Is this country going to be


Jan 9, 2004
This divided for the next 20 years or is this just a case of Hillary being horrible, Biden being half dead with a crooked family and Trump being a crybaby bully and people hate him? Do we have the next generation of politicians in the pipeline on both sides? Or any one side? Because these old bats and crooks aren’t doing us any good. I said it in 2016 and I’ll say it again we are f**ked either way for the next 4 years. Will it continue or is this just an 8 year blip? curious what everyone thinks.
This divided for the next 20 years or is this just a case of Hillary being horrible, Biden being half dead with a crooked family and Trump being a crybaby bully and people hate him? Do we have the next generation of politicians in the pipeline on both sides? Or any one side? Because these old bats and crooks aren’t doing us any good. I said it in 2016 and I’ll say it again we are f**ked either way for the next 4 years. Will it continue or is this just an 8 year blip? curious what everyone thinks.
Those that didn’t sell out and don’t nibble at all he fringe right (Trump) or fringe left (Bernie) are decent. Was depressing to watch Nikki and Rubio detonate their bright futures on the alter of Trump. Similarly Beto went full Bernie and destroyed his future. Guys line Sasse and mayor Pete give me some hope.
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Those that didn’t sell out and don’t nibble at all he fringe right (Trump) or fringe left (Bernie) are decent. Was depressing to watch Nikki and Rubio detonate their bright futures on the alter of Trump. Similarly Beto went full Bernie and destroyed his future. Guys line Sasse and mayor Pete give me some hope.

Sasse & Pete ...Laughable a couple of phony’s that think they are better than the norm .. And Beto being # 1 clown..

Nikki snd Rubio run circles around those three clowns..
Nikki has the smarts, charm & strength to be our 1st lady potus..
This divided for the next 20 years or is this just a case of Hillary being horrible, Biden being half dead with a crooked family and Trump being a crybaby bully and people hate him? Do we have the next generation of politicians in the pipeline on both sides? Or any one side? Because these old bats and crooks aren’t doing us any good. I said it in 2016 and I’ll say it again we are f**ked either way for the next 4 years. Will it continue or is this just an 8 year blip? curious what everyone thinks.
God is in control. He dictates what happens.
This divided for the next 20 years or is this just a case of Hillary being horrible, Biden being half dead with a crooked family and Trump being a crybaby bully and people hate him? Do we have the next generation of politicians in the pipeline on both sides? Or any one side? Because these old bats and crooks aren’t doing us any good. I said it in 2016 and I’ll say it again we are f**ked either way for the next 4 years. Will it continue or is this just an 8 year blip? curious what everyone thinks.
No this is the new left and right. One pushes the other. Obama actually started it and now we have the likes of Tlaib, Omar, AOC & many others who are fundamentalists in destroying the US Constitution. They don’t even try to hide it.

Now people like Trump are considered far right because they’re promote America first policies lol. That is where we are. It’s crazy
Those that didn’t sell out and don’t nibble at all he fringe right (Trump) or fringe left (Bernie) are decent. Was depressing to watch Nikki and Rubio detonate their bright futures on the alter of Trump. Similarly Beto went full Bernie and destroyed his future. Guys line Sasse and mayor Pete give me some hope.
Beto had no future. He is a wack job
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No this is the new left and right. One pushes the other. Obama actually started it and now we have the likes of Tlaib, Omar, AOC & many others who are fundamentalists in destroying the US Constitution. They don’t even try to hide it.

Now people like Trump are considered far right because they’re promote America first policies lol. That is where we are. It’s crazy
First, Obama was center left, the left hated him, they still rip him. Easily found on Twitter, Insta etc. He's not a friend nor popular with the AOC crowd, but he's black so that makes him liberal to you. Have at it lol, its laughable and not steeped in reality.

Trump is far right because his policies are draconian and his enactment borderlines on authoritarian. He has dismantled the inspector general oversight function (if Biden wins you guys better hope it gets reinstated), he is an administration of one, has surrounded himself with yes men and dispensed of the great minds that he initially brought, men like Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson. He coddles to our enemies and eschews our allies. He praises dictators like Duerte, Un and Chi.
First, Obama was center left, the left hated him, they still rip him. Easily found on Twitter, Insta etc. He's not a friend nor popular with the AOC crowd, but he's black so that makes him liberal to you. Have at it lol, its laughable and not steeped in reality.

Trump is far right because his policies are draconian and his enactment borderlines on authoritarian. He has dismantled the inspector general oversight function (if Biden wins you guys better hope it gets reinstated), he is an administration of one, has surrounded himself with yes men and dispensed of the great minds that he initially brought, men like Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson. He coddles to our enemies and eschews our allies. He praises dictators like Duerte, Un and Chi.

