Latest polls.. ouch


Sep 10, 2001
#NEW CNBC/Change Research poll:

Biden 52% (+10)
Trump 42%

Biden 53% (+8)
Trump 45%

Biden 51 (+7)
Trump 44

Biden 50 (4)
Trump 46

Biden 51 (+3)
Trump 48

Biden 50% (+3)
Trump 47%

Biden 49 (2)
Trump 47

LV, 10/29-11/1
#NEW CNBC/Change Research poll:

Biden 52% (+10)
Trump 42%

Biden 53% (+8)
Trump 45%

Biden 51 (+7)
Trump 44

Biden 50 (4)
Trump 46

Biden 51 (+3)
Trump 48

Biden 50% (+3)
Trump 47%

Biden 49 (2)
Trump 47

LV, 10/29-11/1

And if you believe that nonsense I have a piece of land I want to sell you...
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#NEW CNBC/Change Research poll:

Biden 52% (+10)
Trump 42%

Biden 53% (+8)
Trump 45%

Biden 51 (+7)
Trump 44

Biden 50 (4)
Trump 46

Biden 51 (+3)
Trump 48

Biden 50% (+3)
Trump 47%

Biden 49 (2)
Trump 47

LV, 10/29-11/1

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, Politico, NYT, WAPO all believed the same polls in 2016.
Was a circle jerk then and will be proven to be the same circle jerk tomorrow.
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Polls taken by the media and special interests groups mean nothing
They ignore the rallies the organic boat parades the people start up on their own spontaneous massive support.
Where are all the Biden supporters? Maybe in their basement watching cnn and msnbc getting brainwashed.
Trump has 10s off thousands showing up waiting for hrs and some days to see him.
Biden gets 100 people in cars honking horns... smh
Mainstream out of touch with America
Still 4 Yrs later haven’t got it.
America first the flag God and country still matters to majority
Polls taken by the media and special interests groups mean nothing
They ignore the rallies the organic boat parades the people start up on their own spontaneous massive support.
Where are all the Biden supporters? Maybe in their basement watching cnn and msnbc getting brainwashed.
Trump has 10s off thousands showing up waiting for hrs and some days to see him.
Biden gets 100 people in cars honking horns... smh
Mainstream out of touch with America
Still 4 Yrs later haven’t got it.
America first the flag God and country still matters to majority
Biden rallies are intentionally kept small due to pandemic. Trump has 10s of thousands showing up with no social distancing and few masks. His rallies are virus "super spreaders". Tomorrow the majority will get rid of his fat ass!
Polls taken by the media and special interests groups mean nothing
They ignore the rallies the organic boat parades the people start up on their own spontaneous massive support.
Where are all the Biden supporters? Maybe in their basement watching cnn and msnbc getting brainwashed.
Trump has 10s off thousands showing up waiting for hrs and some days to see him.
Biden gets 100 people in cars honking horns... smh
Mainstream out of touch with America
Still 4 Yrs later haven’t got it.
America first the flag God and country still matters to majority
100% Trump has 10's.
Takes millions to win.
Last time the margin was 72k spread over three states. The person with 3 million less votes won, fair and square by 21.3k on average over three states.

Why either side wants to brag at this point is confusing.

Thinking that 10k folks, hell 100k folks going to a parade is indicative of anything ignores the miracle inside straight that was pulled in 2016. Let's not act like it was a royal flush.

Similarly, Dems and actual Republicans (Trumpsters are RINO), don't get to giddy.

You'll all know soon enough. I know what I think will happen but opinions are like azzholes everyone has one and they all stink.
Did you read the analysis he provided 🤓

Serious 🤡 shit there.
Biden rallies are intentionally kept small due to pandemic. Trump has 10s of thousands showing up with no social distancing and few masks. His rallies are virus "super spreaders". Tomorrow the majority will get rid of his fat ass!
Ur posts get dumber by the second
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About 20 minutes ago, there was a live shot of Biden standing on a street in Scranton PA, megaphone in hand, talking to what couldn't have been more than 30 people. The lack of enthusiasm is so obvious that it boggles the mind he could win...
About 20 minutes ago, there was a live shot of Biden standing on a street in Scranton PA, megaphone in hand, talking to what couldn't have been more than 30 people. The lack of enthusiasm is so obvious that it boggles the mind he could win...

