So now we know Hunter is and has been under investigation as is Joes brother Jim. All the media knew this but chose to portray it as Russian disinformation. Joe knew this and lied to America. First, that his son made no money which he repeated many times, 2nd that his son was investigated and exonerated, and 3rd that he knew nothing about his sons business dealings in China or Ukraine. All lies. Senator Ron Johnson investigation with Senator Grassley was spot on and is likely 100% accurate was dismissed by the so called media in this country. The media in America is dead. They have killed themselves. Once the protector of the citizens they are now a propaganda machine as if they are State owned media like Communist countries. Shocking that not one reporter wouldn't defy their boss and report on these very serious charges. That is how a reporter makes their name known but fear of having a career ruined stopped them. Recall that if not for 2 brave reporters Watergate would never have been discovered but those days are gone. All Americans should be very concerned about this change in our Freedom of Press because it's dangerous and it can happen to any major story in the country and the people NEED this information.
Joe Biden Presidency is in real trouble right out of the gate which I believe was the plan all along. This assumes Trump challenges fail of course.
Joe Biden Presidency is in real trouble right out of the gate which I believe was the plan all along. This assumes Trump challenges fail of course.