skeptical. When no one reports on the two facets of the death toll, those who die with covid vs those who die from covid, people have a right to be skeptical.

When local health officials explain how they list deaths as covid because they had symptoms but weren’t tested people have a right to be skeptical.

Ultimately the media decided to politicize this which is sad because it split everyone into camps and made everyone skeptical of the other.
Enough of your fairy tales. I'm going to sleep.
Are you serious with your downplaying of deaths? Any number of deaths due to Trump's and Desantis' incompetence is too much. Get real!!

LOL you made a false statement to be patient that FL would be in the top 10 of deaths soon aka actively cheering for deaths and I'm the one downplaying them?

Way to deflect and ignore the wager. It's official @cems52 actively cheering for FL to increase deaths and hates charity.
LOL you made a false statement to be patient that FL would be in the top 10 of deaths soon aka actively cheering for deaths and I'm the one downplaying them?

Way to deflect and ignore the wager. It's official @cems52 actively cheering for FL to increase deaths and hates charity.
What did Trump say about the rising death toll, "It is what it is"? That's what you also said. Smh
What did Trump say about the rising death toll, "It is what it is"? That's what you also said. Smh

The master deflector at it again. What does your statement of:

Patience!! Florida will be there soon. Remember, this pandemic was exacerbated by Trump's mishandling of the virus like not encouraging face mask wear.

have anything to do with other than cheer leading more FL deaths? You are actively hoping for more deaths which says way more about you and your shortcomings.

You're so scared of facts that you have to bring Trump into every conversation to hide. Now you add lies that I said "It is what it is". You're just sad.
The master deflector at it again. What does your statement of:

have anything to do with other than cheer leading more FL deaths? You are actively hoping for more deaths which says way more about you and your shortcomings.

You're so scared of facts that you have to bring Trump into every conversation to hide. Now you add lies that I said "It is what it is". You're just sad.

I see improved reading comprehension is an area of need for you.

Florida saw 40% gain over yesterday’s number of 5409..Florida once again moving in the wrong direction..Now that the testing centers are back up we will see more and more positive cases as well as deaths start to rise....As #45 loves to say ”It is what it is”....
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