John Burroughs High School Baseball team locked down for over a year finally get the approval to play ball. The boys on the team decide to take a photo in front of the school with permission from their parents. They took the picture in JANUARY WITHOUT MASKS! Pictures were posted on Social Media and in January the school board Superintendent asks that the pictures be taken down and the boys were PUNISHED! They all had to complete an assignment on Covid and Covid protocols. All of them completed the punishment. Now in March the same Superintendent isn't satisfied with the very punishment he handed down so HE HAS SUSPENDED the entire team demanding they complete the Covid protocol assignment again. All the parents and kids have declined.
More LIBERAL STUPIDITY and REATARDATION from the sack of puzzies they are. Some freaking nerve these people!!
More LIBERAL STUPIDITY and REATARDATION from the sack of puzzies they are. Some freaking nerve these people!!