You didn’t state facts, you stated a fact as in singular as in it’s the only one you have and are desperately clinging to it like golden did with his money downs d stat fact that like yours was just as irrelevant. If you want factS as in multiple: 1). No republican had won as many states as trump in a VERY long time. 2) 306-232 is not close. 3) trump kept every red state red and won every swing state 4) if you look at the electoral map 90% of it is was red when it was all said and done. 5) hillary didn’t show up to her event that night, because at zero point when the actual election started was she even in it. 6) he won the electoral votes needed to clinch the presidency three qrt’s of the way through. That’s like when savanah state said the games over let’s just cancel the fourth quarter so we can go home. I mean what exactly are you saying that I’m saying is not accurate? Actually give it a rest. You’re going to give your self a TDS attack. It’s probably time for your nap anyway. Come back later so I can keep taking you to school.