Tonight I decided to watch the RNC convention on CNN (I regularly like to hear the other sides point of view) and was I in for a treat watching Jake Tapper unravel in full TDS insanity. He started off by saying how callous it was that no one mentioned the looming hurricane and the white man who shot 2 protesters (albeit there are very few details of any sort. Even Wolf Blitzer and Dana bash had to point out that most of the speeches were taped and that the participants would have no way of knowing these events had transpired as they occurred in the future (the hurricane was a tropical storm just yesterday), not to be deterred Tapper went on to repeat this line 3 more times this evening. He followed this up by saying that Mike Pence gave an effective speech taking to task Joe Biden on his stances "that our fact checkers are sure to find many statements which are false". The panel went on to say that all economic gains have been lost due to Covid without any acknowledgment that the lockdowns which were meaningless contributed entirely to these losses and then in the following segment had the gall to say that the President should not have pushed to reopen. It is amazing how a journalist who was once the most credible in the business has delved so deep into TDS that he cannot even remotely pretend to be neutral in his disdain for the Republican party. Fake News indeed.