Kyle Rittenhouse Debate

Did not listen to the above yet but I listened to his attorney last night and he should walk.
They where coming after him as a group and the 26 year old
hits him with his stake board (grow up punk) in the head and the
second guy was pointing a gun at him. He shot them both, then was
going back to his group and a mob followed him and was attached by
someone else again that he short
All were in self-defense (cry to yourself if you don't like it).
He only shot the people who directly attached him.
Also he was legally allowed to carry the weapon and did not cross state borders
with it because he did not bring it with him.
Also he was there to protect a friend's father's business which they did.
Innocent. The composure he showed by not shooting the person who came at him but then put his hands up and backed away was pretty incredible actually.
MSM seems to leave out the part that the guy he almost blew arm off was raising gun. Also reported that first incident shots were fired prior to him killing dude. I was watching it on main board people posting from twitter that night. First victim is same big mouth that says to him in earlier confrontation “ shoot me N word “ guess you gotta watch what you ask for. Another good one reporter who interviews him earlier adds to his story he doesn’t seem to handle weapon well. Tell that to clowns with gun , skateboard, big mouth.
I didn’t see anything in the videos that have been released that equates to a murder charge. Looked like self defense to me. Was he in illegal possession of the rifle that is the question and there’s not really anything that says it was illegal according to their state laws as long as he was being supervised by an adult. I’ve heard he was but that is hearsay at this point because I’ve not seen anything factual to back it up. There has also been a ton of lies from the left on this. Calling the kid a white supremacist which I’ve seen no documentation of. I’ve heard he was in a militia. I’ve seen no proof of that either. Lots of accusations on both sides with little to no proof.
Its amazing the compassion you guys seem to have for this little woman beating thug. He's only 17 and has had multiple charges. He's going to prison and will be someones bitch before its all over.
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Its amazing the compassion you guys seem to have for this little woman beating thug. He's only 17 and has had multiple charges. He's going to prison and will be someones bitch before its all over.
So it’s not ok to judge somebody for being a rapist but if he beats a woman it’s ok to judge him? Or is it because one is white & one is black?
I didn’t see anything in the videos that have been released that equates to a murder charge. Looked like self defense to me. Was he in illegal possession of the rifle that is the question and there’s not really anything that says it was illegal according to their state laws as long as he was being supervised by an adult. I’ve heard he was but that is hearsay at this point because I’ve not seen anything factual to back it up. There has also been a ton of lies from the left on this. Calling the kid a white supremacist which I’ve seen no documentation of. I’ve heard he was in a militia. I’ve seen no proof of that either. Lots of accusations on both sides with little to no proof.

Cash what year you graduate from Miami?
Its amazing the compassion you guys seem to have for this little woman beating thug. He's only 17 and has had multiple charges. He's going to prison and will be someones bitch before its all over.
You realize one of the guys he killed was a child molester many offenses. I think he gets off on a majority but he is gonna have some technical issues here and there. That video shows that possibly he put out a fire in a dumpster and was then attacked. The first guy he killed was the guy with a 2 page rap sheet and child molester history.
So it’s not ok to judge somebody for being a rapist but if he beats a woman it’s ok to judge him? Or is it because one is white & one is black?

There goes the POS dirty cop protector again. I have condemned Jacobs on here what are you talking about? I said he deserved to be beat and killed by his victims if the allegations are true.But the police work was bad. You said he had a knife and threatened the cops. If that's the case he should've been shot long before he got that door open. Why let him get another weapon?! I smell bullshit and you keep adding more. So I'll say this one last time. I don't dislike cops. I have cop friends and family members. I respect that they put it on there line daily. I breed and train police,MWDand have donated dogs and decoyed for departments for free. But there's also a problem in America with police brutality. I also believe they're should be more accountability for officers. You and others who put that badge on have the power to take a persons life so yeah i believe you and others should be held to higher standards while on the job. How could you not when you're enforcing the law? Justice cant be justice until its equally for all regardless of color,gender or financial status. The rich shouldn't be able to buy their way out situations. Nor should cops get a pass.If that's the case why are we talking about justice. I believe police need more funding and training. I also believe a independent review board should be able to watch on a cops body camera all arrest. Why you ask? ACCOUNTABILITY that's why. You say you've never met a dirty cop in another thread and that speaks volumes. Unfortunately its negative volumes cause ever department has them. How can they not when these are humans we're talking about.I'm sorry if i believe people who can take a persons life or freedom if they so choose so should be cut from a better cloth. And that bet still stands.
You realize one of the guys he killed was a child molester many offenses. I think he gets off on a majority but he is gonna have some technical issues here and there. That video shows that possibly he put out a fire in a dumpster and was then attacked. The first guy he killed was the guy with a 2 page rap sheet and child molester history.

