

Gold Member
Jun 25, 2005
The snowflakes are forcing Jeep to change the name of its iconic name from the Jeep Cherokee to some other name. We had Uncle Ben's Rice change recently and Aunt Jemima change its name. All highly recognizable and successful products. What's next? Will we have to change the name of the White House? Please respond..
The snowflakes are forcing Jeep to change the name of its iconic name from the Jeep Cherokee to some other name. We had Uncle Ben's Rice change recently and Aunt Jemima change its name. All highly recognizable and successful products. What's next? Will we have to change the name of the White House? Please respond..

Toughen up snowflake.
Toughen up snowflake.
Ha,ha,ha..listen Louie, no one I associate with is the least bit concerned with changing the names of Iconic brands because of Liberals that determine that a name is discriminatory after being in business for decades. I would tell this scum to go f--k themselves.
Ha,ha,ha..listen Louie, no one I associate with is the least bit concerned with changing the names of Iconic brands because of Liberals that determine that a name is discriminatory after being in business for decades. I would tell this scum to go f--k themselves.

If you're not concerned then why are you posting about it snowflake?
Hey Louie - go back to your snowflake Liberals who always need something to protest because they are just unhappy little people. You fit in perfectly.

You started an entire thread to complain about a name change. Seems like you may be the unhappy one with way too much time on your hands
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You started an entire thread to complain about a name change. Seems like you may be the unhappy one with way too much time on your hands
Louie, it's not necessarily the name change, it's why they were pressured into changing the name. Puzzies...And the Libtards are as well.
Louie, it's not necessarily the name change, it's why they were pressured into changing the name. Puzzies...And the Libtards are as well.

I actually agree with you believe it or not. The extreme left actually look for stuff to be offended by. And when they get their way there are people like you that whine and cry about it as if the name of a vehicle or syrup is something sacred. Make no mistake you're just as much of a snowflake as the extreme left.
I actually agree with you believe it or not. The extreme left actually look for stuff to be offended by. And when they get their way there are people like you that whine and cry about it as if the name of a vehicle or syrup is something sacred. Make no mistake you're just as much of a snowflake as the extreme left.
No, I try to see it as it is. Disgruntled ,unhappy people like you that have no life and live to express your distorted views on the rest of us. Get a shrink , and find a hobby. You Libtards are the losers of America.
No, I try to see it as it is. Disgruntled ,unhappy people like you that have no life and live to express your distorted views on the rest of us. Get a shrink , and find a hobby. You Libtards are the losers of America.

Lol. You sound angry brother. Perhaps you should take your own advice and find a hobby. Im losing no sleep whether Jeep changes the name or not.
Lol. You sound angry brother. Perhaps you should take your own advice and find a hobby. Im losing no sleep whether Jeep changes the name or not.
Not angry, just responding to bulls--t from a misguided Lib. Feel good, you aren't alone. There are many of you.
Not angry, just responding to bulls--t from a misguided Lib. Feel good, you aren't alone. There are many of you.

I'm misguided because I don't care what name Jeep gives to a vehicle. Lol. Okay snowflake.
So, if you don't care, don't respond fool.

Why would I miss out on the entertainment? By the way did anyone tell they haven't even changed the name? The Chief of the Cherokee tribe asked them to. That's it. And you're on here crying like the country can't possibly survive this.
Why would I miss out on the entertainment? By the way did anyone tell they haven't even changed the name? The Chief of the Cherokee tribe asked them to. That's it. And you're on here crying like the country can't possibly survive this.
Who's crying? I thinks libs like yourself take this crap to far. Find something more important to protest. Why don't find a way to save the Barking Tree Frogs! That's right up your alley.
Who's crying? I thinks libs like yourself take this crap to far. Find something more important to protest. Why don't find a way to save the Barking Tree Frogs! That's right up your alley.

Again I could care less what Jeep decides to name their vehicles. You apparently care a lot since you started a thread to whine about it. And lol at the barking tree frog. No idea what that is. Im sure someone is trying to save them though and there are for sure people like you that are whining about the people trying to save them.
Again I could care less what Jeep decides to name their vehicles. You apparently care a lot since you started a thread to whine about it. And lol at the barking tree frog. No idea what that is. Im sure someone is trying to save them though and there are for sure people like you that are whining about the people trying to save them.
Education is important. You Libs like a cause, save the Barking Tree Frogs! If that doesn't offend
Education is important. You Libs like a cause, save the Barking Tree Frogs! If that doesn't offend

Well it's been real but you're just boring me with the same lines over and over again. Until the next time snowflake.
LOL....what is it you expect us to do? Surely, you have better things to worry about than Uncle Bens Rice or Aunt Jemima Pancake people no? Who gives a shit? It's their brand and they can do WTF they want with those personalities. I could not care less about it. I care about real problems like murdering black people for J walking or choking dudes out for misdemeanors. Not who is on some stupid breakfast box or some damn box or rice.
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