As I had written, Texas has a dergulated energy system that gives consumers a myriad of choices. There were absolutely $1,000+ energy bills in Texas. Those bills were to the Green Weenies that AGREED to CONTRACT's that assured that they were paying only for wind or solar generated power so they could feel good about themselves. Fortunately for them, their AGREED UPON CONTRACTS had a provision that if their chosen power source was not available (no sun and the windmills froze) that the power to their home would then shift to an available source of energy (i.e. FOSSIL FUELS) and they would be charged at the current bid price, which was very high because there was a shortage due to bad weather and too many green weenies.
The green weenies could have chosen to freeze to death (they could have been martyrs!), but they wanted to stay warm and did so by choosing to have more fossil fuels burned and heating the planet. Again having interactive conversation with real people that live in Texas, not listening to hysterical pundits like Coumo, Lemon, Cooper, Todd, etc., i was told that for that month most real people had energy bills of less than $100 that month. Yes, Texas has low energy costs because they drill for lots of natural gas and they use it.
To conclude the $1,000 + bills were exactly what the eco idiots had contractually agreed upon. Now they cry like little girls because their energy unicorn was killed by the reality of the laws of thermodynamics. They are mad they had to spend money to stay warm rather than contributing to the next Beto O'Rourke campaign.