FYI, ‘This morning, even the Conservative pollster Rasmussen reports that Biden’s approval rating is at 50% vs 48% disapproval. Other pollsters are much more favorable towards Biden. See RealClearPolitics.
So it is basically a 50%-50% country. There is maybe 5% that is quickly open to a change of opinion without something drastic Biden is still in his honeymoon period. But the following things IMO will push his "middle" popularity down.
1) Covid is not going to disappear. Too many people (like little Fauci) have too much invested in the Covid Boogeyman to let it go away.
2) The economy will not prosper. This stimulus is like the Obama stimulus - targeted to banks, BIG business, special interests and campaign contributors. The Obama stimulus created a pattern of slow growth. The Biden stimulus will be similiar.
3) Kids not in person schools. This is potentially the biggest issue. Biden has rolled over to the teacher unions. They are now saying fall. In the fall they will find a new excuse. Many of those lazy asses don't want to work but want to be paid. But they want people who took a true hit in Covid to continue to pay for their salaries. Support for teachers that don't want to teach will drop like a rock. Plus the word will get out how two years of no in person school has messed up a large number of kids. It is known that teen suicides and substance abuse are up.
4) There will be heinous crimes and other problems related to the Biden illegals. Just wait until the first recent sweet little dreaming MS13'er rapes and murders some innocent young girl. What are Joe and Jen gonna say? It's Trump's fault.
5) it's Trump's fault is gonna get old.
6) There will be an international incident involving a bad actor, China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc. and Joe is going to talk tough and do nothing. After that, more will pop up. Remember how under Obama, we were treated to the monthly horrific ISIS crime against humanity. Expect to see repeats under the Joe Show.
7) His hiding from the press and hard questions will get old. His failing to notice Marines as he walks by them and other senile moments will begin to be a cause of concern for apolitical Americans who understand that President is not a part time job..
8) Liberals gonna Liberal. People will get sick of Biden being associated with Coumo, Bernie, AOC, Newsome, Pelosi, Shumer, Omar, Talib as they push their stupid and arrogant ideas.
9) He will start to be eaten by his own. The whacko liberals will never be happy and will start attacking him.
10) People that trusted him will realize his promises did not come true.
11) Hunter and/or Joe's brother will just not be able to controi themselves and do something greedy. Hunter's book for starters. Wait until Baby Momma and ex's put their stories out.