For those who think Americans and slavery began 400 years ago educate

What do you mean there was no America? Isn’t that the name of the continents discovered? North America, South America. Virginia is in North America. The colony went on to become a state....
Went become a state. These ships arrived before the Pilgrims. Brought here by Portuguese Merchants.
What do you mean there was no America? Isn’t that the name of the continents discovered? North America, South America. Virginia is in North America. The colony went on to become a state....
And actually we were known as The "New World."
It was no less evil irrespective of whether you believe it started in the 1500s when there was no America or in the 1700s when there was.

True .. but another fact is that slavery started in Africa .. where black Africans kidnapped the poorest of the poor .. and sold them internationally. Portugal became a primary slave trading port .. received them from Africa and "marketed" African slaves throughout Europe and the Caribbean .. and eventually to "The New World" that had been "discovered" by (pick a founding 'father' .. Columbus, the Vikings, other).
It was no less evil irrespective of whether you believe it started in the 1500s when there was no America or in the 1700s when there was.
It's not a question of whether it was evil Raoul. It's history. All sorts of evil throughout mankind's history. Long before America. Long before the 1500's. History is filled with horror, evil, wonder, triumph, advances, and miracles. It's a chronology of human kind. More recently we see in the area of Civil Rights huge positive changes just since the 1960's to the current period. All one has to do is look for the positives and not always the negative while being mindful that we can still do more.