GA will be the first state to flip back to Trump

The election is over Dude. Give up already. The right is even trying to get states to throw away votes. Guilianni is some BS and Graham is some BS and MCConnel is some BS. America has pulled the covers off of these crooks. The Republican party has lost ALL credibility. No coming back from this.
He's a sad, sad man.
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The election is over Dude. Give up already. The right is even trying to get states to throw away votes. Guilianni is some BS and Graham is some BS and MCConnel is some BS. America has pulled the covers off of these crooks. The Republican party has lost ALL credibility. No coming back from this.
Lol. The Republican Party just nearly gained back the House kept the Senate. Added millions of Blacks Latinos to the rolls. Women republicans flipped over 11dem house seats. 74million voted Trump. The Republican Party is stronger than ever
Biden is probably down by 20k now they have to find where the harvested illegal Biden ballots went ??
You see where the Dems are doxxing the election officials who wouldn't certify the Detroit votes? It went from a 2-2 split to suddenly a 4-0 certified vote after being doxxed. POS

They have been doing it to the attorneys representing the president and their firms too.
You see where the Dems are doxxing the election officials who wouldn't certify the Detroit votes? It went from a 2-2 split to suddenly a 4-0 certified vote after being doxxed. POS

They have been doing it to the attorneys representing the president and their firms too.
Where The heck is the FBI?? Should be people going off in cuffs today. Total BS. But I heard although the 2 MI officials backed down they didn’t sign off. So we shall see. Detroit was as bad as Philly maybe worse?
Where The heck is the FBI?? Should be people going off in cuffs today. Total BS. But I heard although the 2 MI officials backed down they didn’t sign off. So we shall see. Detroit was as bad as Philly maybe worse?
Have you ever been to Detroit? It’s f’ing awful!
Where The heck is the FBI?? Should be people going off in cuffs today. Total BS. But I heard although the 2 MI officials backed down they didn’t sign off. So we shall see. Detroit was as bad as Philly maybe worse?

The deep state is deep.
Lol. The Republican Party just nearly gained back the House kept the Senate. Added millions of Blacks Latinos to the rolls. Women republicans flipped over 11dem house seats. 74million voted Trump. The Republican Party is stronger than ever
Not strong enough. You Lose the election.
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Lol. The Republican Party just nearly gained back the House kept the Senate. Added millions of Blacks Latinos to the rolls. Women republicans flipped over 11dem house seats. 74million voted Trump. The Republican Party is stronger than ever
79 million voted against him. If they won Blacks why did he get evicerated in Cities that was majority black.

Bro don't be a gullible idiot your entire life. Facts speak loud.
Not certified yet. Still have litigation pending. We will see??

Ed come on bro the case about not certifying results was thrown out in GA. He lost GA and nothing fraudulent about it. At some point it has to end. Let’s move on to WI recount and see what happens as It’s not over yet But it’s not looking good. But the dominion machine bs can be put to bed. Also you still think Rudy isn’t embarrassing himself after that mess today?
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Not certified yet. Still have litigation pending. We will see??
Yes, dude....let go. He didn't win Georgia. Can we please start moving to our transition of power our democracy entails. This is absolutely making America look like a shit hole country. We aren't throwing out legitimate ballots here in Georgia as was suggested. In a democracy when you lose an election you call the winner and you GTFOOH! Anything else is not acceptable in this country. This isn't even close. Biden almost has 80 Million votes. The electoral college votes aren't close either. Biden is at 306 and republicans supporting this is worse than the act its self in my view. A ballot here or there is as meaningful as an ants piss.
Ed come on bro the case about not certifying results was thrown out in GA. He lost GA and nothing fraudulent about it. At some point it has to end. Let’s move on to WI recount and see what happens as It’s not over yet But it’s not looking good. But the dominion machine bs can be put to bed. Also you still think Rudy isn’t embarrassing himself after that mess today?
Negative ghost rider. Lin Wood has filed in the federal appellate Court in Ga. stay tuned. He has evidence and plenty of Affidavits testimony from eye witnesses to all of The Shenanigans going on in Fulton County In the early am Nov 4. Let it play out. Patience my boy
Yes, dude....let go. He didn't win Georgia. Can we please start moving to our transition of power our democracy entails. This is absolutely making America look like a shit hole country. We aren't throwing out legitimate ballots here in Georgia as was suggested. In a democracy when you lose an election you call the winner and you GTFOOH! Anything else is not acceptable in this country. This isn't even close. Biden almost has 80 Million votes. The electoral college votes aren't close either. Biden is at 306 and republicans supporting this is worse than the act its self in my view. A ballot here or there is as meaningful as an ants piss.
No. Litigation still pending Lin Wood has filed in the federal appellate court in GA
Saddest part is he considers himself a fiscal conservative but is ok with Trump spending tens of millions in tax payer money for legal fees. This is a end of the road money grab by Trump and his people. But his sheeple can't take his man meat out their mouths long enough to formulate a unbiased thought. I'm gonna enjoy rubbing these racist disguised as conservatives face in sh!t these next few years. Get ready for Madam President Harris losers.

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