Racist Raoul is correct. President Trump is considering a party called the Patriot Party. I don't think anyone knows whether this will come to fruition.
Well I know he is talking about a party called the Patriot Party. I don't what or give a crap what a racist is thinking about.That's not what the tweet is about. Its about regular conservatives starting their own party to split from the racist, Trump cultists.
Racist Raoul is correct. President Trump is considering a party called the Patriot Party. I don't think anyone knows whether this will come to fruition.
Really? When did that happen?Fantasy land from Radical Raoul. So what? He forgets the Democratic Party already split between his Radical Progressive Leftists and Liberals.
That would near guarantee a Dem in the White House every election. The Republican and Patriots would split their 74 million votes, allowing Dems a clear path to victory with their 81 million voters.
That what Trump loyalists want?
That's not what the tweet is about. Its about regular conservatives starting their own party to split from the racist, Trump cultists.
I can't see it gaining any more traction than this initial talk. Remember Ross Perot? I am sure he is being reminded of how that turned out. This Impeachment attempt will fail resulting in a Trump Presidential run in 2024. I think this time his advisors will have had time to figure a way to neutralize the effect that social media had on the 2020 election. If not, he might lose again.
Every point you mentioned is a possibility however DJT is one of the most resilient people around.allied,
I don’t see a formal split happening either. And as a Dem, I wouldn’t like to see it. I like the two party system and would hate to see a multi party situation so common in Europe and South America.
That said, I don’t believe Trump will run again. Why?
* although he won’t be convicted today, he has been seriously damaged by the trial. The legal work by the House managers was superb. If this was a regular criminal trial for incitement, a jury would convict Trump in 5 minutes.
* Moderate and traditional Reps are increasingly turning on DJT. Nikki Haley’s condemnation of him yesterday was stunning.
* New criminal indictments against Trump might be coming in Georgia and New York. These will further dent his reputation.
* His businesses are in trouble. Hotels are down worldwide. He is highly leveraged. He might have to sell assets to survive financially.
* Will his marriage survive? Will he remain healthy?
So where will Trump supporters turn if Trump isn’t the leader? Certainly there are many potential candidates who want to get the support backers, eg Cruz, Hawley, etc. But do any of them have his powerful charisma with his followers? I don’t see it.
Question for the next 2 years: where will Trumpism go without Trump?
Whaddaya think?
Which means you're lying. Got it.Some time ago. Wake up
I don’t see a formal split happening either. And as a Dem, I wouldn’t like to see it. I like the two party system and would hate to see a multi party situation so common in Europe and South America.
That said, I don’t believe Trump will run again. Why?
* although he won’t be convicted today, he has been seriously damaged by the trial. The legal work by the House managers was superb. If this was a regular criminal trial for incitement, a jury would convict Trump in 5 minutes.
* Moderate and traditional Reps are increasingly turning on DJT. Nikki Haley’s condemnation of him yesterday was stunning.
* New criminal indictments against Trump might be coming in Georgia and New York. These will further dent his reputation.
* His businesses are in trouble. Hotels are down worldwide. He is highly leveraged. He might have to sell assets to survive financially.
* Will his marriage survive? Will he remain healthy?
So where will Trump supporters turn if Trump isn’t the leader? Certainly there are many potential candidates who want to get the support backers, eg Cruz, Hawley, etc. But do any of them have his powerful charisma with his followers? I don’t see it.
Question for the next 2 years: where will Trumpism go without Trump?
Whaddaya think?
Well written post. Good points for intelligent discussion. I do think Trump is damaged goods. Not by policy but by allowing himself to get distracted by petty fueds with the media. He should have handled the press like Biden and only allowed one moderately opposing reporter to ask one question a week.
You are truly amazing to say Trump is "damaged goods" because of "petty feuds with the media". Are you for real? The media had nothing to do with Trump being impeached 2 times. The media did not force him to parade across the country claiming the election was stolen from him and in doing so incite an insurrection. The media didn't force him to say stupid shzt like "both sides have fine people" when referring to White Supremacists. I could go on and on but why when you will only blame others for Trump's behavior and not him.