They plan to drag him across the finish line. If elected, then you’ll see the media begin doing pieces on him having lost his fastball. They will Gradually turn Up the volume on his mental condition and the party will force him to step aside for health reasons.LMAO. What’s the chances the Dem’s figure out a way to replace him?
I’m sure they’re deep in discussions. If he shyts the bed in the debates they’ll act fastThey plan to drag him across the finish line. If elected, then you’ll see the media begin doing pieces on him having lost his fastball. They will Gradually turn Up the volume on his mental condition and the party will force him to step aside for health reasons.
First debate is in Cleveland. Wanna bet “something” happens there that would make having the event unsafe.I’m sure they’re deep in discussions. Is he shyts the bed in the debates they’ll act fast