Have to admit, the “hoax” is shaking the leaves off the trees

Never said obama didn’t win in a land slide, cause he did. Now you have trump
as a result. You sound like golden desperately spinning coach d’s defense. You’re lonesome fact is irrelevant to the several other facts that show the big picture. You’re bookie must love you.
I'm not spinning anything, just stating facts to correct your bogus claims. Now you're spouting more mumbo jumbo about the "big picture". What exactly is that in your distorted view? And I'm offshore, don't have a personal bookie and I'm doing just fine. Any other complaints?
I too am a business owner. I’m glad your business is doing well thru this. I never wish anyone or any fellow business owner any ill will bc I know how hard that shit is.

my business has been doing pretty good as well thru this. I’m not at full capacity by design just to keep people separated. But my schedule is packed thru September. I told everyone of my friends if you’re not using this time to improve your business and strategize for the future you’re not using this time wisely. Those who plan now will benefit later.

I do have to push back a bit tho. When you insinuate that people on the other side of the isle don’t work hard and don’t contribute to the success of country by contributing to taxes i take a bit of an offense to that. Many of us work hard and I don’t think either party has a monopoly on hard work...
Fair enough and if I made things seem one sided I apologize because to your point hard work is definitely not one sided but the dem party (politicians and their liberal networks) are 100% trying to USE corona to keep the economy down so that they can politicize against Trumps biggest accomplishment which is the economy. Just look what they’re doing with the mandates to small businesses in California. That state is lead by politicians saying that it was racist to shut travel down from other countries when we did and now they’re still shut down where as the normal states are slowly getting back to normal. Add to this that it is the dem voters, not the republican voters that are playacting this.
I'm not spinning anything, just stating facts to correct your bogus claims. Now you're spouting more mumbo jumbo about the "big picture". What exactly is that in your distorted view? And I'm offshore, don't have a personal bookie and I'm doing just fine. Any other complaints?
You didn’t state facts, you stated a fact as in singular as in it’s the only one you have and are desperately clinging to it like golden did with his money downs d stat fact that like yours was just as irrelevant. If you want factS as in multiple: 1). No republican had won as many states as trump in a VERY long time. 2) 306-232 is not close. 3) trump kept every red state red and won every swing state 4) if you look at the electoral map 90% of it is was red when it was all said and done. 5) hillary didn’t show up to her event that night, because at zero point when the actual election started was she even in it. 6) he won the electoral votes needed to clinch the presidency three qrt’s of the way through. That’s like when savanah state said the games over let’s just cancel the fourth quarter so we can go home. I mean what exactly are you saying that I’m saying is not accurate? Actually give it a rest. You’re going to give your self a TDS attack. It’s probably time for your nap anyway. Come back later so I can keep taking you to school.
Fair enough and if I made things seem one sided I apologize because to your point hard work is definitely not one sided but the dem party (politicians and their liberal networks) are 100% trying to USE corona to keep the economy down so that they can politicize against Trumps biggest accomplishment which is the economy. Just look what they’re doing with the mandates to small businesses in California. That state is lead by politicians saying that it was racist to shut travel down from other countries when we did and now they’re still shut down where as the normal states are slowly getting back to normal. Add to this that it is the dem voters, not the republican voters that are playacting this.

Its not a political thing. It’s a keeping people safe thing. I agree with you on this on August 18th we should not be having these business crushing (if not crushing def debilitating) rules. We should have taken care of this way back in March-May. We did not. And here we are. In terms of the dems using this a ploy is incorrect. Here’s how you know, look at the rest of the world. We are banned from traveling to anywhere but 3 countries around the world. Bc we are “toxic”. Our case levels are way too high. So even countries who would like to do business with us can’t/won’t. The international community knows the truth about our case count. The democrats don’t control a vast majority of the states that got it bad in June/July and abbot in Texas, and ducey in Arizona and other states were forced to do the right thing to help save the lives of citizens and to prevent the healthcare system from collapsing.

People dying is not a winning political strategy. Not to get too deep into it but in all honesty if trump had pushed governors and the admin to do what the rest of the world was doing we would be in a much better position and his re-election prob would’ve been guaranteed. He may still win, who knows, but He kinda did this to himself....
You didn’t state facts, you stated a fact as in singular as in it’s the only one you have and are desperately clinging to it like golden did with his money downs d stat fact that like yours was just as irrelevant. If you want factS as in multiple: 1). No republican had won as many states as trump in a VERY long time. 2) 306-232 is not close. 3) trump kept every red state red and won every swing state 4) if you look at the electoral map 90% of it is was red when it was all said and done. 5) hillary didn’t show up to her event that night, because at zero point when the actual election started was she even in it. 6) he won the electoral votes needed to clinch the presidency three qrt’s of the way through. That’s like when savanah state said the games over let’s just cancel the fourth quarter so we can go home. I mean what exactly are you saying that I’m saying is not accurate? Actually give it a rest. You’re going to give your self a TDS attack. It’s probably time for your nap anyway. Come back later so I can keep taking you to school.
You said it was an Electoral College "landslide". It was 46 in 58 elections, ranked as one of the closest in Electoral College. You also said you researched it, so how did you miss those facts? You were not accurate and you go on and on trying to distort reality!
You said it was an Electoral College "landslide". It was 46 in 58 elections, ranked as one of the closest in Electoral College. You also said you researched it, so how did you miss those facts? You were not accurate and you go on and on trying to distort reality!
You don’t have the brain capacity to trigger me with you’re lame trolls. Consider me taking you to school a favor. When you post the way you do you really just come off like, well Joe biden giving in an interview with out a script.
You don’t have the brain capacity to trigger me with you’re lame trolls. Consider me taking you to school a favor. When you post the way you do you really just come off like, well Joe biden giving in an interview with out a script.
I just did. If my brain capacity is so low, why do you always resort to these little rants when you run out of logic. I thought you were leaving? Don't you ever have to work?
I just did. If my brain capacity is so low, why do you always resort to these little rants when you run out of logic. I thought you were leaving? Don't you ever have to work?
Haha, Rants to you=facts in the real world. I’ll give it to you though i did fall for you’re troll but just briefly. You still lose the argument and have come unhinged multiple times though and come off like a cross between joe biden past 9pm in an interview with out a script, coach dnofrio pathetically attempting to spin his one stat and gilbert Godfrey on a bad day. You really are funny, you just don’t realize’re the inside joke that everyone is laughing about that you just don’t understand. You are my dancing monkey and you’re responses are very entertaining but you’re right, I should get back to being productive in more ways than just educating you.
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