Florida, South Carolina coronavirus figures are the states' highest yet for a single day

Ops.....I guess Florida isn't the standard after all. I guess that thread that said they were grateful to be in Florida didn't age well. Florida is getting ready to get the business with COVID.
Didn’t see anything in that article about the number of tests that were conducted. Because more readily available testing on more people will obviously yield more positive cases. But carry on; whatever makes you feel better about being confined to your mother’s basement.
Didn’t see anything in that article about the number of tests that were conducted. Because more readily available testing on more people will obviously yield more positive cases. But carry on; whatever makes you feel better about being confined to your mother’s basement.
Yep, given that states are increasing testing daily, the main focus are positivity rate, deaths, and hospitalizations. Low IQ sheep only look at case counts without context, which are yesterday’s news.
Apparently not. FL had its most new COVID cases ever yesterday, at a time when most of the country is reducing its cases. Great job by the Governor.
It's sad that you guys are enjoying this all over an election. By the way I heard flu cases were up too.
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You must be THRILLED! CD we have 22 million population and under 3000 have died supposedly all from Covid-19 (doubtful)
The days of downplaying the spread are over. 21 states have reported an increase in infections!
They want the economy to fail, because they think it helps their pathetic cause.
You are right.We will take a short term hit with a downturn in the economy for Long Term Optimism without Donald J Trump as President..:
You are right.We will take a short term hit with a downturn in the economy for Long Term Optimism without Donald J Trump as President..:
Very sick person. This Radical ideology needs to be eradicated.
The % increased positive rate is less than the % increase in testing. It's called math.
Yep...and the math says this governor is doing a shit job testing and / or giving the people of Florida accurate numbers.
dmatt your exactly the perfect illustration of THE Problem,,,,,,,,show how open minded you are,,,,,,,,,,,

"dmatt, post: 2900355, member: 4062"]You are right.We will take a short term hit with a downturn in the economy for Long Term Optimism without Donald J Trump as President..

Who are you to decide that people cant work, earn for their families, because you decided its worth it to get rid of someone you don't like ? What makes you better ?

I would expect someone opinionated as you are to have the answer