It's hard to tell what's real. If you just listen to the media you would think there isnt even a point for Trump supporters to vote...Biden in a landslide. But if you look around with your own eyes Biden seems to have no push. Driving around yesterday I saw hundreds of flag waving Trump supporters, people honking horns. I haven't seen one group like that for Biden. I guess we will find out soon.
It's hard to tell what's real. If you just listen to the media you would think there isnt even a point for Trump supporters to vote...Biden in a landslide. But if you look around with your own eyes Biden seems to have no push. Driving around yesterday I saw hundreds of flag waving Trump supporters, people honking horns. I haven't seen one group like that for Biden. I guess we will find out soon.
I mean, could these polls, with the exception of the Trafalgar polls grb has been posting, be that much off AGAIN?
Pretty funny as soon as Biden’s numbers started trending down the riots stopped... coincidence?
Let’s assume that there were widescale riots spurred by black Americans being angered at yet more black deaths at the hands of law enforcement (Minneapolis, Nashville and Atlanta) and vigilantes (Atlanta). Maybe, just maybe the quelling of these “riots” has more to do with the passage of time since the last “bad apple” cop killing.

I’m pretty sure a google search can provide you a list of unrest that can be coordinated with cop killings. You could probably the. Extrapolate how long “riots” lasted, assuming they were as widespread as claimed.

but that would require intellectual honesty and lately MAGA is bereft. I’ll be glad when (hopefully sooner than later) the GOP rids itself of the anti-intellectual, unsophisticated emotional Trumptastic poison. GOP is supposed to be logic. Trump sells the sizzle and folks feed on it walking right past the steak.
Let’s assume that there were widescale riots spurred by black Americans being angered at yet more black deaths at the hands of law enforcement (Minneapolis, Nashville and Atlanta) and vigilantes (Atlanta). Maybe, just maybe the quelling of these “riots” has more to do with the passage of time since the last “bad apple” cop killing.

I’m pretty sure a google search can provide you a list of unrest that can be coordinated with cop killings. You could probably the. Extrapolate how long “riots” lasted, assuming they were as widespread as claimed.

but that would require intellectual honesty and lately MAGA is bereft. I’ll be glad when (hopefully sooner than later) the GOP rids itself of the anti-intellectual, unsophisticated emotional Trumptastic poison. GOP is supposed to be logic. Trump sells the sizzle and folks feed on it walking right past the steak.

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Biden rallies are intentionally kept small due to pandemic. Trump has 10s of thousands showing up with no social distancing and few masks. His rallies are virus "super spreaders". Tomorrow the majority will get rid of his fat ass!

Media driven narrative , baseless claims...
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#NEW CNBC/Change Research poll:

Biden 52% (+10)
Trump 42%

Biden 53% (+8)
Trump 45%

Biden 51 (+7)
Trump 44

Biden 50 (4)
Trump 46

Biden 51 (+3)
Trump 48

Biden 50% (+3)
Trump 47%

Biden 49 (2)
Trump 47

LV, 10/29-11/1
The big difference between 2020 and 2016 is that all of Hillary’s poll numbers never exceeded 50%..It was always 46-43. Or 48-44..That meant there were a slew of undecideds out there who eventually voted for Trump....The poll numbers now show Biden at or above 50% which is significant...
Let’s assume that there were widescale riots spurred by black Americans being angered at yet more black deaths at the hands of law enforcement (Minneapolis, Nashville and Atlanta) and vigilantes (Atlanta). Maybe, just maybe the quelling of these “riots” has more to do with the passage of time since the last “bad apple” cop killing.

I’m pretty sure a google search can provide you a list of unrest that can be coordinated with cop killings. You could probably the. Extrapolate how long “riots” lasted, assuming they were as widespread as claimed.

but that would require intellectual honesty and lately MAGA is bereft. I’ll be glad when (hopefully sooner than later) the GOP rids itself of the anti-intellectual, unsophisticated emotional Trumptastic poison. GOP is supposed to be logic. Trump sells the sizzle and folks feed on it walking right past the steak.
Why would you think it would be black Americans. It’s mostly been Antifa so far with elements of BLM that are tied in with Antifa. The vast majority of Antifa of whites.
There will be enough margin for Trump to have a mandate to put down the Dem insurrection, prosecute those who ran the Mueller investigation, Investigate Hillary and Biden corruption and even put Obama under Oath. Get your popcorn ready.

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