You’re lying out your ass just to maintain a narrative. You do realize I’m not some 20 year old kid that doesn’t really remember Obama’s tenure.
You’re lying out your ass just to maintain a narrative. You do realize I’m not some 20 year old kid that doesn’t really remember Obama’s tenure.
I'm not lying. You are biased.
Would you like me to show you all the far left that hated him? You realize that Bernie made his name initially by calling for him to be primaried? Most left commentators called him a NeoLiberal. They also think thought that Merrick Garland wasn't progressive enough (their ignorance allowed Mitch to delay his installation). The argument the left had against Hillary is that it would just be four more years of the same so they ran out and voted for Jill Stein.

Sir, you can have YOUR opinion on whether he was left, but the left has its opinion. They didn't like him. If you are hella lazy here is a link on google. Feel free to use your own search terms. Its not hard to find out what others think when you care to actually check instead of believing what you want to believe. and yes that's all a link lol
Phrases like New Democrat, Third Way Democrat, Neoliberal...your perception of the left is yours but the left has a different perception.
First, Obama was center left, the left hated him, they still rip him. Easily found on Twitter, Insta etc. He's not a friend nor popular with the AOC crowd, but he's black so that makes him liberal to you. Have at it lol, its laughable and not steeped in reality.

Trump is far right because his policies are draconian and his enactment borderlines on authoritarian. He has dismantled the inspector general oversight function (if Biden wins you guys better hope it gets reinstated), he is an administration of one, has surrounded himself with yes men and dispensed of the great minds that he initially brought, men like Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson. He coddles to our enemies and eschews our allies. He praises dictators like Duerte, Un and Chi.
No he doesn't Ellu stop that nonsense. What you call draconian many Americans see as dealing with unpleasant issues that have been swept under the rug for decades by both parties. Like immigration, like border security, like China, like NAFTA, like the Iran deal, like the Paris Accord. These are all deals BAD for Americans. Someone has to be the bad guy and point out the mismanagement in this country. Next he will deal with all the red tape involved in public projects so that it doesn't take 12 years to get a permit to build a bridge.
Sasse & Pete ...Laughable a couple of phony’s that think they are better than the norm .. And Beto being # 1 clown..

Nikki snd Rubio run circles around those three clowns..
Nikki has the smarts, charm & strength to be our 1st lady potus..
Nikki and Rubio are puppets or the liar dictator trump.
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Sasse & Pete ...Laughable a couple of phony’s that think they are better than the norm .. And Beto being # 1 clown..

Nikki snd Rubio run circles around those three clowns..
Nikki has the smarts, charm & strength to be our 1st lady potus..

I like Nikki and I don’t like Rubio myself and I’m Cuban lol. If there was a dem candidate more to the center I would be interested to see that. I’m independent so don’t care about party. Some People ( either GOP or was it NY post 😂😂) I read are touting Pence. That is scary and don’t want to see that he would put us back into Stone Age IMO.
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I like Nikki and I don’t like Rubio myself and I’m Cuban lol. If there was a dem candidate more to the center I would be interested to see that. I’m independent so don’t care about party. Some People ( either GOP or was it NY post 😂😂) I read are touting Pence. That is scary and don’t want to see that he would put us back into Stone Age IMO.
I like Nikki also. My wife is Cuban as well(came over in '68).
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Those that didn’t sell out and don’t nibble at all he fringe right (Trump) or fringe left (Bernie) are decent. Was depressing to watch Nikki and Rubio detonate their bright futures on the alter of Trump. Similarly Beto went full Bernie and destroyed his future. Guys line Sasse and mayor Pete give me some hope.
I guess you were a Jeff Flake Bob Corker fan as well. GMAFB. Sasse & Butigigig??? LMMFAO
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Have you all not been watching the Trump Rallies?? 20k-50K every stop. With we Love you Chants. 50,000 boats in Boat rallies. Thousands of Car Rallies stretching 30-50milea in Florida NY & even liberal California. Half this country not only supports this President They absolutely LOVE Him. You all so called in the middle are a super minority and you idiots are being swallowed up by the Bernie/ AOC radical Left! They own you!!
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First, Obama was center left, the left hated him, they still rip him. Easily found on Twitter, Insta etc. He's not a friend nor popular with the AOC crowd, but he's black so that makes him liberal to you. Have at it lol, its laughable and not steeped in reality.

Trump is far right because his policies are draconian and his enactment borderlines on authoritarian. He has dismantled the inspector general oversight function (if Biden wins you guys better hope it gets reinstated), he is an administration of one, has surrounded himself with yes men and dispensed of the great minds that he initially brought, men like Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson. He coddles to our enemies and eschews our allies. He praises dictators like Duerte, Un and Chi.
Trump is not far right you see if that way cause e is white.
Hate to say it . We will have to fight or become another Venezuela. With folks like the squad controlling the Democratic Party there is only one way out. I hate it for young folks. When you have people that believe all whites are racist, looting and riots are ok and All police are the bad guys . City mayors and council destroying police force . Anarchy in citys out west that is condone by citizens I just do not know if you can fix that peacefully. Hope I’m wrong for the future of this country.
First, Obama was center left, the left hated him, they still rip him. Easily found on Twitter, Insta etc. He's not a friend nor popular with the AOC crowd, but he's black so that makes him liberal to you. Have at it lol, its laughable and not steeped in reality.

