Florida saw 40% gain over yesterday’s number of 5409..Florida once again moving in the wrong direction..Now that the testing centers are back up we will see more and more positive cases as well as deaths start to rise....As #45 loves to say ”It is what it is”....
Your ability to consistently misconstrue stats is incredible. That 40% growth was because of 104k tests being done (most in almost 2 weeks) and it came with a positive rate of 8.34% (lowest last 45 days) which resulted in about 2k less tests than are average with the downward trend continuing. Deaths are also going to start trending down significantly with the lowest non-weekend death total in 3 weeks reported (46% decrease whoo percentages are fun) but keep that panic up.
Only an idiot would tout a gain in cases based on an outlier event of testing centers being closed.