This isn't the old days i can go on so many sites on any given week and get great seats for dirt. What I won't do is give money for season tickets PLUS the donation to see 3-4 teams per year that stink AND support this Head Coach. Been there, done that. No more.
The political fighting inside Hecht mean little to me. It is abundantly clear Manny is NEVER taking us the distance and that is fact. His in game decisions, lack of team readiness, poor schemes, poor player selection for 1st string etc. should be crystal clear for all to see and I PAY to see a team prepared to do their best each week. I know we won't win every game but all I listed above are bass ackwards and I won't support it.
The political fighting inside Hecht mean little to me. It is abundantly clear Manny is NEVER taking us the distance and that is fact. His in game decisions, lack of team readiness, poor schemes, poor player selection for 1st string etc. should be crystal clear for all to see and I PAY to see a team prepared to do their best each week. I know we won't win every game but all I listed above are bass ackwards and I won't support it.