Getting Israel and the UAE and Bahrain to become friends so Israelis can travel to both countries without getting harassed at passport control is not peace in the Middle East.
Here are things that would qualify as peace in the Middle East:
- Did he end the war in Yemen ?
- Did he pull US troops out of Afghanistan after striking a peace deal with the Taliban ?
- Did he end the war in Syria ?
- Did he get the Iranians to give up their pursuit of nukes ?
- Did he check Turkish aggression on the Kurds ?
- Did he end factional violence in Libya ?
How many of these things did Trump's son in law, who couldn't even get a security clearance, actually accomplish ?
You mean the war in Yemen that is supplied and funded by Iran with all those billions of dollars that Obama gave them.
As far as Afghanistan he has lowered troop to smaller level even though he’s fighting with the military industrial complex and the entrenched power of warhawks in the pentagon. Who like conflict so they keep the defense weapons industry happy
Syria bagdadi says hello.. o wait that’s rt he’s DEAD and caliphate is gone
And the slaughter of our allies predicted in Syria haven’t seen that on cnn
As far as nukes if you believe that Iran wasn’t pursuing nukes under the “deal by Obama “ you’re nuts
By the way if you understand Middle East
Politics you would understand that by being energy independent in other words we don’t have to cater to any nation of oil anymore .
Also the Obama deal hurt relationship with all the Middle East countries because they looked at it as siding with Iran
As far as the Turkish issue that’s a TUFF one for everyone we have a major base there that is very strategic and they are a nato member
And by the way all of the problems in Syria and with the Kurds and Iraq are a direct result of Obama pulling out the troops and leaving a vacuum because of campaigning to do that without looking at the reality of the situation. Iraq was a mess at first but it was finally in good shape and then instead of doing the right thing and explaining to the American people why we needed to do a strategic withdrawal
He just cut and ran.
Maybe he wasn’t a statesman like the old bush that even though he promised no new taxes he knew he had to give in to his own demise for the best results.
As far as Libya goes kadaffe saw what happened to s Sadam Hussein and voluntarily gave up his weapons of mass destruction program and Hillary and Obama took him out
Benghazi says hello
So you’re saying start one in Libya but criticize for moving peace deals farther forward than anyone president for years.
You complain about not getting us out of wars but did he start any?