Joe Biden Has a Racism Problem

Obviously Trump is the most racist President we have ever had and for him to call out Biden, a devout Catholic, as a racist is absolutely comical..
Obviously Trump is the most racist President we have ever had and for him to call out Biden, a devout Catholic, as a racist is absolutely comical..

???? The most racially divisive president we have had in modern history is Barak Obama .. clearly. From the mentorship he received from racist anti Semite Reverend Jeremiah Wright .. to his comments when Hillary was running "If you're black and don't vote democrat I will be very disappointed". Biggest problem Trump has had since winning the election .. is Obama and the hit squad that have done everything feasible behind the scenes to try and eliminate an effective transfer of power.
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Obviously Trump is the most racist President we have ever had and for him to call out Biden, a devout Catholic, as a racist is absolutely comical..

A devout Catholic based on what, not his practices or beliefs?
Obviously Trump is the most racist President we have ever had and for him to call out Biden, a devout Catholic, as a racist is absolutely comical..

Never heard of Woodrow Wilson 28th President ( Democrat ). Screened “ Birth of a Nation “ At the WH.
History is usually written by the winners. But that wasn’t the case when The Birth of a Nation was released on February 8, 1915. In just over three hours, D.W. Griffith’s controversial epic film about the Civil War and Reconstruction depicted the Ku Klux Klan as valiant saviors of a post-war South ravaged by Northern carpetbaggers and immoral freed blacks. The film was an instant blockbuster. And with innovative cinematography and a Confederate-skewed point of view, The Birth of a Nation also helped rekindle the KKK.

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