Trump is far right because his policies are draconian and his enactment borderlines on authoritarian. He has dismantled the inspector general oversight function (if Biden wins you guys better hope it gets reinstated), he is an administration of one, has surrounded himself with yes men and dispensed of the great minds that he initially brought, men like Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson. He coddles to our enemies and eschews our allies. He praises dictators like Duerte, Un and Chi.
Stupid post of the year sheepie
No he doesn't Ellu stop that nonsense. What you call draconian many Americans see as dealing with unpleasant issues that have been swept under the rug for decades by both parties. Like immigration, like border security, like China, like NAFTA, like the Iran deal, like the Paris Accord. These are all deals BAD for Americans. Someone has to be the bad guy and point out the mismanagement in this country. Next he will deal with all the red tape involved in public projects so that it doesn't take 12 years to get a permit to build a bridge.

Paris Accord is literally something that our allies and the modern world thinks is good. His views differ from the norm in both America and the countries that we consider to be first world.

The Iran deal - see above. We literally leveraged giving them back their own money with keeping them from acquiring nuclear weapons. The only ally opposed to this deal was Israel (and for understandable reason given the history). However, France, England, Italy, Germany...ya know, first world were all in.

China - our tax payers are paying for a tariff war, our farmers (the very symbol of hard working entrepreneur Americans) have been reduced to socialist handouts to compensate for a shiddy tariff war. I'm a fiscal conservative free market guy. Give me Reagan's approach over Trump's tariff and socialize nonsense. Also see Hong Kong.

Immigration - you mean he's addressed DACA or is he ****ing over 1,000's of folks who only know this country as its home.

Border security - well if you like the designation of most draconian on immigrants maybe google it. Certainly wasn't Trump in the last 12 years. But one guy was known as the deporter in chief.

Again, I'm more aligned with the Romneys, McCains, Kasichs and McMasters of the world.
I like Nikki and I don’t like Rubio myself and I’m Cuban lol. If there was a dem candidate more to the center I would be interested to see that. I’m independent so don’t care about party. Some People ( either GOP or was it NY post 😂😂) I read are touting Pence. That is scary and don’t want to see that he would put us back into Stone Age IMO.
I loved Nikki until she stuck her head up Trump's ass. Tim Scott though, he gives me hope. Mayor Pete and Deval Patrick are fairly centrist, the later being a fav of mine for years (he's a Romneyesque guy).
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Hate to say it . We will have to fight or become another Venezuela. With folks like the squad controlling the Democratic Party there is only one way out. I hate it for young folks. When you have people that believe all whites are racist, looting and riots are ok and All police are the bad guys . City mayors and council destroying police force . Anarchy in citys out west that is condone by citizens I just do not know if you can fix that peacefully. Hope I’m wrong for the future of this country.
I feel for the young people as well as they're being duped by their beloved Social Media sites with censored and manipulated news...
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Paris Accord is literally something that our allies and the modern world thinks is good. His views differ from the norm in both America and the countries that we consider to be first world.

The Iran deal - see above. We literally leveraged giving them back their own money with keeping them from acquiring nuclear weapons. The only ally opposed to this deal was Israel (and for understandable reason given the history). However, France, England, Italy, Germany...ya know, first world were all in.

China - our tax payers are paying for a tariff war, our farmers (the very symbol of hard working entrepreneur Americans) have been reduced to socialist handouts to compensate for a shiddy tariff war. I'm a fiscal conservative free market guy. Give me Reagan's approach over Trump's tariff and socialize nonsense. Also see Hong Kong.

Immigration - you mean he's addressed DACA or is he ****ing over 1,000's of folks who only know this country as its home.

Border security - well if you like the designation of most draconian on immigrants maybe google it. Certainly wasn't Trump in the last 12 years. But one guy was known as the deporter in chief.

Again, I'm more aligned with the Romneys, McCains, Kasichs and McMasters of the world.
Well, that explains it...your alignment is off.
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This divided for the next 20 years or is this just a case of Hillary being horrible, Biden being half dead with a crooked family and Trump being a crybaby bully and people hate him? Do we have the next generation of politicians in the pipeline on both sides? Or any one side? Because these old bats and crooks aren’t doing us any good. I said it in 2016 and I’ll say it again we are f**ked either way for the next 4 years. Will it continue or is this just an 8 year blip? curious what everyone thinks.

In the context of OP's post, we can agree to disagree.

Well, that explains it...your alignment is off.
We need a man like John Kasich in the white house, anybody and everybody on the left is to far left. The left center people would accept Kasich and i believe him to be a good man.
let me get this straight me wanting a conservative President Kasich, is now snowflake. really goof. tell me what person has run on both tickets ?
Kaisich is a virtue signaling pos who wouldn’t receive 1% of the Republican vote against Trump. This is Trumps Party now. He’s done more for conservatives than any president since Reagan and he’s done more than Reagan.

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