God is the judge!!! Not old white men...if you so call claim to be Christian. Then You claim you don't want the government in our business. Oh, sorry that only means you don't want them taking money from you to pay for your schools, roads, fire, defense, water system etc etc etc. People are so hypocritical on this it isn't even funny. That's why I see all these threads talking about liberals this and liberals that. This is people and neither party is perfect. I don't see liberals attacking conservatives on this hypocritical nonsense stated above. Why is that? Our tribal BS is just that. It is BS.
Stop getting caught up in liberal and conservative because if you seriously are being honest with yourself? If someone raped your wife would you be forcing her to keep a child that could mean her death? Or that she didn't want? Stop giving me this liberal BS. I dont' care who you are, this is stupid and hypocritical.
Oh, let me say this too. If you seriously think this will fly in the supreme court you are more stupid than I thought. There is nobody in their right mind on that court that is going to allow these 1840 laws...lmao. If you think this is just to get it in front of the supreme court you watch too much Fox News and don't understand how the court works and why it takes cases. The supreme court isn't like many of you geniuses. IT IS NOT POLITICAL!
They don't hear your cases because of your political agendas and compromise. That is so stupid. Moreover, they don't like to overturn their own decisions. Especially without real merit. They are most likely going to leave this stuff up to the states to decide....and these states that are doing this are going to pay a very heavy political price for it. A price that will affect the national elections.
Religion doesn't belong in politics and politics doesn't belong in the courts. That's not America. So stop wrapping yourself in a flag and bragging about your patriotism. Because this isn't it. This is the opposite. People have the right to choose here. They don't have to have a man choose for them. God will be the ultimate judge if you claim to be Christian right?
Stop getting caught up in liberal and conservative because if you seriously are being honest with yourself? If someone raped your wife would you be forcing her to keep a child that could mean her death? Or that she didn't want? Stop giving me this liberal BS. I dont' care who you are, this is stupid and hypocritical.
Oh, let me say this too. If you seriously think this will fly in the supreme court you are more stupid than I thought. There is nobody in their right mind on that court that is going to allow these 1840 laws...lmao. If you think this is just to get it in front of the supreme court you watch too much Fox News and don't understand how the court works and why it takes cases. The supreme court isn't like many of you geniuses. IT IS NOT POLITICAL!
They don't hear your cases because of your political agendas and compromise. That is so stupid. Moreover, they don't like to overturn their own decisions. Especially without real merit. They are most likely going to leave this stuff up to the states to decide....and these states that are doing this are going to pay a very heavy political price for it. A price that will affect the national elections.
Religion doesn't belong in politics and politics doesn't belong in the courts. That's not America. So stop wrapping yourself in a flag and bragging about your patriotism. Because this isn't it. This is the opposite. People have the right to choose here. They don't have to have a man choose for them. God will be the ultimate judge if you claim to be Christian right?
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