He shouldn't have been there PERIOD! And i could honestly give 2 shits about the child molester he killed.
He shouldn't have been there PERIOD! And i could honestly give 2 shits about the child molester he killed.
I will agree. I am not into these gun toting protests at all. I think they need to get rid of that freedom quick because so many bad things can happen.
I will agree. I am not into these gun toting protests at all. I think they need to get rid of that freedom quick because so many bad things can happen.

Hell no you dont need to get rid of our freedoms.We've already allowed the 2nd amendment to be altered and its been on a slippery slope ever since.But back to the discussion. He shouldn't have been there unattended and in that situation. I have no issue with him defending himself but he was actively looking for problems. And when i saw the video of him beating girls I could care less about him. If he was black he'd be labeled a thug by the media and crucified. I want harmony and peace in this world and especially America. But until we start treating everyones actions the same we'll never get there. Justice is supposed to be blind but you can bet your ass it in America right now.
There goes the POS dirty cop protector again. I have condemned Jacobs on here what are you talking about? I said he deserved to be beat and killed by his victims if the allegations are true.But the police work was bad. You said he had a knife and threatened the cops. If that's the case he should've been shot long before he got that door open. Why let him get another weapon?! I smell bullshit and you keep adding more. So I'll say this one last time. I don't dislike cops. I have cop friends and family members. I respect that they put it on there line daily. I breed and train police,MWDand have donated dogs and decoyed for departments for free. But there's also a problem in America with police brutality. I also believe they're should be more accountability for officers. You and others who put that badge on have the power to take a persons life so yeah i believe you and others should be held to higher standards while on the job. How could you not when you're enforcing the law? Justice cant be justice until its equally for all regardless of color,gender or financial status. The rich shouldn't be able to buy their way out situations. Nor should cops get a pass.If that's the case why are we talking about justice. I believe police need more funding and training. I also believe a independent review board should be able to watch on a cops body camera all arrest. Why you ask? ACCOUNTABILITY that's why. You say you've never met a dirty cop in another thread and that speaks volumes. Unfortunately its negative volumes cause ever department has them. How can they not when these are humans we're talking about.I'm sorry if i believe people who can take a persons life or freedom if they so choose so should be cut from a better cloth. And that bet still stands.
Here is the bullshit...just listen to the cops and things will be ok...seems as so they don't understand or just don't like authority and do what they want...i have one more question for you...i hear black people sit down and talk about how to handle cops...what do you say or what Was said to you
Here is the bullshit...just listen to the cops and things will be ok...seems as so they don't understand or just don't like authority and do what they want...i have one more question for you...i hear black people sit down and talk about how to handle cops...what do you say or what Was said to you

You are sadly misinformed and ignorant of life for many blacks. I've had a loaded pistol jammed in my stomach by a officer while in cuffs until i almost puked and shit myself. And the whole time he was saying this ni@@er can afford nice gold jewelry and i can't.And i was in cuffs simply because i fit a supposed description of a man they were looking for. I was charged with discharging a firearm which i didn't and when i asked for a gun powder kit to prove i hadn't they laughed. Karen Mills was my attorney and this was in 1998 in pembroke pines.My case was dismissed but i was still out of $2500 bond money and another 4k in lawyers fees.A officer who was a fellow soldier intervened and got in his ass good. But that's where it ended. Cop still kept his job and luckily for him his life. I've complied on another occasion and still was held at gun point after it was proven that i was legit and had no warrants. No badge number was given when i asked for it. I was told i was lucky to be going home alive. You can believe me or not i dont care. But for many black people we're still subjected to police brutality whether we comply or not. And if you're naive enough to believe there are no bad cops who hurt people how can you defend the Oklahoma officer who raped and tortured over a dozen women? There are great officers,that i acknowledge but there are also klansmen and other white supremacist in departments and they abuse people. You have bad black officers who are power hungry as well. My stance has been and will always be all cops should have cameras on at all times while on duty and all arrest should be reviewed. And if its seen a officer is in there wrong hold them accountable. I dont understand why some people on here have a problem with this. It will stop frivolous lawsuits against the good officers and get rid of the bad ones straining public relations between leo and civilians. Every officer I know is in favor of having a camera on at all times while on duty. Go CANES
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