It's Ova!!!

It's all cool. Because this drags Trump's legacy out for another 8 years. 4 until the election. And then another 4.
He is a shoe in for 2024 after this massive fraud election. Even most Dems are doubting the election. Not a good sign for you.

He won’t even run on the chance he could lose. The man hates being a loser. He will take his win and run. Better for GOP anyway new blood in 2024 advance his policies.
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It's all cool. Because this drags Trump's legacy out for another 8 years. 4 until the election. And then another 4.
😂😂😂😂 It IS all good because he’s about to star in a reality show he doesn’t wanna star in after he becomes a civilian again!!! Watch
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Love you Dan. Even though you root against our country.
😂😂😂 I root for our country! I just don’t rock with a Fk boy racist-don’t give a shyt what party he ran in, I was running from
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I am not a racist. I just hate non Americans who have zero brains and zero motivation
Did I call you a racist? I said you SUPPORT a racist..a blatant and admitted racist at that!!
You can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs my friend. It will get ugly.
I know a ton of black folks, self included, that became CCW after Trump was elected. Now I know of churches and black frats offering concealed weapons classes.

we understand white rage, irrational fear and the desire to subjugate thru violence. White American terror will not win, real Americans ain’t having it.
I know a ton of black folks, self included, that became CCW after Trump was elected. Now I know of churches and black frats offering concealed weapons classes.

we understand white rage, irrational fear and the desire to subjugate thru violence. White American terror will not win, real Americans ain’t having it.
After this four years coming with the communist in power this will not be a Black against white war that will happen within the next ten years it will be a fight for American Liberty against Globalization. China 🇨🇳 will lead the cause to over throw the American dollar as the world currency and become the world’s leader of all things and many of our politicians of each party will have been bought by the foreign interests that side with China and sell our country out. That is when the fight will come when they try to silence your liberties of the American people. Many liberals and conservatives will come together at that time and fight the world globalization. Many will be on the side of globalization not Americans. It will not be a good thing but it is going to happen. History shows that all great empires destroy themselves within by slimy politicians that are allowed to operate outside the law .As understanding white rage look at who destroyed city’s looting and rioting.
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