Hats off to BLM heroes...

I don't spend all my time worrying about blm like you apparently do. Its just a very young protest organization. It's not the being perpetrated so this isn't news to anyone but you and the mean girls.
I don't spend all my time worrying about blm like you apparently do. Its just a very young protest organization. It's not the being perpetrated so this isn't news to anyone but you and the mean girls.
No. You just spend time defending them. And no again, they are a young terrorist organization who hates and perpetrates violence against law enforcement.
I wish they would get rid of these race baiting threads. They aren't needed and should be reported.
Please quit your whinning! You sound pathetically what you claim to despise. You aren't victims. Now get off your asses and do something productive with your lives!

Besides complaining about minorities!
I would have been pro-Union at that time-but I must say that if I knew a Union victory would set us on the path that has given us our present tyrannical centralized power in Washington D.C. and trampling of states rights to govern themselves I'd fight for the South. In the end we all serve a master of some sort-be it government, corporations, bosses, etc. It's just a matter of which one is the lesser evil.
@FlatlandCane @Doc Holliday-JB
Just like 84 percent of whites are killed by other whites but of course you failed to post those statistics. @Dr.L.ThugU are you going to "like" this post?
Sorry, I don't like this post because it's off topic. This is a thread honoring BLM heroes who risked life and limb for the sake of others during the storm.

Maybe @Doc Holliday-JB likes your post.
Sorry, I don't like this post because it's off topic. This is a thread honoring BLM heroes who risked life and limb for the sake of others during the storm.
It wasn't really off topic, it was a rebuttal to the uninformed MEME regarding so called "black on black" crime which I noticed that you did like.
It wasn't really off topic, it was a rebuttal to the uninformed MEME regarding so called "black on black" crime which I noticed that you did like.
A rebuttal implies your reply invalidated or countered his post. Your reply did neither it was just off topic and unrelated. It was irrelevant. Just as irrelevant as me posting that @Doc Holliday-JB likes strawberry ice cream.
A rebuttal implies your reply invalidated or countered his post. Your reply did neither it was just off topic and unrelated. It was irrelevant. Just as irrelevant as me posting that @Doc Holliday-JB likes strawberry ice cream.
How did me saying that whites kill other whites at a rate of 83 percent not meet YOUR criteria of a rebuttal which in fact countered the Meme? Smh.
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How did me saying that whites kill other whites at a rate of 83 percent not meet YOUR criteria of a rebuttal which in fact countered the Meme? Smh.
Because whites killing each other at whatever rate is irrelevant to the meme stating what the black on black crime rate is. Therefore your reply does not meet the standard to be considered a rebuttal. Your reply did not make what he posted any less true.

If I say @Doc Holliday-JB weighs 420 pounds, you saying I weigh 500 pounds is not a rebuttal it would be irrelevant since @Doc Holliday-JB would still weigh 420 pounds even if I weighed 500 pounds.

Notice they don't loot work boots and some basic necessities like bread, water, and soap/shampoo/toothpaste. These animals are always looting sports apparel stores, electronics stores, and liquor stores. Just straight thuggery for their own pleasure which needs to see these lawless pieces of shit thrown in prison for a minimal of three years.
Notice they don't loot work boots and some basic necessities like bread, water, and soap/shampoo/toothpaste. These animals are always looting sports apparel stores, electronics stores, and liquor stores. Just straight thuggery for their own pleasure which needs to see these lawless pieces of shit thrown in prison for a minimal of three years.


Code speak again
Just like 84 percent of whites are killed by other whites but of course you failed to post those statistics. @Dr.L.ThugU are you going to "like" this post?
Tell the whole story -

White and Black Victims

Black people have consistently accounted for close to half the country's homicide victims, making up more than 50 percent of the broader pool of those killed overall every year since 2010. The number of black victims increased 15 percent in 2015 over 2014.

Of the 13,455 cases from last year in which the FBI listed a victim's racial information, 7,039 victims – or 52.3 percent – were black. That compares with 5,854 cases – or 43.5 percent – in which the victim was white, an increase of about 8 percent from last year.

It's a disparity that becomes more pronounced in the context of population, as 2015 Census estimates suggest that whites account for 77.1 percent of the overall U.S. population of roughly 321 million, while blacks comprise 13.3 percent.

Stop something with your life. Minorities aren't the blame...perhaps you are just a loser without your privlidege. Just sayin. Focus on being productive.