"Let me just add this....Gator Country has a private board called "Bull Gators"...and I am not going to post what all was on there a few days ago because there was some pretty detailed stuff posted...but let's just say Kiffin's people have been in contact with both Florida and Miami....he would prefer the Miami job over the two.The girl he is in a relationship with and probably going to marry has pretty much moved to Kiffin's house in the Miami area and does not want to come back to Oxford.Kiffin's people...which is I suppose is his agent has let Miami and Florida know he would accept their jobs if offered.Kiffin has a couple of powerful boosters from both schools that he has been talking with for a couple of weeks now.
If I were an Ole Miss fan...I'd start preparing myself."
This came from a reputable poster on Miss St website.
If I were an Ole Miss fan...I'd start preparing myself."
This came from a reputable poster on Miss St website.