Investor's Business Daily: "It's Liberals Who Are Out-Of-Touch, Arrogant, Smug And Intolerant"


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2007
Hometown: Coral Gables; Currently: Downtown FTL
First, there's the ABC News/Washington Post poll published last week that found just 28% think the Democratic Party is "in touch with the concerns of most people in the United States today." Even among Democrats, only slightly more than half (52%) think the party is in touch with people in the country.

The New York Times fretted in an editorial that "for the first time in memory, Democrats are seen as more out of touch with ordinary Americans than the party's political opponents."

Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, called it a huge wake-up call. "Having two-thirds of the country think that your party is in la-la-land, that's a bombshell."

In fact, IBD has for years been pointing out the Democrats' drift to the fringe, using data from the IBD/TIPP poll and voting records in Congress.

As for the ABC poll being a wake-up call, the party's leadership has given no indication that it's even heard the phone ringing. Last we checked, the same people who drove the party to the fringes are still in charge.

Next we have a lengthy article in the left-of-center Daily Beast on Sunday by respected demographer Joel Kotkin, titled "The Arrogance of Blue America," in which he details how liberals have grown increasingly isolated from and intolerant of those who don't live in deep blue urban centers." Many in the deepest blue cores" are, he writes, "developing oikophobia — an irrational fear of their fellow citizens" and are "abandoning the toiling masses."

Great editorial.

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The Democratic Party has become synonymous with ignorance to a large degree .. ignorance and intolerance has in hand. Like Tim Allen stated in an interview "to have conservative political views and live in California is like living in Germany under Hitler .. there is no tolerance for any other point of view .. but their oft times extreme liberal positions". His show .. the #2 show in his time slot .. was then cancelled by the Liberal network execs.
The Democratic Party has become synonymous with ignorance to a large degree .. ignorance and intolerance has in hand. Like Tim Allen stated in an interview "to have conservative political views and live in California is like living in Germany under Hitler .. there is no tolerance for any other point of view .. but their oft times extreme liberal positions". His show .. the #2 show in his time slot .. was then cancelled by the Liberal network execs.

Liberals are incapable of tolerating any views which fly in the face of their far left ideologies. As soon as someone articulates a different point of view, they seek to suppress that point of view through false accusations of racism, arsenic driven riots, and random fake news.

Their arguments are usually devoid of substantive facts, and instead full of self-serving rhetoric, hypotheticals, and unsubstantiated speculation. Mental midgets, emotionally eccentric, and physically soft.